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The invention of photography was only possible due to the camera obscura effect which produces an upside down image of a scene on the back wall of a box when light is reflected through a tiny hole in the box. The camera obscura effect has... more
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      Camera ObscuraWet Plate CollodionWilliam Henry Fox TalbotGeorge Eastman
From 1848 when the first photographer arrived in Auckland, the photographer’s studio has been a feature of New Zealand towns. This talk about New Zealand photographic studios was first given at the Auckland Central Library in 2014 and... more
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      History of photographyCartes De VisiteDaguerreotypeHistory of Photography in New Zealand
The rise of photography in New Zealand is introduced through the study of surviving daguerreotypes. Analysis of known daguerreotypists and their styles along with detailed study of the sitter’s activities enables the categorisation of... more
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      History of photographyDaguerreotype
This article focuses on Mathew Brady’s attempts to use copyright to protect his photographs. For a time, Brady received so much credit in the press that his name became synonymous with all photographs of the Civil War. This prominence in... more
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      PhotographsPhotographyNineteenth Century StudiesJournalism History
List of Daguerreotype cameras in the Spira Collection
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      History of photographyThe Daguerreotype in 19C AmericaCameraAmerican Daguerreotypes
Es ist der erste Band über die Entstehung meiner Kamerasammlung.
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Chapter relating to the methods employed in colouring daguerreotypes, ambrotypes and ferrotypes (in Italian) with illustrations.
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      The Daguerreotype in 19C AmericaDaguerreotype
L'auteur, Steffen Siegel est professeur de théorie et d’histoire de la photographie à la Folkwang Universität der Künste d’Essen.L’édition originale "1839 Daguerre, Talbot und die Veröffentlichung der Fotografie, Eine Anthologie" .
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      Henry Fox TalbotHistoire De La PhotographieDaguerreotypeDaguerre
In Chapter 1 of How to See the World, (2015) Nicholas Mirzoeff asserts that the ‘selfie’, ‘resonates not because it is new, but because it expresses, develops, expands and intensifies the long history of the self-portrait.’ I explore the... more
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      Critical TheoryPerceptionSelf and IdentityArt Theory
Le premier âge d’or de l’éventail prend fin avec la tourmente révolutionnaire. Les montures en nacre, écaille ou ivoire sculptés disparaissent au profit de brins simples, en bois ou en os, sans décor. Les feuilles en papier gravé semblent... more
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      Women's StudiesFashion HistoryPrints (Art History)Pre-Cinema
»C'est Paris tout entier qui tient dans ces pages, l'immense ville, non pas immobile et froide, mais vivante, saisie sous ses aspects innombrables, avec sa physionomie, son mouvement et son atmosphère«, 1 so formulieren die Verleger den... more
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      Periodical StudiesHistory of photographyPeriodicalsUrban photography
In the wake of the recent surge of interest in the relation between sculpture and photography, the article revisits the photography’s capacity to convey the haptic qualities of sculpted matter. Starting from the logic of supplementarity,... more
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      PhotographyRoland BarthesSculptureJohann Gottfried Herder
Mezi nejznámější fotografie v českých sbírkách patří bezesporu tzv. Kynžvartská daguerrotypie – vyobrazení zátiší, které obdržel kníže Klemens von Metternich-Winneburg darem od Louise J. M. Daguerra v létě 1839. Méně známé jsou však další... more
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      History of CollectionsAristocracy19th Century PhotographyDaguerreotype
An account of early photographic authorship, which draws on the legal prosecutions conducted by the British patentee for the Daguerreotype patent, Richard Beard. The essay engages debates on intellectual property rights and argues that,... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyArt HistoryIntellectual PropertyHistory of Capitalism
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      IconographyHistory of IdeasPolar StudiesHistorical Films
Si l'on jette un regard d'ensemble sur le théâtre du XIX e siècle, on est frappé par son évolution vigoureuse et de plus en plus rapide, qui a mené des dernières survivances d'une forme dramatique hautement codifiée, la tragédie, au drame... more
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      Theatre HistoryLiterature and cinemaEmile ZolaVictor Hugo
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      Photography19th century FranceHistory of photographyDaguerreotype
The daguerreotype camera in the Royal Museum of Physics and Natural History of Florence was purchased in autumn 1839, shortly after the Italian physicist Tito Puliti had made the first Italian experiments with the new process. Built by... more
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      History of photographyDaguerreotypeMuseo Galileo Florence
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      HistoryFOTOGRAPHYAlbuminWet Plate Collodion
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      HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory of photographyFrance
Rapporti a diversi livelli tra origine della fotografia e pittura.

Relationships at different levels between the origin of photography and painting.
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      Visual StudiesPhotographySTORIA DELL'ARTEStoria Della Fotografia
Il Pittorialismo, il primo movimento fotografico che aprirà le porte allo sviluppo della fotografia, le tecniche fotografiche più diffuse e la vita dell'uomo più importante del XIX secolo, Gustave Le Gray.
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      PhotographyHeliophysicsContemporary ArtPictorialism
Uno de los proyectos que afronta actualmente el grupo Fotodoc de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, es el estudio del fondo fotográfico del Instituto Valencia de Don Juan (Madrid), en el... more
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      Documentary PhotographyHistory of photographyDocumentaciónHistoria de la fotografía
The introduction of electrotyping (also galvanoplasty), daguerreotypes and photography mark the point of no return of a historic revolution resulting from the acceleration of the image reproduction process. However, this radical change... more
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      Print CultureArt HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesNineteenth-century Art
The few remaining daguerreotypes by Daguerre himself that have survived for the last 175 years can be divided into three groups: still-lifes, cityscapes, and portraits. His second series of views of Paris attracted particular interest in... more
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      Visual SociologyVisual StudiesMedia StudiesPhotography
Solo qualche numero.
