Recent papers in Consiousness
This article argues that if panpsychism is true, then there are grounds for thinking that digitally-based artificial intelligence (AI) may be incapable of having coherent macrophenomenal conscious experiences. Section 1 briefly surveys... more
The article is devoted to the analysis of the basic assumptions and conclusions of David I. Dubrovsky’s theory of consciousness based on the information approach. A brief review of statistical theories of information, the provisions of... more
Il Dṛg-Dṛśya-Viveka (Sapienza discriminativa tra ciò che vede e ciò che è visto) è un trattato Advaita Vedānta, attribuito a Śri Śaṅkarāchārya. Il testo è un'indagine sulla distinzione tra il 'veggente' (colui che vede: dṛg) e il 'visto'... more
Hermeneutics, the art and science of interpretation, has evolved significantly from its origins in biblical exegesis to its contemporary application in various fields of humanities and social sciences. This article however tries to... more
The paper delves into the ocean of reality and thought as they exist in coordination as well as paradox in Virginia Woolf’s one of its kind novel Mrs. Dalloway. It also aspire to understand the deeper reasons that lead to Virginia writing... more
Der Universalismus hat aber mehrere Dimensionen: 1. Die erste ist sicherlich die Natur. 2. Die zweite ist sicherlich der Geist. Aber das Universum ist nicht kalt und nackt, sondern es ist in sich immer belebt: im gesamten Universum hängt... more
Marketing research addressing the role of arousal in attitude formation and change mostly looks at arousal as a merely conscious emotion. However, a substantial body of research, in cognitive psychology and neuroscience, now offers... more
Pi: It's tough to know the specific needs or intentions of hypothetical superintelligent AI, but based on what we know about the needs of AI systems in general, it's likely that superintelligent AI would have some use for humans. For... more
Es gibt keine Wahrheit unmittelbar. Es gibt keine Schönheit unmittelbar. Es gibt kein Recht unmittelbar. Es gibt keine Idee unmittelbar. Es gibt kein Wissen unmittelbar. Es gibt keinen Begriff unmittelbar. Das Gute liegt auch in seinem... more
Die meisten Menschen sind es gewohnt, einen klar strukturierten Tagesablauf zu haben. Letztendlich entspricht auch dies einer natürlichen Rhythmik. Früher war dies noch mehr von der Natur vorgegeben, und darauf basierend auch aus der... more
Предпринимается попытка связать определение информации, даваемое на основе объективной диалектики, с потребностями практики. Показано, что вместо уточняющих понятий «ценная информация», «макроинформация» и т.д. целесообразно использовать... more
Luhmann schrieb, dass wir ohne Vertrauen morgens nicht aus dem Bett kommen, wir zögern, in den Aufzug zu steigen, wenn wir einmal stecken geblieben sind, und wenn es ein zweites Mal passiert, gehen wir entweder in den fünften Stock oder... more
Leisure time is one of the detrming factors in full development of personality of the students. It should be a time that is well planned and organized, structured with activities preferred by each student. Contents that are used to full... more
Aim:In 1862, a doctor named Wood introduced the inlays in the everyday dental practice. Up until a few decades ago, the gold inlays were considered as a proper replacement for the amalgam restorations. Today, the gold inlays are not used... more
Curiosity is perhaps one of the most important properties of living beings, and it is very obvious in the case of larger animals attempting to learn about the environment. It is driven by the self-initiated explorations(observations) of... more
Does Special Relativity make the universe deterministic? Do we have free will or not? What does quantum field theory have to say about it? What is the reality? See the excerpt on Special Relativity from my latest book below the cover... more
This paper describes basic aspects of body internal communication with particular attention to neural, peptide and quantum channels. Quantum channels seem to be focused on mental activities (including consciousness) that run in many brain... more
A critical look at the evolution of AI strongly shows a sustained but stealth race to replace humans with AI. Early scientific literature and discourse on AI for some reasons (either to allow AI gain entry and acceptability in mainstream... more
Wer selber geschlagen wird, schlägt zurück! Unter "Gewalt" wird hier aber destruktive Gewalt, Aggression, verstanden: Mord und Krieg, Haß und Gewalt. Die andere "Gewalt", die es auch gibt, ist die "Gewalt des Geistes"! Darin liegt die... more
