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      GeriatricsGerontologyDementiaChronic Pain
In this current entry, grandparenthood is defined as the role that older people play as grandparents in a family. Social relationships are associated with subjective physical and mental health outcomes in adulthood. As they age though,... more
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Introduction: In today's modern world, we are witnessing a noticeable increase in stress level, and its aftermath on an individual's psychological well-being, specifically among older adults. Some studies suggested that social isolation... more
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      GerontologyMental HealthGeropsychologyGeriatric Psychiatry
Anxiety symptoms and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent among older people although infrequently the subject of systematic research in this age group. One important limitation is the lack of a widely accepted instrument to measure... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychiatryAnxiety Disorders
The practice of psychology covers the range of ages from conception through to the end of life and palliative care. Psychologists practice in a variety of roles, but the majority of these roles involve interactions with nonprofessionals... more
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      Clinical PsychologyGerontologySubstance MisuseGeropsychology
Anxiety symptoms and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent among older people although infrequently the subject of systematic research in this age group. One important limitation is the lack of a widely accepted instrument to measure... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychiatryAnxiety Disorders
Popular assertions portray depression as an inevitable outcome of aging, a widespread image embraced by many health professionals. Although epidemiological data contradict the prevalent image that depressive syndromes increase with age,... more
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      Clinical PsychologyAssessmentAgingGeropsychology
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      GeropsychologyClinical Geropsychology
Background: Difficulties with memory and communication are prominent and distressing features of dementia which impact on the person with dementia and contribute to caregiver stress and burden. There is a need to provide caregivers with... more
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      CommunicationMental Health nursingDementiaAging
Background: Anxiety symptoms and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent among older people and are associated with considerable disability burden. While several instruments now exist to measure anxiety in older people, there is a need for... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychological AssessmentGeriatricsPsychiatry
To investigate how psychosocial resources may improve well-being for older adults, this study explored the relationship among questionnaire measures of optimism, social support and perceptions of control in predicting subjective... more
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      Health PsychologyAdult Development And AgingGeropsychologyPositive psychology and its application to health, well-being, recovery from illness, and optimal functioning.
Background: There is a worldwide shortage of mental health professionals trained in the provision of mental health services to older adults. This shortage in many countries is most acutely felt in the discipline of psychology. Examining... more
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      Clinical PsychologyCounseling PsychologyGerontologyAdult Development And Aging
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyAssessmentDepression
Introduction: There has been a growing interest in the cross-cultural adaptation of instruments for assessment of anxiety, but studies involving anxiety specifically in the geriatric population is still unusual. Thus, there is a lack of... more
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      Anxiety DisordersAssessmentAgingSubstance Misuse
Background: Anxiety symptoms and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent among older people and are associated with considerable disability burden. While several instruments now exist to measure anxiety in older people, there is a need for... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychological AssessmentGeriatricsPsychiatry
The assessment of anxiety can be difficult in older populations. In particular, the assessment of anxiety in long-term care settings can be problematic, because patients may be experiencing some level of cognitive impairment as well as... more
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      Anxiety DisordersMental Health nursingSubstance MisuseGeropsychology
Social relationship accounts for subjective physical and mental health across adulthood. Aging is associated with changes of preferences on social partners and composition of social network. In this entry, we first introduce age-related... more
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Background: The underlying goals of the present study were (i) to assess knowledge of and attitudes towards aging in a sample of Portuguese undergraduate students undertaking various degrees in health and welfare subjects, and (ii) to... more
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      GerontologyAgingAdult development and Aging (Psychology)Adult Development And Aging
Background: Differential diagnosis implies identifying shared and divergent characteristics between clinical states. Clinical work with older adults demands not only the knowledge of nosological features associated with differential... more
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      Clinical PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyAnxiety DisordersDepression
Australia has fallen behind overseas counterparts in the area of geropsychology, and clinical geropsychology in particular. Older Australians are not getting the level of psychological services needed on the basis of their status as a... more
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      GeropsychologyClinical Geropsychology
Undergraduate and graduate course on the psychopathologies of old age and, for graduate students, some practicum experience of neuropsychological assessment of the elderly. The course was shared with Dr. Joseph Yenerall, a sociologist.
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    • Geropsychology
Background: Difficulties with memory and communication are prominent and distressing features of dementia which impact on the person with dementia and contribute to caregiver stress and burden. There is a need to provide caregivers with... more
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      Mental Health nursingAgingSubstance MisuseAdult development and Aging (Psychology)
Hazard perception in driving involves a number of different processes. This paper reports the develop- ment of two measures designed to separate these processes. A Hazard Perception Test was developed to measure how quickly drivers could... more
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The article is devoted to the problem of comprehension of the life of the elderly residents of rural areas (villagers). Residents of the rural area is a special socio-demographic group, which has its own age, socio-psychological features... more
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    • Geropsychology
The advent of global population ageing raises understandable concerns about the high-prevalence mental disorders in older people. Accordingly, this review covers recently published scientific articles concerning anxiety and depression.
