Continental Slope
Recent papers in Continental Slope
The Nile deep turbiditic system displays many fluid-releasing structures on the seabed: mud volcanoes reassembling small cones (100 -900 m in diameter), mud pies (5 km in diameter), and pockmarks. The cones are restricted to the western... more
For the first time it was possible to investigate a still poorly known region of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, the Libyan continental margin. An oceanographic cruise, performed during summer 2006, revealed an important and novel feature:... more
The Gulf of Lions is one of the main anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) spawning areas in the NW Mediterranean. During the spring, low-salinity surface water from the outflow of the Rhône is advected by the shelf-slope current along the... more
A hybrid method, coupling a ray tracing method and a finite difference approach, is proposed for modelling T-wave propagation from an underwater source to an on-land seismic station. The long-range hydroacoustic wavefield, estimated in... more
The distribution of nepheloid layers across the outer shelf and upper continental slope off Namibia was studied during a cruise with R.V. Meteor in late austral summer 2003. Optical measurements, carried out with a transmissometer and a... more
We describe a new micro-scale method of measuring the penetration resistance of the sur"cial layers of slope and abyssal plain sediments within and below the OMZ on the Oman continental slope. The micro-scale load resistance penetrometer... more
The surficial sediments from the upper continental slope of the eastern Arabian Sea, impinged by the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ, 150-1200 m water depth), show varying concentrations of the biogenic element phosphorus (P, 0.1-0.2%) in the... more
The relationship between mesoscale hydrodynamics and the distribution of large particulate matter (LPM, particles larger than 200 Am) in the first 1000 m of the Western Mediterranean basin was studied with a microprocessor-driven... more
Efforts to understand and preserve the seep communities of the deep Gulf of Mexico (GOM) begin with a comprehensive survey of the biodiversity of these communities. Previous studies have provided a conceptual model of the physiology,... more
Seismic inversion is used to estimate detailed seismic and rock properties, such as acoustic impedance and porosity, from seismic data. The method is widely used and proven successful by the petroleum industry, but has hitherto not been... more
The Eclogite Zone of the central-southern Tauern Window comprises eclogites and associated high-pressure metasediments that are intercalated between Penninic basement units in the foot-wall and an imbricate stack in the hanging-wall. This... more
Marine methane vents and cold seeps are common features along continental margins worldwide, serving as localized sites for methane release and colonization by microbial and chemosynthetic megafaunal communities. The Eel River Basin... more
R&mm6 -L..e Pmt&ozoique sqkieur (PII) d'hniter comporte une grande proportion de depots turbiditiques graywackeux qui s'organisent en cones sous-marins profonds. I1 s'agit de d&p&s de bas de talus dans un bassin en distension, pr&Alant... more
In this paper new and previously published data on the Pleistocene glacial impact on the NW European margin from Ireland to Svalbard (between c. 488N-808N) are compiled. The morphology of the glaciated part of the European margin strongly... more
The present paper is mostly a synthesis of work conducted on the continental margin of the Gulf of Ca´diz using a broad database collected by several cruises and projects supported by the Spanish Research Council and the NRL and Naval... more
A thick sequence of mafic-ultramafic rocks, occurs along a major shear zone (Phulad lineament), running across the length of Aravalli Mountain Range for about 300 kms. It has been suggested, that this sequence may represent a fragment of... more
Geological features supporting cold-water coral habitat in Atlantic Canada are reviewed and exemplified using qualitative field observations from the Scotian margin and Southwest Grand Banks, Newfoundland, in the context of regional... more
Holocene and slightly pre-Holocene submarine landslide are found both in high-latitude glacial-dominated margins and in lower latitude, river-dominated margins. This paper constitutes a major assessment on some of the best-studied... more
The royal crab Chaceon ramosae is one of the three species of deep-sea crabs currently exploited in Brazil. The royal crab fishery started in 2001 with foreign vessels that were extensively monitored by observers and tracked by satellite.... more
High-resolution seismic data have been used to study the ice-stream-fed North Sea Fan, deposited from approximately Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12 and onwards. Located at the outlet of the Norwegian Channel on the SE Nordic Seas... more
Many seamounts world-wide exhibit features that suggest they were once islands. Rodriguez and San Juan Seamounts and Northeast Bank, within 250 km of the continental margin of the western US, were explored with the ROV Tiburon and found... more
A seismic stratigraphy study was conducted to develop a stratigraphic framework for Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments in the Ganal area, Makassar Strait, Indonesia. The study area, physiographically located in the continental slope of the... more
A review of zooplankton studies conducted in Peruvian marine waters is given. After a short history of the development of zooplankton research off Peru, we review zooplankton methodology, taxonomy, biodiversity, spatial distribution,... more
Palabras clave: Anomura, Galatheidae, Chirostylidae, Neotrópico, Langostillas.
Throughout Earth history, almost all preserved organic matter has been incorporated in marine sediments deposited under oxygenated waters along continental margins. Given modem oceanic productivity and sediment burial rates of 50 X 1Or5... more
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Planktonic foraminifera and coccoliths were analyzed from six gravity cores obtained on a deep terrace located on the upper continental slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, between 400 and 700 m water depth. The lithology of these cores consists... more
In the framework of the Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VME) of the High Seas of the South West Atlantic, large areas of the Argentine Continental Margin (ACM) between 44º30'S and 48ºS have been swath-mapped for the first time, obtaining... more
Integrated geological and geophysical explorations over the last two decades along the central western continental margin of India reveal, from east to west, a terrace-like flat shelf, an advancing shelf break, a NW-SE-oriented wide shelf... more
Several gas seeps and near-surface gas hydrate deposits have been identified in 850-900-m water depth on the continental slope offshore Batumi, Georgia (eastern Black Sea) using deep-towed high-resolution sidescan sonar data. The seeps... more
Gravity driven mass-flow deposits proven by sedimentary and digital echosounder data are indicative for prevailing dynamic sedimentary conditions along the continental margin of the western Argentine Basin. In this study we present... more
Analysis of the multi-channel seismic reflection, magnetic and bathymetric data collected along a transect, 1110 km long parallel to 13° N latitude across the Bay of Bengal was made. The transect is from the continental shelf off Madras... more
Deep slope currents and particulate matter concentrations were studied on the Barcelona continental margin in and around the Foix submarine canyon from May 1993 to April 1994. This year-long moored experiment revealed that near-bottom... more
The neotectonic map of Syria, 1:500,000, was compiled by the authors in [2003][2004]. The map shows tectonic features formed or continued to develop during the Neogene and Quaternary in Syria and adjacent territories, including the... more
The Keathley Canyon DOE/JIP drill sites are located along the southeastern edge of an intraslope minibasin, the Casey Basin, in the northern Gulf of Mexico at 1,335 m water depth. A grid of 2D high-resolution multichannel seismic lines... more