Community In The Classroom
Recent papers in Community In The Classroom
Jag kommer i den här artikeln att presentera några reflektioner över hur lärare kan hjälpa elever att utveckla sätt att tänka och lära produktivt genom de aktiviteter som läraren planerar och genomför i skolan och vilka faktorer som kan... more
Unconscious mental processes (such as the automatic activation of racial stereotypes) can lead to such phenomena as negative pygmalion effects and stereotype threat, both of which directly interfere with black students' academic success,... more
Problem based learning has more recently become a common term in public education. There is much positive potential when implementing problem based learning at the High School level. Here I review positives while not completely ignoring... more
This teacher researcher project involved three grades 6/7 teachers and a literacy consultant working together to build inclusive classrooms to nurture communities of writers. Formative assessment strategies are woven throughout the lesson... more
Bu çalışmada çevrimiçi öğrenme topluluğu hissini belirlemek için kullanılabilecek bir ölçme aracı geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Literatür taraması sonucunda elde edilen madde havuzu kapsam geçerliliği bağlamında uzman görüşüne... more
The aim of this qualitative case study is to investigate how learning in “democratic participation” is constituted by the social interaction and conversation pattern in school democratic meetings in a Swedish primary school. According to... more
The strategy of Discovering Similarities holds many benefits for students. Not only will they become more aware of each other’s unique likes, they will learn about what things they have in common with each other. This information can lead... more
This action research case study describes the collaboration of five third-grade teachers and a special educator to create a grade block system of support for all students to encourage learning and to meet school-wide and classroom... more
The following research measures the level of classroom community from a course of a doctoral program from the north of Mexico, using an instrument created by Rovai (2002). This instrument reveals the levels of connectedness and learning... more
Beginning the School Year by Facilitating the Process of a Classroom Social Contract (from Transformative Classroom Management) By John Shindler Webinar Series from VDE... more
It is stated that the students complain about the online learning environments mostly because of the sense of being isolated.Belonging to a community is one of the critical variables for online learning environments. Many studies on the... more