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      Cognitive ScienceGeriatricsAnxiety DisordersDepression
Background: Fear of driving has been recognized as a complex diagnostic entity. For this reason, the use of psychometric instruments is fundamental to advancing research in this area. Psychometric instruments are also necessary for... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSports MedicineBiomedical EngineeringAnxiety Disorders
One reason that older drivers may have elevated crash risk is because they anticipate hazardous situations less well than middle-aged drivers. Hazard perception ability has been found to be amenable to training in young drivers. This... more
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      GerontologyAgingDrivingSubstance Misuse
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      NursingAnxiety DisordersMental Health nursingSubstance Misuse
Phobias are common in later life, yet treatment research in this population remains scant. The efficacy of exposure therapy, in combination with other Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) components, in the treatment of specific phobia with... more
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      Anxiety DisordersPsychotherapyDepressionPsychotherapy and Counseling
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Objective: Rates of depression and anxiety are high among older adults in residential aged care facilities (RACFs). This study examined the extent to which psychological services are made available to facility residents in Australia, and... more
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    • Geropsychology
The underlying goals of the present study were (i) to assess knowledge of and attitudes towards aging in a sample of Portuguese undergraduate students undertaking various degrees in health and welfare subjects, and (ii) to analyze the... more
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      Social WorkGerontologyAgingAdult development and Aging (Psychology)
Background: Fear of driving has been recognized as a complex diagnostic entity. For this reason, the use of psychometric instruments is fundamental to advancing research in this area. Psychometric instruments are also necessary for... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSports MedicineBiomedical EngineeringAnxiety Disorders
Background: There is a worldwide shortage of mental health professionals trained in the provision of mental health services to older adults. This shortage in many countries is most acutely felt in the discipline of psychology. Examining... more
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      Clinical PsychologyGeriatricsPsychotherapyCounseling Psychology
Purpose of review The advent of global population ageing raises understandable concerns about the high-prevalence mental disorders in older people. Accordingly, this review covers recently published scientific articles concerning anxiety... more
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      GeriatricsAnxiety DisordersAgingSubstance Misuse
Reasons behind older adults’ under-utilisation of mental health services are complex. Barriers to access to mental health services for this group include service access and availability, attitudes of medical and mental health... more
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      Clinical PsychologyMental HealthSubstance MisuseGeropsychology
To investigate how psychosocial resources may improve well-being for older adults, this study explored the relationship among questionnaire measures of optimism, social support and perceptions of control in predicting subjective... more
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      PsychologyHealth PsychologyApplied MathematicsPersonality
ABSTRACTBackground: Difficulties with memory and communication are prominent and distressing features of dementia which impact on the person with dementia and contribute to caregiver stress and burden. There is a need to provide... more
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      CommunicationDementiaAgingAdult Development And Aging
The aim of this study is twofold. First, to assess the level of agreement between radiographic damage and functional disability in older people with osteoarthritis. And second, to assess the role of coping skills and sensory pain... more
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      PsychologyPainCoping StrategiesPsychopathology
The older adult population have been increasing around the World. The interaction of older adults with their physical and social environment is so important to promote age-friendly societies. In the present study, it is aimed to explore... more
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      Clinical PsychologyGeropsychologyPsychogerontology
One reason that older drivers may have elevated crash risk is because they anticipate hazardous situations less well than middle-aged drivers. Hazard perception ability has been found to be amenable to training in young drivers. This... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePerceptionGerontology
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyAssessmentAging
Phobias are common in later life, yet treatment research in this population remains scant. The efficacy of exposure therapy, in combination with other Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) components, in the treatment of specific phobia with... more
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      Anxiety DisordersPsychotherapyPsychotherapy and CounselingSubstance Misuse
Objective: This brief examines the evidence that is currently available to inform the provision of psychological services within aged care services, considering both residential care and home care settings. Method: A narrative literature... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePsychotherapyProfessional Training
The article examines the environmental qualities perceived by ageing populations in suburban low-density and car-oriented neighbourhoods in comparison to more dense and central areas. The study focuses on Nicosia, Cyprus, a city that... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyEnvironmental Psychology
Social relationship accounts for subjective physical and mental health across adulthood. Aging is associated with changes of preferences on social partners and composition of social network. In this entry, we first introduce age-related... more
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How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic... more
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      Anxiety DisordersAssessmentAgingSubstance Misuse
This thesis examines the phenomenological aspects of dementia patients who are living out their lives with decreasing lucidity in the world around them. I propose using Douglas Hollan’s framework of selfscapes to better conceptualize the... more
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      Psychological AnthropologyMedical AnthropologySelf and IdentityDementia
Phobias are common in later life, yet treatment research in this population remains scant. The efficacy of exposure therapy, in combination with other Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) components, in the treatment of specific phobia with... more
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      Anxiety DisordersPsychotherapyDepressionPsychotherapy and Counseling