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      GeophysicsFault DetectionGeophysical SurveyGeophysical Prospecting
The storage of large volumes of industrial CO 2 emissions in deep geological formations is one of the most promising climate mitigation options. The long-term retention time and environmental safety of the CO 2 storage are defined by the... more
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      ThermodynamicsCarbon DioxidePower PlantGeophysical Survey
As part of ongoing research into the early medieval sculptural heritage of the Cheshire region, Joanne Kirton and Dr Meggen Gondek of the University of Chester conducted resistivity survey in two fields surrounding St Edith’s Church,... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval Sculpture (Archaeology)Church Archaeology
Anomalies in self potential (SP) are usually explained in terms of geochemical activity. However, there are other sources of current which cause complications in the interpretation. In particular, DC telluric currents can be generated... more
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      GeophysicsGeophysical SurveyGeophysical ProspectingNetwork Theory
Reports of gas leakage started coming since the beginning of 2012 from different localities in the Deohal area near the oil township Duliajan, Assam (India). The source was located in a gas reservoir in the Palaeogene sediments (Barail... more
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      GeologyTectonicsGeophysical SurveyGeophysics: Electrical
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental GeologyGround Penetrating RadarLow Frequency
Recent studies on the Uganda geothermal systems have focused on three geothermal prospects, Katwe, Buranga and Kibiro, all located in the tectonically active and Recent volcanic belt in the Western Rift valley along the border of Uganda... more
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      GeologyEnergy ConsumptionAlternative EnergyDemocratic Republic of Congo
Geophysical imaging methods provide solutions to a wide range of environmental and engineering problems: protection of soil and groundwater from contamination; safe disposal of chemical and nuclear waste; geotechnical site testing for... more
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      GeographyGeophysical SurveyData acquisitionNuclear Waste
We present an integrated study of subsurface and surficial karst landforms to unravel the uplift history of karst landscape in a tectonically-active area. To this end, we apply a multidisciplinary approach by combining cave geomorphology... more
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      Geomorphology and Active tectonicsCarbonate SedimentologyGeophysical SurveyCave and Karst Studies
An integrated interpretation was made of data, from ground penetrating radar (GPR), seismic refraction and seismic transmission tomography, collected inside the catchment tunnels of a potable water source in central Italy.
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      GeophysicsGround Penetrating RadarWater PollutionGeophysical Survey
Computerized evaluation of Vibroseis similarity test data is the logical consequence of the increasing quality requirements for signal reproducibility and for synchronization of vibrators. The differences in start time and phase as well... more
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Hyderabad is the 5 largest city in India. It has twin cities Viz., Hyderabad and Secunderabad with its suburbs extending up to 16 miles. The core cities, together with its nine surrounding municipalities are covering an area of 500 square... more
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      ConcreteGeophysical SurveyEnvironmental IssuesGround Water
Constructive design on inhomogeneous ground often faces geotechnical problems, particularly under ongoing karst processes, namely subsidence or collapses. Careful analysis of this kind of problems by means of different techniques,... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeotechnical EngineeringUrban PlanningEngineering Geology
The paper presents the preliminary results of an integrated multidiscipliary research project concerning the urban area of the modern Durres (ancient Dyrrachium). Here a joint Italian and Albanian researcher are starting preliminary... more
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      Geophysical SurveyDyrrachiumDurrestopografia Dyrrachium
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      Geophysical SurveyNorth SeaIce Sheets
This article provides a summary of the research carried out in recent years at the archaeological site of Santa Comba (Covas, Ferrol, NW Iberian Peninsula). Located on three small islands that originally made up a peninsula, the main... more
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      LiDARIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)RomanisationIron Age
Traditional electrode arrays such Wenner-Schlumberger or dipole-dipole are still widely used thanks to their well-known properties but the array configurations are generally not optimized for multi-channel resistivity measures. Synthetic... more
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      Geophysical Survey2D Electrical resistivity surveyElectrical Resistance Tomography in Near SurfacesGeophysical prospection optimization in geological prospecting
