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Objectives: To evaluate the changes in the multiple sclerosis (MS) concordance in twins, and the contribution of genetic and environmental factors to the aetiology of MS in Finland. Background: Both genes and the environment contribute to... more
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      EpidemiologyMultiple sclerosisBiologyMedicine
In this short communication, we discuss alternative ways to estimate accordance and concordance, which are, for qualitative methods, the analogues of the well-known concepts repeatability and reproducibility. We argue that estimators in a... more
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      MicrobiologyFoodIndustrial BiotechnologyFood Microbiology
As an established fact, corpus-based studies are of paramount value to shed some light on the qualitative and quantitative linguistic analysis whose extension is getting prevalent in the realm of language learning and teaching especially... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsCorpus AnalysisConcordanceData-driven Learning
La construction de barrage hydro-agricole demeure une nécessité absolue dans un contexte de sécheresse persistante au Burkina Faso. Le futur barrage de Samendéni devant contenir 1 milliard de mètres cube d'eau se situe dans des formations... more
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      PsychologyNursingCommunicationHealth Care
The scattered literature on Spearman's footrule and Gini's gamma is surveyed. The following topics are covered: finite-sample moments and asymptotic distribution under independence; large-sample distribution under arbitrary alternatives;... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsNonparametric StatisticsJackknife
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      Climate ChangeEthnobotanyConservation BiologyConservation
The aim of this article was to assess the validity of the emotional and developmental components of the Koppitz human figure drawing test. 2420 children's drawings available in a database resulting from a previous cross sectional... more
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The study was conducted to evaluate the technical and clinical performance of the VITROS ® Immunodiagnostic Products 25-OH Vitamin D Total Assay, and compare it with the performance of five marketed automated assays and a liquid... more
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      Cognitive ScienceVitamin DTandem Mass SpectrometryHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyEnvironmental EducationScience Communication
Аннотация В статье обсуждаются сначала главные цели, теория, методы и данные, лежащие в основе научного проекта, посвященного изучению украинского конфликта как поля сражения конфликтующих дискурсов. Этот проект охватывает четыре страны... more
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      MetaphorsPolitical DiscourseContrastive Corpus LinguisticsFood-Based Metaphors and Similes
Öz Farklı asırların edebî yükünü taşıyan klasik şiirleri yorumlamak, klasik edebiyat çalışmalarına katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu sebeple TEBDİZ (Tarih ve Edebiyat Metinleri Bağlamlı Dizini ve İşlevsel Sözlüğü) adıyla klasik şiirin mana... more
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This LIA International Conference and Cultural Events 2015 proceeding elaborates how a freeware concordancer named AntConc facilitates teaching and learning of grammar to 21st century learners and it suggests some activities to encourage... more
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      Corpus Consultation (Applied Linguistics)Data Driven Learning (Languages And Linguistics)Academic WritingActive Learning
News-media unequivocally shape political discourse and thought. Broadcast-media have the largest audience for any single news source and sources of political or politically oriented material (Pew 2012). Crawford says, “It is a truism that... more
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      MarketingDiscourse AnalysisPR and AdvertisingJournalism
In 2014, Armed Forces & Society published Ali’s work, ‘Contradiction of Concordance Theory: Failure to Understand Military intervention in Pakistan.’’ Shortly thereafter in 2015, Schiff, the author of concordance theory, defended her... more
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      PakistanMilitary and PoliticsCivil-military relationsMilitary Intervention
Sheekada “Rooxaan” (1973) waxa ay ka mid tahay qoraallada loo doortey in ay ka mid noqdaan mashruuca weeleynta Suugaanta Afka Soomaaliga iyo ereyadiisa. Tixraaca qoraalku waa “Shire J. Axmed, Rooxaan, Wasaaradda Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsSomali languageConcordance
1) [email protected], (2) [email protected] RESUMEN Conocer la flora de un territorio ocupa un lugar destacado a la hora de abordar la conservación del medio natural. Con este objetivo se ha realizado un estudio de la flora vascular del... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationNational ParksEndemism
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      EtymologyWord and Image StudiesOld Testament TheologyBiblical Studies
