Current Research Information Systems
Recent papers in Current Research Information Systems
Collecting, integrating, storing and analyzing data in a database system is nothing new in itself. To introduce a current research information system (CRIS) means that scientific institutions must provide the required information on their... more
In recent years, research information systems (RIS) have become an integral part of the university’s IT landscape. At the same time, many universities and research institutions are still working on the implementation of such information... more
The success or failure of a RIS in a scientific institution is largely related to the quality of the data available as a basis for the RIS applications. The most beautiful Business Intelligence (BI) tools (reporting, etc.) are worthless... more
Data quality has been considerably faced with more attention in recent years. While improving the quality of any type of information system needs to apply data quality dimensions, this process is a strategic decision of any organization.... more
With the steady increase in the number of data sources to be stored and processed by higher education and research institutions, it has become necessary to develop Research Information Systems, which will store this research information... more
The use of research information systems (RIS) depends to a large extent on the quality of the data recorded there. Scientifically proven methods and procedures are required to efficiently ensure high data quality. This paper proposes a... more
Gli institutional repositories, strumenti di raccolta delle pubblicazioni accademiche gestiti dagli atenei, sono utilizzati in Italia sia con finalità di monitoraggio e valutazione delle ricerche, sia come base per diffondere materiale... more
Die Abbildung von Forschungsinformationen wird heute vermehrt durch den Einsatz von Forschungsinformationssystemen (FIS) unterstützt. Um Fehler in den Datenquellen beim Import ins FIS frühzeitig zu entdecken, zu korrigieren und zu... more
Current research information systems (CRIS) and institutional repositories (IR) were developed as clearly distinguished systems, with different objectives and functionalities, standards and data models, and for different needs and user... more
In the implementation and use of research information systems (RIS) in scientific institutions, text data mining and semantic technologies are a key technology for the meaningful use of large amounts of data. It is not the collection of... more
Research infrastructures (RI) offer researchers a multitude of research opportunities and services and play a key role in the performance, innovative strength, and international competitiveness of science. As an important part of the... more
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the existing Croatian research information infrastructure and to outline a new model of the Croatian Current Research Information System (CroRIS), required for the systematical monitoring and... more
The implementation of research information systems at German universities and research institutions is currently a topical subject. With their help, the documentation and reporting of the research activities of the respective institution... more
Purpose/Thesis: The aim of this paper is to discuss the mutual relationship between open science and theory and practice in RIM (Research Information Management), especially apparent in CRISs (Current Research Information Systems), with... more
The collection, transfer and integration of research information into different research information systems can result in different data errors that can have a variety of negative effects on data quality. In order to detect errors at an... more
18 pages.-- Presentation delivered within ICOA 2018 Session II: "Aspects technologiques de l’Open Access / Technological Aspects of Open Access"
The purpose of this paper is to analyze how current research information systems (CRIS) take into account ethical issues, especially in the environment of open science. The analysis is based on a review of the literature on research... more
To provide scientific institutions with comprehensive and well-maintained documentation of their research information in a current research information system (CRIS), they have the best prerequisites for the implementation of text and... more
For the permanent establishment and use of a RIS in universities and academic institutions, it is absolutely necessary to ensure the quality of the research information, so that the stakeholders of the science system can make an adequate... more
This is the English translation of a position paper published by the German DINI Working Group on Research Information Systems (DINI AG FIS) in 2015.