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homes on the Telica volcano, as well as attending administrative meetings at multiple sites with a variety of stakeholders. I attended meetings held in the community of Telica, as well as at the offices of NE and the municipal government.... more
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      Tourism StudiesEcotourismTourism Planning and PolicyInternational Development
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      EcotourismCommunity Based TourismProtected areasCommunity Tourism
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      AfricaLocal Economic DevelopmentCommunity TourismTourism
In every economic activity, and even more when its relation to the growth of a country is analyzed, local entrepreneurs are key element to have into account. And this is because they are the ones who perform the activity, in addition to... more
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      Community DevelopmentEconomic DevelopmentCommunity Based TourismSustainable Tourism Development
This essay explores the relationship between visions of the ideal society that emerge from social movements and local, small-scale socio-economic and cultural projects that might contribute to achieving these ideals. It discusses the... more
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      Indigenous MovementsAmazonian EcuadorCommunity Tourism
Resilience planning has emerged in recent years as an alternative to the sustainable development paradigm to provide new perspectives on community development and socio-ecological adjustments to a rapidly changing world. Tourism scholars... more
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      GeographyTourism StudiesTourism ManagementClimate Change
Community-based tourism is regarded as a potential driver of economic development for rural communities in close proximity to peace parks. The long-term success of peace parks in Southern Africa is only possible if local communities that... more
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      ConservationCommunity TourismTransboundary Protected Areas, Peace Parks
This essay explores the relationship between visions of the ideal society that emerge from social movements and local, small-scale socio-economic and cultural projects that might contribute to achieving these ideals. It discusses the... more
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      GeographyIndigenous MovementsAmazonian EcuadorCommunity Tourism
OSEA ongoing research projects (4 or 7 week programs) Sustainable Community Tourism Development Emergent Cultures Research: Research on Sexualities, Sociality, Subjectivities in context of Globalization and Change Health,... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedical SociologyMedical AnthropologyTourism Studies
Les îles des Petites Antilles, confrontées à la concurrence des grandes destinations régionales, doivent revoir leur positionnement touristique. Le tourisme de masse n'a pas les effets d'entraînement escomptés dans ces territoires exigus... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementEcotourismCaribbean Studies