Recent papers in Commoning
For download is the abstract and intro to the text. If you have institutional access to CITY, you can access the full text here: If you do not have institutional access,... more
The proposal delves into the heterogeneity of households and proves the multiplicity of domestic meanings with the aim of producing useful and operative knowledge related to a wide range of issues affecting communities and urban systems.... more
This chapter contributes to building a diverse, non-capitalocentric economic vocabulary by making visible concrete entrepreneurial practices that are involved in fighting criminal economies. Although they do not fit into the dominant... more
Published in Dacoromania Litteraria, no. 3, 2016: 10-44 The article examines the concept of contemporary community as commoning, at the intersection of action, performance or... more
Uploaded is the title page of the article. The complete article can be found here: If you do not have institutional access, you can contact me for a... more
《反造再起》為「反造系列」第二輯,以「城市共生」為主軸,分為〔關懷弱勢:人生百味、萬華協力〕〔老城再生與活化:台中中區再生、高雄哈瑪星〕〔聯合公民社會和公部門資源:Open Green〕〔人群關係的再造:古風小白屋、南機拌飯〕〔用其他方式重組社區關係:玖樓共生公寓、燦爛時光書店、都農網、還我特色公園行動聯盟〕五大方向,收錄十二個經典案例。各案例之間並非獨自發展,而是可資相互參照,彼此交疊。在實踐上這些案例也相互協力和串連,有的已經發展出社會企業甚至商業化的運作方式。... more
This book makes the case for a Site Value Tax in Ireland
Caught between the dual crises of declining economic opportunity and diminishing public assistance, people on the economic margins resist threats to their livelihoods by opting to share resources. The processes involved in managing these... more
My thesis is a call for the need of an intersectional awareness in the field of the commons, or the common or commoning. For that reason, I focus on a rather undertheorized subfield, the feminist commons because I deem that it promotes a... more
In 1970, the Museum of Contemporary Crafts in New York City hosted the exhibition Haus-Rucker-Co LIVE!, a mid-career retro- spective of the Viennese architectural collective. Most historians have studied the range of design works created... more
Eine relationale raumtypologische Definition von Spatial Commons als reproduktive Raumsysteme eines inklusiven und selbstbestimmten Stadtraumgebrauchs – in Abgrenzung zu Separate Spaces als abschöpfende Raumsysteme eines exklusiven und... more
This paper draws attention to the somewhat neglected domains of affects, emotions, and subjectivity in the study of the commons. The paper argues that a focus on affective and communicative relations among humans and between humans and... more
Published this week by Polity Press, in a volume edited by Manuel Castells
This thesis is a material-discursive investigation of how practices of curating and commons are posthuman today. Recognising how contemporary forms of curating and commons are part of computational cultures and how they are influenced by... more
This article documents and juxtaposes two side effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugee health, housing, and living conditions in Greece. First is the intensification of state-led practices of what is increasingly known as... more
This article focuses on the entanglement of trajectories of transnational education/work and religious conversion among Chinese overseas students who move to the UK before returning to China. In contrast to the existing literature on... more
Full paper can be viewed here: Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) is an encompassing term, which refers to the licenses associated with making... more
The book presents results of research project titled "The Economics of Urban Commons"
Commons and commoning have become points of departure for the development of new radical literatures that seek to enhance societal transformations. Hence, the issue of their expansion has often been framed in opposition to the expansion... more
This thesis examines the urban collective ecological food initiatives that have been increasing in number with considerable momentum in the last three years. It is based on fieldwork of one and a half years that consists of participant... more
This article seeks to contribute to the elaboration of an analytically solid definition of the commons that can be used to identify organised practices with social transformative potential and aimed at increasing socio-ecological... more
Guy Standing, a Professorial Research Associate at the London University who has written extensively about migration, development economics, and labor markets, is probably best known for his two books The Precariat: The New Dangerous... more
In recent years, urban informality has been the subject of renewed attention in urban studies, sociology and political economy. Following postcolonial theory (McFarlane, 2008, Robinson, 2002), we seek to surpass modernist dichotomies such... more
This essay establishes silence as an ethical-political response to the Anthropocene. Silence is key to the making of commons, which frames the reinvention of ways of living and relating as a necessary response to the Anthropocene moment.... more
In this chapter, I will first introduce the concept of commons as a historical and contemporary phenomenon. Then I will analyse the importance of the commons in Marx’s thinking on ecology, and the dynamic role that the commons has in the... more
Our neoliberal capitalist times are marked by a crisis of reproduction not only of production, as the very basis on which things and life are produced is now under threat. 1 We are convinced that many citizens like us would like to become... more
Abstract The subjects of this paper are the ‘Little Mesters’ of Sheffield, UK. The ‘Mesters are self-employed master craftspeople whose day-to-day work is dependent on repairing, recycling, and maintenance, in ways that are intertwined... more
The article explores the critical, performative, and everyday spatial practices of commoning vis-à-vis the normalising order of the metropolis, capitalist-state governance, and urban development patterns. Through this broader lens,... more
pubblicato in Aa.Vv. (2016) Commons/Comune: geografie, luoghi, spazi, città. Società di studi geografici. Memorie geografiche, nuova serie, Vol. 14. Intervenendo ora [dicembre 2015], qui [Italia, Roma], ad un convegno* sui Commons, non... more
The transformation of human settlements over time can affect the relationship between communities and commons when, for example, social geographies change from rural to urban, or from traditional systems of management to modern... more
The arrival of migrants on Italian coasts following the so-called Arab Spring in 2011 has led to a multiplication of housing struggles. These struggles are widespread across the country and focus on the occupation of abandoned buildings... more
International Workshop, “Everyday Practices of Solidarity. Relational Learning under Conditions of Multiple Crises”. Hamburg, September 19th till 22nd, 2018, Department of History and Theory of the City, HafenCity University Hamburg.... more
Wie produzieren wir ein Kunstwerk als Prozess, situativ, ortsbezogen und ohne die Einbringung von Material? mit der Wasserinitiative Waldeck-Frankenberg und dem Künstler*innen Kollektiv nachbars garten (Leipzig). Seit Anfang 2020 arbeiten... more
Discussion of makeshift architecture practices in relation to creative process, the urban landscape and orientations to futures.
Τα τελευταία χρόνια η συζήτηση σχετικά με τα αστικά κοινά και τις νέες περιφράξεις έχει γίνει ιδιαίτερα δημοφιλής μεταξύ μελετητών του χώρου όπως οι Harvey, Chatterton, Hodkinson, Vasudevan καθώς και κοινωνικών κινημάτων πόλης, ωστόσο έως... more
Narratives that dominate contemporary life make it easier to imagine the end of the world, even the end of capitalism, than the end of growth. How do we begin to think of other ways forward? By observing and appreciating what already... more
The complexity of the contemporary urban scenario, now in constant revolution, callsfor new forms of governance: able to combine the stances of institutional actors, civilsociety and the entrepreneurial world; commoning, born as a form of... more
Enclosure movements on the commons continue without slowing down especially in the developing countries; as well as the grassroots movements against them. Enclosure movements frequently contain several foreign investments and... more
This article examines the emergence of a grass-root movement that brings back the past in order to prefigure communalist practices in the Basque Country. The movement comprises both the platform of Biltzarre and the Basque Cultural... more
In this paper the authors study the farmers and consumers association Campi Aperti in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, an important example of organizational innovation in which small scale farmers and consumers collectively self-organise their own... more