Computer Linguistics
Recent papers in Computer Linguistics
Применение гибридных методов искусственного интеллекта для создания проектной документации Фуксман С. И. Студент кафедры «Системы обработки информации и управления» МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана, г. Москва, Россия МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана... more
У монографії подано, обґрунтовано та розвинено комплексний пiдxiд до вживання і творення українських тeрмiнiв, заснований на використанні методів природничих наук і мовознавчих аспектів дослідження. Такий підхід створює передумови для... more
This work investigates the possibility of extending the linguistic notion «Explorative Data Analysis», aiming to experimentally investigate linguistic data in order to obtain useful information more exploratively, through a spatial... more
Information management systems have typically focused on the "factual" aspect of content analysis. Other aspects, including pragmatics, opinion, and style, have received much less attention. However, to achieve an adequate understanding... more
The 9th issue of the LLSW Literary and Cultural Studies / Literaturoznawstwo i kulturoznawstwo Estranged Flowers: Plant Symbolism in Antonia Pozzi’s and Krystyna Krahelska’s poems - Alessandro Amenta Motywy antyczne w Czarodziejskiej... more
It is a Master's article that has been prepared for a conference held in L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan). Can be useful to see short history of machine translation. Automatic interpretation section is already... more
Өнөө үед орчин үеийн техник технологийн дэвшил болох компьютерийн боломжийг ашиглан хэлийг судлах нь түгээмэл болжээ. Энэхүү өгүүлэлд аливаа нэг эхийн үгийн давтамжийг тооцоолж дүн шинжилгээ хийдэг TextSTAT програмыг ашиглан хоёр өөр цаг... more
1940), laureato in Scienze Matematiche a Pisa e in Storia a Ca' Foscari è professore ordinario di Matematica Applicata all'Accademia Internazionale delle Scienze a San Marino, professore associato alla Facoltà d'Ingegneria a Padova e... more
In: Priscis Libentius et Liberius Novis. Indogermanische und sprachwissenschaftliche Studien. Festschrift für Gerhard Meiser zum 65. Geburtstag. Herausgegeben von Olav Hackstein und Andreas Opfermann unter Mitarbeit von Harald Bichlmeier... more
The article discusses the features of LABLASS – the first Bulgarian web-based system, and its humble contribution to the field of associative lexicography. The system, which is used for research on verbal associations, makes use of some... more
János S. Petőfi (Miskolc 1931- Budapest 2013) was one of the founders of Text Linguistics in Germany in the early 70’s. He developed different text models, the most famous of which were the Text Structure World Structure Theory (TeSWeST)... more
Dans cette contribution, nous illustrons une certaine démarche empirique (faisant appel à l'informatique, dans une perspective non spécialiste) à l’aide de notre étude de la distinction massif vs. comptable. Après une profonde réflexion... more
For research on Buddhist textual material, citations and similar passages are of major importance. This paper explores the application of continuous word representations and nearest neighbor search in order to efficiently compute a... more
La langue principale du présent rapport final d'analyse du discours sur l'antibiorésistance est l'allemand. Les chapitres présentant les analyses de l'espace francophone ont été rédigés en français. Les passages de texte français sont... more
We describe a new project publishing a freely available online dictionary for Coptic. The dictionary encompasses comprehensive cross-referencing mechanisms, including linking entries to an online scanned edition of Crum’s Coptic... more
В данной работе мы описываем новый алгоритм для разрешения лексической многозначности на основе Тезауруса русского языка РуТез. Мы оценили точность работы алгоритма для задачи «все слова текста» и задачи разрешения многозначности... more
Text normalization is the task of mapping non-canonical language, typical of speech transcription and computer-mediated communication, to a standardized writing. It is an upstream task necessary to enable the subsequent direct employment... more
Text normalization is the task of mapping noncanonical language, typical of speech transcription and computer-mediated communication, to a standardized writing. This task is especially important for languages such as Swiss German, with... more
The creation of useful tools such as spell checkers, or machine translation systems, which would introduce less-resourced languages into the era of new technology and encourage users to use them more, is usually the work of specialists of... more
A modified version of MRFFCM (Markov Random Field Fuzzy C means) based SAR (Synthetic aperture Radar) image change detection method is proposed in this paper. It involves three steps: Difference Image (DI) generation by using Gauss-log... more
In this paper we present a very simple yet effective algorithm for authorship attribution. By this term we mean the act of telling whether a certain text was or was not written by a certain author. We shall not discuss the advantages or... more
For research on Buddhist textual material, citations and similar passages are of major importance. This paper explores the application of continuous word representations and nearest neighbor search in order to efficiently compute a... more
La bonne vieille géographie linguistique (ou géolinguistique etc.) dont l'ancienneté est devenue, à la fin du XXe siècle, littéralement séculaire, est bien loin d'être à bout de souffle. L'impact de l'informatique s'est avéré, toute somme... more
Tengo que advertir, en primer lugar, que existen sin duda estudiosos mucho más competentes que yo en estas materias, y en consecuencia abordar este tema puede ser osadía por mi parte 1 . En realidad planteo estas pocas páginas casi como... more