Recent papers in Cyzicus
Les monnaies grecques ont de tout temps été considérées comme les plus belles monnaies jamais produites. Evoquant Goethe, José Maria de Hérédia ou le Président Theodore Roosevelt, cette conférence s’interroge sur les raisons qui fondent... more
This chapter provides a selective review of the numismatic evidence from the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic periods in Thrace, offering a point of departure for future study. The main denominations and issuing authorities of coins,... more
Among all the hoards consisting the ceremonial akinakai, defining swords and daggers of Iranian origin), the assemblage of items discovered in 1882 near the Vettersfelde village (Poland) is the most reliable. Judging by the plots... more
This article features a full die-study of the series of electrum hectae hitherto attributed to Erythrae in Ionia. Based on various evidence, the series is re-attributed to Heraclea Pontica in Bithynia and dated to c. 530–495 (earlier... more
XIV Volum dedicat lui Victor-Henrich Baumann la a 75-a aniversare 2016 INSTITUTUL DE CERCETĂRI ECO-MUZEALE "GAVRILĂ SIMION" Muzeul de Istorie şi Arheologie P E U C E SERIE NOUĂ XIV STUDII ŞI CERCETĂRI DE ISTORIE ŞI ARHEOLOGIE Volum... more
In 1964, the remains of a large house were discovered in the Israeli city of Beth-Shean/ Beth-Shan (also known as Scythopolis). Once excavated, the mid-5th century CE house was found to contain many interesting artifacts, but none as... more
THE COINS FOUND AT THE EXCAVATIONS OF AMASYA - OLUZ HÖYÜK BETWEEN 2009-2013. Oluz Höyük (Yassı Höyük - Tepetarla Höyüğü) is located on the western part of the city Amasya which is in the central Black Sea Region of Turkey. The mound lies... more
Toute lacunaire qu'elle demeure 2 , l'histoire de Cyzique à l'époque de l'hégémonie romaine laisse entrevoir certains éléments de continuité. En dépit de la forte activité sismique du Nord de l'Asie Mineure, dont on sait qu'elle affecta... more
Su una moneta in elettro coniata a Cizico nella seconda metà del V secolo a.C., apparsa da poco sul mercato collezionistico, è raffigurato un uomo in armi, probabilmente un generale che tiene un discorso alle sue truppe (adlocutio). In... more
The study is on the phiale with the medallion from Tomb No. 2 in the Mogilanska Mogila tumulus, placed in the context of the three cups bearing inscriptions from the same find. In the museum in the town of Vratsa there is an instrument... more
Among all the hoards consisting the ceremonial akinakai the assemblage of items discovered in 1882 near the Vettersfelde village is the most reliable. It contained richly decorated golden objects in conventional geometric and animal... more
VOTIVE RELIEF OF THREE GRACES (CHARITES) IN BANDIRMA ARCHEOLOGICAL MUSEUM ın this study, the votive relief which was found in an old bulding near Ormanlı Village, Kapıdağ Peninsula in 1949, and is exhibited now in Bandırma Archeological... more
Cette étude d'une épigramme de Cyzique, conservée par l'Anthologie Palatine, s'interroge tout d'abord sur le lieu d'exposition de la pierre, à Cyzique ou à Delphes, avant d'étudier plus avant les informations qu'elle contient. Il apparaît... more
Zusammenfassung Auf den Vorderseiten kyzikenischer Elektronstatere und -hekten erscheint – mit ziemlicher Sicherheit irgendwann in der 2. Hälfte des 5. Jhdts. v. Chr. – ein Münzbild, das von zahlreichen Gelehrten immer wieder in der... more
In order to control the coherency of the many statistical methods which have been put forward to estimate the original number of (obverse) dies, we have checked on different samples (coinages) the results at different times during the... more
Among a few archival notes we have discovered a photo of a bronze coin minted in Istros, as we can tell from the image, on the reverse, of an eagle standing on a dolphin. Unfortunately, there are no technical specifications or any... more
Çalışmamızda, Mysia Bölgesi içinde yer alan ve bölgenin önde gelen antik kentlerinden biri olan Kyzikos’tan, Roma Dönemi’ne ait lahitten çıkarılan malzemelerin tanıtılması, yapım teknikleri, dönem örnekleri arasındaki yeri ve varsa farklı... more
MÖ V. yüzyıl Persler ve Hellenler arasında bir dizi savaşlara sahne olmuştur. Perslerin Küçük Asia ve Hellas'ı ele geçirme teşebbüslerine bağlı olarak bu girişimleri engellemek amacıyla Hellespontos, Adalar, Ionia, Karia ve Thrakia... more
Marktgewichte gehören zu den kleinformatigen Objekten des alltäglichen Lebens, die beim Handel auf der Agora, in den Läden usw. zum Abwiegen von (trockenen) Waren benötigt wurden. Tausende von ihnen wurden in den griechischen Poleis rund... more
This is the original Powerpoint of the lecture presented in the grand auditorium Springer of the Israel Museum on Tuesday 26th June 2012, as a general introduction before the opening of the exhibition « White Gold » (see now the paper... more
PHASELIS: Disiplinlerarası Akdeniz Araştırmaları Dergisi'nde bulunan içeriklerin tümü kullanıcılara açık, serbestçe/ücretsiz "açık erişimli" bir dergidir. Kullanıcılar, yayıncıdan ve yazar(lar)dan izin almaksızın, dergideki makaleleri tam... more
"Greek coins have always been praised as the most beautiful coins ever produced (along with Italian Renaissance medals). After evoking Goethe, José Maria de Heredia or President Theodore Roosevelt, this lecture explores which are the... more
Eine Stadt als Bühne der Selbstinszenierung. Augustus' (im)mobile Bespielung Roms Alexander Braun (Universität Köln) Schau Augustus (?). Visuelle Kommunikation und politische Umwälzungen auf dem Forum Romanum zwischen der späten Republik... more
Su una moneta in elettro coniata a Cizico nella seconda metà del V secolo a.C., apparsa da poco sul mercato collezionistico, è raffigurato un uomo in armi, probabilmente un generale che tiene un discorso alle sue truppe (adlocutio). In un... more
frappe de l'argent à Athènes au début du iv e siècle av. J.-C. : l'apport du décret IG II 2 1237 137 Thomas LEBLANC Poids et mesures en Propontide hellénistique : le cas de Cyzique 143 Nicolas LAURIOL Réflexions sur la représentation des... more
В сборник входят тезисы докладов и сообщений Двадцать первой Всероссийской нумизматической конференции (Тверь, 24-29 мая 2021 г.). Они посвящены актуальным вопросам нумизматики всех исторических периодов, бонистике, медальерному... more
Four women, indisputably linked through kinship, became actively intertwined through their origin and dynastic marriages, in the network of political life along the Black Sea coast: the Bosporan Kingdom, Thrace and the Pontus. Pythodoris... more
The coinage of Cyzicus described by Kurt Regling as the most interesting of all times and places and certainly the most fascinating of all Greek coinages for art historians, is much in need of modern research. The purpose of this paper is... more