Hayretî, 16. yüzyılda Vardar Yenicesi’nde doğmuş bir şairdir. Vardar Yenicesi, dönemin edebî zirvesini yaşayan İstanbul’dan uzakta farklı bir kültürü, yaşayışı ve edebî iklimi sınırlarında diri tutan ve mahallî özellikleri barındıran bir... more
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Sono rigorosamente vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione, l'adattamento, anche parziale o per estratti, per qualsiasi uso e con qualsiasi mezzo efettuati, compresi la copia fotostatica, il microilm, la memorizzazione elettronica, ecc.,... more
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Rilevata la mancanza di bibliografia critica sul tema, l’Autore esplora la presenza di Sbarbaro nella poesia di Pavese. Dal generico influsso decadente delle liriche giovanili all’esordio di Lavorare stanca, l’indagine – condotta con... more
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      Italian StudiesPoetryItalian LiteratureLexicography
Excel and VBA implementation of Lin's Concordance Correlation Measure
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      Applied StatisticsCorrelationConcordance
This is a complete concordance of Dīvān-e Ghālib, the Urdu works of Mirza Asadullah Baig Khan Ghālib (1796-1869), the preeminent Indian Urdu and Persian poet known for his ghazals. The ghazal, a traditional genre of Arabic, Persian, Urdu... more
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      ReferenceDigital HumanitiesPersian LiteratureLiterature
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      Jewish StudiesTranslation StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Urbanization causes fragmentation creating "islands" of natural habitat. The resulting fragmented landscapes represent a challenge for migratory and resident species because of decreased connectivity among fragments. We examined the... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationUrban PlanningUrban Regeneration
This is a complete concordance of Dīvān-e Ghālib, the Urdu works of Mirza Asadullah Baig Khan Ghālib (1796-1869), the preeminent Indian Urdu and Persian poet known for his ghazals. The ghazal, a traditional genre of Arabic, Persian, Urdu... more
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      ReferenceDigital HumanitiesPersian LiteratureLiterature
Introduction: although histopathological diagnosis remains the gold standard; good clinical impression is potentially a key diagnostic tool in rural resource-limited settings. Thus, good concordance between clinical impression and... more
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Outline Cover Page 2 Abstract and Preface 3 Appreciations and Gratitude 6 Outline 11 Summary 16 Chapter One Semantic Theory in Biblical Lexicography
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      ReligionLatin LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsHebrew Language
This paper presents an extension of the comprehensive (overall) concordance index of ELECTRE methods, which takes the interaction between criteria into account. In real-world decision-aiding situations, it is reasonable to consider only... more
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      Business Information SystemsComputingMultidisciplinaryDecision support system
The Semi-structured Assessment for Drug Dependence and Alcoholism (SSADDA) is a diagnostic instrument developed for studies of the genetics of substance use and associated disorders. The SSADDA provides more detailed coverage of specific... more
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      GeneticsDemographyDrug UseSubstance Use
Konkordancijski rječnik ćiriličnih natpisa srednjovjekovne Bosne predstavlja popis leksičkog fonda epigrafskog žanra bosanske pismenosti. Korpus za ovaj rječnik čini oko 320 natpisa, što je dalo oko 4.450 pojavnica. Rječnikom su... more
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      Epigraphymedieval BosniaConcordance
Knowledge of technical vocabulary has become increasingly important over the last few decades along with the advances in various subject disciplines. ESP teachers and book authors need to know what words are considered technical... more
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      Content AnalysisLexicographyClassificationSystem
I compiled this concordance in 1982, using the (then) new Oxford Concordance Programme. It was created on the basis of a scanned edition of Kemp Smith's translation, which Susan Hockey of the Oxford Computing Centre kindly assisted me in... more
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      History Of ComputingManuscript studies, codicology, palaeography, medieval paper, Chaucer, circulation of texts and books, history of the book, electronic editing and digital humanitiesConcordance
(EN): The weak point, the weakness: the heel of God: the man: the pleasure in smashing his penis on the rock: this seems to be the relic of a toothless, who lost his teeth biting the rock: not being able to deny his naturalness, founded a... more
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      SexualityBiblical TheologyPhilosophies of Human NatureNature