Spatial technology is integral to how archaeologists collect, store, analyze, and represent information in digital data sets. Recent advances have improved our ability to look for and identify archaeological remains and have increased the... more
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      ArchaeologyInformation TechnologyRemote SensingSpatial Analysis
Electromagnetic (EM) profi ling and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) studies were carried out for groundwater exploration in the Twifo-Hemang Lower Denkyira Districts of Ghana. These two geophysical methods were used for exploring the... more
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      GeophysicsHydrogeologyExploration (Geophysics)Exploration Geophysics
Numerous studies have proved the connection between low-amplitude local anomalies of gravity and magnetic field with oil and gas deposits in both platform and geosynclinal areas. In theoretical and experimental studies, gravity and... more
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      GeophysicsCase StudiesOil and gasExploration Geophysics
A r c h a e o l o g i c a l R e v i e w f r o m C a m b r i d g e | 2 8 . 2 | 2 0 1 3 | 1 9 5 -2 2 5
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      GeoarchaeologyArchaeological GeophysicsGeophysical Survey
Combinations of hydrogeological and geophysical data are increasingly used in hydrogeological site characterization. Although a wide range of methods to combine hydrogeological and geophysical data are presented in the literature, most... more
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      Parameter estimationGeophysical SurveyCase StudySpatial Distribution
In this article, we present the most significant results of the Monte Albán Geophysical Archaeology Project. Using groundpenetrating radar, gradiometry, and electrical resistance, we carried out a systematic survey of the site's Main... more
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      ArchaeologyGround Penetrating Radar (GPR)Urbanism (Archaeology)Mesoamerican Archaeology
The research in former Biała Poduchowna (currently Janów Lubelski and Biała Druga) in 2020 was undertaken on the initiative of the Historic Preservation Officer of the Lublin Province in connection with the planned construction of the... more
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      HistoryGeophysical SurveyArchaeology, Historical Arcaeology, Medieval Archaeology
The National Geotechnical Experimentation Site at Opelika, Alabama is underlain by residual silts and sands derived from the weathering of schist and gneiss of the Piedmont Geologic Province. Site characterization by in-situ tests has... more
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      Geophysical SurveyIn Situ TestsIndexationLaboratory Tests
The Sudanese rift structures form intracontinental basins, bordered on all sides by anorogenic terrain. These basins are seen as the result of a multistructural system of rifts which appear to have been activated several times since the... more
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      Sedimentary BasinsGeophysical SurveyGround WaterAge Groups
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyGeophysicsStructural Geology
1. the migmatite-gneiss complex (fig. 2), 2. the shist belt (metasediments and metavolcanic rocks) 3. the older granite / the Pan African Granitoids 4. unmetamorphosed minor acid and basic rocks / intrusions. The migmatitie-gneiss complex... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsStructural GeologyEconomic Geology
甘肃省洮河流域的齐家坪遗址是齐家文化的一处大型聚落。此次通过一系列地表调查、地球物理探测、数字测绘、采集遗物分析和针对性的试掘,对这座遗址的结构和内涵有了更加全面的认识,揭露了这座早期青铜时代遗址的复杂性。初步结果显示,齐家坪遗址有明显的分区规划,可分为生活居住区、公共墓地和制陶手工业区域。而且在生活居住区的中心也有墓葬的分布。上述结果有助于我们在齐家文化交互作用圈的脉络下深入考察齐家坪的聚落形态,同时也验证我们这个项目采用的方法在洮河流域考古研究中的潜力。 The... more
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      Survey (Archaeological Method & Theory)Chinese archaeologyGeophysical SurveyAncient Pottery Analysis
This paper will take you to the beginning of a completely new field investigation over a completely new area with some unprecedented information and some common but interesting information. This paper may be considered as a complete... more
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      HydrologyPetroleum geologyRemote sensing and GISGeophysical Survey
Kajian arkeologi di Lembah Mansuli, Lahad Datu, Sabah Ielah menemukan dua tapak Paleolitik, iaitu Gua Samang Buat dan tapak terbuka Mansuli. Isu utama di Gua Samang Buat ialah berapakah kedalaman sedimen di dalamgua ini selepas... more
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      PalaeogeographyArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyEarth Sciences
This book is written mainly for university students taking a course on gravity as one of the methods used in geophysical exploration. It is designed to be an introductory text book that deals with the basic concepts underlying the... more
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      Geophysical SurveyGeophysical Exploration TechniquesGravity Methods
Overdeepened valleys and basins are the most interesting features of former glacial action in Alpine areas. Understanding the formation of such phenomena are not only a scientific task but also an important challenge for a society... more
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      GeologyGeophysical SurveySeismic stratigraphyNatural Resource
