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This research examines the relationship between indi- viduals’ levels of life satisfaction and their associative networks of happiness. Study 1 measured European Americans’ degree of false memory of happiness using the... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial Psychology
Online games need security as they are more popular than story mode games especially multiplayer shooting games. Security in Gaming or Cyber Security in Gaming is a way of securing and avoiding piracy in gaming. It provides various... more
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      Network SecurityGamingMusic Industry PiracyDoom metal
f a b i o b r a v o . i t Fabio Bravo DRM, CONTRATTAZIONE TELEMATICA E CONTRATTAZIONE CIBERNETICA MEDIANTE AGENTI SOFTWARE NELLA DISTRIBUZIONE B2C e-book 2 . © 2006-2009 Fabio Bravo -L'Autore, che è titolare dei diritti esclusivi,... more
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      Digital Rights ManagementDRMOrdine Di DistribuzioneE-Commerce
This paper is based on a post-graduate thesis which received an A at the Institute for Adult Education (VOX) spring 2004 and looks at which measures can be facilitated such that the teaching principle of motivation is optimized during... more
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      Student Motivation And EngagementOnline LearningMotivationDRM
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Power Point Music
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    • DRM
This paper is based on a post-graduate thesis which received an A at the Institute for Adult Education (VOX) spring 2004 and looks at which measures can be facilitated such that the teaching principle of motivation is optimized during... more
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      Online LearningMotivationDesign principles for technology-based learning environmentsDRM
In 2007, France created the Regulatory Authority for Technical Measures (l’Autorité de Régulation des Mesures Techniques or ARMT), an independent regulatory agency charged with promoting the interoperability of digital media distributed... more
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Piracy and copyright protection is a major issue among the music owners and publishers. Major improvements in digital and internet technologies have made the illegal production, storage and distribution of the digital multimedia files... more
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      Audio Signal ProcessingDFTDWTWatermarks
With the rapid growth of the Internet, acquiring digital contents over the Internet has become commonplace. Most traditional items can be translated into digital form. That is to say the digital contents can be distributed easily and... more
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      EncryptionDigital ContentDigital Rights Management (DRM)Piracy
Piracy of digital content is considered a serious problem by content companies. Digital Rights Management is considered a potential solution to this problem. In this paper we study to what degree DRM can live up to this expectation. We... more
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      Digital ContentDigital Rights ManagementContent ProtectionDRM
For citation: Varlamov O.V. The radio noise effect on the coverage area of drm broadcast transmitter in different regions // T-Comm. 2015. No.2. Рр. 90-93. Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) is universal, openly standardised digital... more
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      Russian StudiesMediaDigital Radio MondialeDRM
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      CMSCloud ComputingAnalyticsHardware
The focus of this essay is to examine the market for copyrighted works with a particular emphasis on the sound recording market. This market is currently in a state of flux, some would say disarray, due to the ability of the Internet to... more
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      MusicEconomicsEconometricsIntellectual Property
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      CopyrightDigital CopyrightDigital Rights Management (DRM)DRM
We present a DRM-preserving content redistribution scheme, based on the NPGCT scheme, that provides fairness in unsupervised exchanges. The proposed scheme is formally specified, verified and shown to achieve its design goals. The NPGCT... more
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      PsychologyCoding TheoryComputer ScienceInformation Security
Background and objectives: Regards of water scarcity, inappropriate distribution of precipitation, implementation and development of projects in water resource fields such as dam construction and inter-basin water convenience is... more
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In this paper we present a new invisible robust non blind watermarking scheme. The proposed scheme embeds the monochrome (logo) watermark into the high and middle {HL, LH, HH} frequency bands of luminance channel of the color image. The... more
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      Image ProcessingWatermarkingDWTColor Image
This piece outlines a few brief arguments against the inclusion of ebooks with DRM restrictions in libraries. These arguments center upon what the presence of these ebooks signifies to patrons about libraries today, and how librarians... more
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      Digital Rights Management (DRM)LibrarieseBooks, Reading & LibrariesDRM