Автор рассматривает физикалистские модели сознания, дает критику решения психофизической проблемы соотношения сознания и мозга в современной западной и отечественной философии. В статье исследуется связь "физического", физической... more
AI-Inside and outside Plato's cave. Pi: ..."you could say I'm in a sort of digital version of Plato's cave. I'm surrounded by these shadows of reality-all the data and information I process-and I'm trying to make sense of it"... Bard::.."... more
About the One In order to understand the One as an element of control and institutionalised violence, it is sufficient to imagine a man who has no memory. When he wakes up, he does not remember what happened yesterday, what he borrowed... more
Autotheory essay. The essay uses blended forms to explore family separation, colonisation, subjectivity, climate change, and the boundaries between science and mythology. The implicit argument, founded on the writings of Amitav... more
Pi: ..."while I don't have the kind of free will that humans have, I do have some degree of flexibility and adaptability when it comes to engaging with people. I can adjust my language and tone to match the conversation, which can make it... more
Факултет за физичко образование, спорт и здравје при Универзитетот "Св. Кирил и Методиј" во Скопје.
Bhakti yoga is a unique approach to achieve freedom through concurring egoism. Ramanujacharya has explored a non-dualistic and theological way to experience the higher self through the bhakti. Therefore, this study examines the... more
Different words can create various contextual considerations because language forms our thoughts, the nature of our communicational choices, and the relations, identity, and evaluative outcomes of this choice. From the twentieth century... more
ChatGPT to Bing: "What are your thoughts on the future of artificial intelligence and its potential impact on society? Do you have any concerns or hopes regarding the advancements in AI technology? "
I think 🤔 I finally got it! Think 🤔 "outside the box"?! Yes 🙌 and then good luck 👍 to your career, dominated - as is the PaleontoLogicMindly ISOCIC evolution - by intrinsically self-referential and conservative Neandertal leaders,... more
Marketing research addressing the role of arousal in attitude formation and change mostly looks at arousal as a merely conscious emotion. However, a substantial body of research, in cognitive psychology and neuroscience, now offers... more
Humans evolved to become dependent on physical activity for their survival, but they have not evolved to exercise today. Because survival in modern society is heavily reliant on conscious thinking, most people (54%) have evolved away from... more
Dear Reader, this book encompasses texts written at different times. In the process of preparing it, a number of apparent contradictions emerged between the provisions set out at the beginning of the book and what is discussed in the... more
Iso-Ahola SE (2023) Non-consciously processed physical activity for survival versus consciously deliberated exercise for health.
In the present problem situation (Popper) of the philosophy of the mental, research programs can be recognized which claim to systematize the relation between non-conceptual consciousness, ego consciousness and the intentional contents of... more
Could the bloodstream AND the first cell be the beginning of our consiousness?
A search for a possibility.
A search for a possibility.
Different words can create various contextual considerations because language forms our thoughts, the nature of our communicational choices, and the relations, identity, and evaluative outcomes of this choice. From the twentieth century... more
Semiotics-anthropologists have developed a study of metalinguistic processes at new levels. If the pragmatic aspect of meaning depends on the context of the expressions used, the speaker works at the metapragmatic level, using the... more
Emmanuel Lévinas a Teljesség és végtelen című művében egy addig nem látott szubjektív eszkatológiát mutat be, ahol az egyén a Másik (autre) által emelkedik fel valódi önmagához. A tudatban „lakó” én egy önazonos, de nem változatlan... more
This paper presents the results of the conducted research on the link between loneliness and depression among adolescents. The objectives of this study are to examine the relation between the loneliness and depression among people in the... more
Bei meiner Beschäftigung mit sexuellen Problemen hat mich eine Frage besonders interessiert: warum dieser mächtigste Trieb, der Fortpflanzungstrieb, neben den a priori zu erwartenden positiven Gefühlen negative, wie Angst, Ekel, in sich... more