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      Wet Plate CollodionCalotypesHistory and Theory of PhotographyDaguerreotype
In book five of the Mémoires d’outre- tombe Chateaubriand recalls Marie-Antoinette, superimposing the memory of her smile with that of her skull exhumed in 1815. Starting with this hallucinatory overlay (smiling woman / grimacing skull)... more
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      PortraitureMemory StudiesFrançois-René de ChateaubriandPhantasmagoria
Transcription about daguerreotype process, and history facts about this invention extracted by the video below:
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      PhotographyPhotography TheoryHistory of photographyDaguerreotype
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      Art HistoryPhotographyHistoriographyHistory of photography
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      PhotographyThe Materiality of the Photographic ImageHistoria de la fotografía19th Century Photography
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesContemporary ArtHistory of ScienceNineteenth Century British History and Culture
Članak rekapitulira postojeće i donosi brojne nove podatke o dagerotipijskoj djelatnosti u Zagrebu sredinom devetnaestoga stoljeća. Slijedom napisa objavljenih u onodobnim novinama rekonstruira se ozračje dolaska novoga izuma u Zagreb... more
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      PhotographyHistory of photographyHistorical Photographic ProcessesNineteenth Century Photography
Cet ouvrage a été conçu à l'occasion de l'exposition « Voyages en Égypte. Des Normands au pays des pharaons au xix e siècle », présentée au musée de Normandie à Caen du 23 juin 2017 au 7 janvier 2018.
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      EgyptologyEgyptHistory of photographyCalotypes
La mort en surimpression dans Mémoires d'outre-tombe Dominique Jullien In book fi ve of the Mémoires d'outre-tombe Chateaubriand recalls Marie-Antoinette, superimposing the memory of her smile with that of her skull exhumed in 1815.... more
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      PortraitureMemory StudiesLiterary studiesFrançois-René de Chateaubriand
RESUMO Neste ensaio, a pesquisadora Marina Feldhues prossegue na discussão sobre os usos iniciais da Fotografia a serviço da dominação colonial, no século XIX; desta vez, analisa o desenvolvimento do racismo científico nas ciências... more
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      ColonialismRacismoRacismo y discriminaciónFotografia
Prezentare scurta asupra procedeului fotografic Ambrotipie (colodiu umed).
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      Wet Plate CollodionAmbrotypeDaguerreotype
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      American PhotographyMormon HistoryMormon studiesPolygamy
Este artículo explora la nostalgia posrevolucionaria por un México decimonónico reinventado en los 1930, en particular desde la perspectiva de Enrique Fernández Ledesma. Textos, fotografías e ilustraciones sirven a este bibliófilo para... more
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      Mexican StudiesMexican LiteratureNostalgiaMexican History
The National Technical Museum’s collection in Prague contains a most remarkable daguerreotype, whose importance extends beyond the borders of Central Europe. It is a daguerreotype photomicrograph of a section of a plant, which has been... more
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      MicroscopyScientific photographyVienna19th Century Photography
The pioneering work of historians such as Robert Taft, William Welling and Bill Frassanito has contributed to more than just the history of photography as a medium. It has helped establish the photograph as a valuable primary source on... more
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      HistoryPhotographyCopyrightCopyright (Law)
This paper considers the role of macroalgae (seaweed) in the mid-19c Daguerreotype process and subsequent technical developments in chemical photography. Since antiquity, seaweed has been used as an important supplement to human... more
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      OceanographyMedia StudiesMedia ArchaeologySeaweeds
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      Visual StudiesPhotographyVisual CultureHistory of Science
Serge Kakou a écrit une histoire de la photographie en Nouvelle-Calédonie au XIXe siècle fondée sur plus de vingt-cinq années recherches fouillées. Du père André Chapuy—l'un des premiers missionnaires et Européens dans l'archipel arrivé... more
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      Missionary HistoryNew CaledoniaHistory of photographyFrench Colonial History
New details about about two daguerreotypists, who played important role in the history of photography in Lithuania, are presented. One of them, Francois Marcillac (1817-1876) made the first daguerreotype in Lithuania in 1839, while... more
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      History of photographyLithuanian HistoryDaguerreotype
Este artículo propone una reflexión sobre la historiografía de la fotografía decimonónica como empezó a realizarse en el siglo XX.  Aborda dos libros de Enrique Fernández Ledesma para analizar las formas de representación textual y visual... more
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      PhotographyMexican StudiesHistoriographyMexican Literature
This article considers the daguerreotype and electricity as the key driving forces in the early histories of photography and photomechanical reproduction. Drawing on three examples – daguerreotype electrotypes, galvanically etched... more
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      ReproductionHistory of photography19th Century PhotographyGalvanoplastie
Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) has been used for cultural heritage documentation after its first publication by Tom Malzbender in 2001. The technique allows us to record 3D surface reflectance properties and visualise them as 2D... more
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      Computational PhotographyReflectance Transformation ImagingRTIEstonian archaeology
This article examines the role of photography in the Year of Revolution and the place this topic holds in historiography. Unlike many historical disciplines which perceive 1848 as a turning point in the nineteenth century, the history of... more
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      Visual CultureReproductionCostume and IdentityBohemia
The daguerreotype by an unknown artist depicting the two elder daughters of painter Miklós Barabás, Henriette and Ilona, was probably made in the first half of the 1850s. The two girls sit in half profile, holding each other’s hands. They... more
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    • Daguerreotype