The article evaluates the results of systematic metal detector surveys from the borderland between east Bohemia and northwest Moravia over the past fifteen years, supplemented with a geophysical survey of early medieval hillfort near... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of the AvarsCarolingian ArtGeophysical Survey
The geophysical assessment of groundwater in Igarra, Edo state, south western Nigeria which lies between latitude 7015IN to 7020IN and longitude 604IE to 608IE was carried out with the aim of delineating probable areas of high groundwater... more
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      GeophysicsGeophysical SurveyApplied GeophysicsGrounwater Hydrology
Many years ago, geophysical surveys (gravity and aeromagnetic) were initiated for economic investigation and recently the analysis of gravity and magnetic anomalies are used as a powerful tool for the geological mapping. The present study... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsGeophysical SurveyFaults
The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia is a landmark study in the origins of metallurgy. The project aimed to trace the invention and innovation of metallurgy in the Balkans. It combined targeted excavations and surveys with extensive... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyBalkan Prehistory (Archaeology)ArchaeobotanyLandscape Archaeology
Electrical resistivity of the soil can be considered as a proxy for the spatial and temporal variability of many other soil physical properties (i.e. structure, water content, or fluid composition). Because the method is non-destructive... more
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      Geophysical SurveyBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesData Interpretation
The Gypsy Rose Lee site (11MS2410) was initially investigated by the Illinois State Ar- chaeological Survey (ISAS) in 2013 prior to scheduled road improvements to the Spring Valley Road near Troy, Illinois. The project’s right-of-way... more
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    • Geophysical Survey
This paper summarises recent British Academy funded survey work in southwest Scotland, focusing on exploring Iron Age settlement landscapes in the framework of a project examining the impact of the Roman Empire on societies at the edge... more
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      Airborne Laser ScanningSettlement archaeologyIron AgeGeophysical Survey
Confinia et horizontes is a publication series aimed at disseminating the results of major prehistoric (Neolithic and Bronze Age) projects of the Romano-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute. The title of the new... more
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      GeologySocial SciencesGeoarchaeologyArchaeobotany
Geofysisch proefonderzoek van kasteelterrein Oud Haerlem (1248-1351) te Heemskerk door Saricon BV.

Geophysical test study of Oud Haerlem castle grounds (1248-1351) in Heemskerk by Saricon BV.
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      Geophysical SurveyCastle StudiesMedieval castles
Following the discovery of a possible hillfort on the ridge to the west of Roundwood promontory fort, Cornwall Archaeological Unit undertook a programme of fieldwalking and geophysical survey across two fields named Kestle and New Close.... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric SettlementBritish Prehistory (Archaeology)Roman rural settlements
The coal deposits of southern Africa (Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe) are reviewed. The coal seams formed during two periods, the Early Permian (Artinskian–Kungurian) and the... more
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    • Geophysical Survey
Geofysisch onderzoek van het voormalige abdijterrein van Egmond te Egmond-Binnen door Saricon BV.

Geophysical survey of the former abbey site of Egmond in Egmond-Binnen by Saricon BV.
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      Church HistoryGeophysical SurveyCloistersMedival Archaeology
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      Geophysical SurveyArchaeological Geophysical Survey
Salt water intrusions of marine origin are a major cause of contamination for coastal fresh water aquifers. They are generated mainly by the uncontrolled exploitation of fresh water in pumping stations from coastal areas. In Romania, such... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeologyGeophysicsHydrogeology
Satala is one of the last great military centers in the Roman East available for archaeological and historical investigations. This archaeological site is situated on the crossing of two singularly important routes in North-East Asia... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceGeophysical Survey
The city of Iznik lies in the north-west Anatolian province of Bithynia on the eastern shore of an eponymous lake. In antiquity Iznik was called Nicaea. During a course on archaeological applications of geophysical technology in early... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine ArchitectureByzantine ArchaeologyGeophysical Survey
An integrated geophysical survey was carried out in a new dwelling area at 15-May town, southeast Cairo, Egypt. The buildings in this area are intensively affected by dangerous cracks that cause structural instability. The survey aimed to... more
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      Environmental EngineeringGeophysicsGround Penetrating RadarVery Low Frequency Electromagnetics