Computer based corpora which have been statistically analyzed have lead to the recognition of frequent lexical sequences (also known as multiword expressions, prefabricated chunks or collocations -in a loose use of the term-as a very... more
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      Vocabulary Learning StrategiesVocabulary LearningTeaching Spanish as a Foreign LanguageCollocations
"This research was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of applying corpora and consequently blank filling with collocations drills to teaching listening to medical ESP students to develop their near-micro listening skills.... more
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      Computational LinguisticsCorpus LinguisticsESPCorpora
Approaching a collocation in a text may constitute a challenge to English language learners due to syntactic, semantic and phonological factors. The understanding of a collocation, like the understanding of the larger text it belongs to,... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsESPTeaching ListeningCorpora
According to Cappelen (2012), analytic philosophers have traditionally used two arguments to defend the role of intuitions in philosophy. On the one hand, The Argument from Philosophical Practice claims that analytic philosophers rely on... more
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      Experimental philosophyCorpus CreationIntuitionCorpus Linguistics
Background: The number of nurses able to independently prescribe medicines in England is increasing. Patient adherence to prescribed medicines remains a significant problem [Department of Health, 2000. Pharmacy in the Future: Implementing... more
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      NursingCommunicationEnglandPhilosophy of Nursing
Because species names play an important role in scientific communication, it is more important that species be understood to be taxa than that they be equated with functional ecological or evolutionary entities. Although most biologists... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsSystematic BiologyTaxonomy
In many educational institutions in Turkey, including universities, state schools, and private schools, a common problem in grammar teaching is the lack of authenticity due to the wide use of rule-based teaching. Consequently, some... more
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      Discourse AnalysisComputer Assisted Language LearningPhonologyImplicit learning
Script concordance test (SCT) is a case based assessment format of clinical reasoning in which questions are nested into several cases. Recent results using Q4 format suggest that nested questions contribute more to reliability of measure... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyMathematicsRadiologyData Analysis
apuntes de éste fenómeno lingüístico
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      ConcordanceSintaxis del español
This article, focuses on the importance and necessity of contextual dictionary and concordance in dialect researches. The context is briefly an environment in which an item occurs and it carries tremendous importance in disambiguation of... more
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This paper aims to investigate the constraints on dependence measures based on the concept of concordance when discrete random variables are involved. The main technical argument consists in a continuous extension of integer-valued random... more
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      StatisticsMultivariate AnalysisConcordanceCopula
Background: Guidelines to prevent and treat hypertension advocate the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet.
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      Treatment OutcomeRisk assessmentCardiovascular diseaseProspective studies
Scheldeman, X., Willemen, L., Coppens d’Eeckenbrugge, G., Romeijn-Peeter, E., Restrepo, M.T., Romero Motoche J., Jiménez, D., Lobo, M.., Medina, C.I,. Reyes, C., Rodríguez, D., Ocampo, J.A., Van Damme, P., Goetgebeur, P. 2007.... more
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      Climate ChangeEthnobotanyConservation BiologyConservation
Ocampo, J., Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, G., Restrepo, M.T., Jarvis, A. Salazar, M.H., Caetano, C.M. 2007. Diversity of Colombian Passifloraceae: biogeography and an updated list for conservation. Biota Colombiana 8 (1): 1-45. The list of... more
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      Climate ChangeEthnobotanyConservation BiologyConservation
Whereas prior academic studies of the Hainish Cycle have been primarily produced by means of textual analysis, I demonstrate that a concordance analysis of its six novels reveals significant, yet heretofore overlooked, ecological aspects... more
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      Science FictionUrsula K. Le GuinConcordance
This paper investigates the empirical characteristics of business cycles and the extent of cyclical comovement in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, using nonhydrocarbon GDP (excluding crude oil and natural gas sectors) and... more
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      SynchronizationEconomic integrationConcordanceBusiness Cycles