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Two greenhouse experiments were focused on the application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in planting of high-biomass crops on reclaimed spoil banks. In the first experiment, we... more
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The main objective of researches was the analysis of experience of application of technological schemes of mining of longwall panels without re-installation of the equipment of a coal face. For conditions of the mine... more
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      Underground MiningLongwall MiningDowntimeRemoval
At "Debiensko" Desalination Plant salt crystallizer is supplied with untreated brine concentrated by RCC evaporation method that results in high energy consumption and huge amount of post-crystallization lye. Nanofiltration pre-treatment... more
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      EngineeringProductionEnergy ConsumptionEvaporation
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      Climate ChangeCorporate GovernanceCarbonDeveloping Countries
The conventional method, splitting and stooking of a pillar, to optimise recovery of coal under built-up surface structures has limited scope for a multisection-developed thick seam under massive, immediate, roof strata and shallow depth... more
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      Civil EngineeringStratigraphyOptimizationStress analysis
Explosion pressure rate rise (dp/dt) experiments for coal dust and methane-coal dust-air hybrid mixtures in a modified 20 L explosion apparatus were conducted to provide data on explosion characteristics in Ventilation Air Methane (VAM)... more
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    • Coal Mine
E x t r a c t i v e I n d u s t r i e s R e v i e w J l . D u k u h P a t r a V / 5 2 , J a k a r t a -1 2 9 5 0 ,
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      Climate ChangeCorporate GovernanceCarbonDeveloping Countries
Savaş tarihinde ilk defa Çanakkale savaşlarında, hepsi aynı anda olmak üzere, havada uçaklarla, denizde savaş gemileri ile karada top tüfek ve süngülerle, denizlerin altında denizaltı gemileri ile yoğun çarpışmalar olmuştur. Fakat aynı... more
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      GallipoliZonguldakGallipoli CampaignÇAnakkale Savaşı
Using robots to assist rescue personnel in mine rescue missions is an active area of research. We are going to develop a robot to send it into the mine to gather information about the environment inside a mine and to search for victims.... more
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      Electrical EngineeringRoboticsControl Systems EngineeringControl Systems
Infrastructure is the foundation on which industrialized economies are built. As global population has grown and as economies of many regions have expanded, the quantity and scale of infrastructure has increased dramatically. Although... more
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      Water EngineeringTransportationEnvironmental ChangeMultidisciplinary
The communication network in coal mine underground is the foundation of colliery distributed monitoring system and plays an important role in transferring information when the production is in gear and events happens in coal mine... more
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      Wireless Networks (Technology)Wireless TechnologyData acquisitionMobile and Wireless Technology
Opencast coal mines, a major source of airborne particulate matter (PM), is widespread in India. The health impacts are primarily associated with the concentration and composition of the PM inhaled. A study aimed at characterization of... more
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      Air pollutionElemental analysisCoal Mine
Bu çalışmamızda Fransa’nın Osmanlı ülkesinde ve özellikle Zonguldak-Ereğli kömür havzasındaki Katolik Misyonerlik çalışmalarını irdelemeye çalışacağız. Assomptionistler Emmanuel D'ALZON tarafından 1845’de güney Fransa’da Nimes kentinde... more
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      Missionary History20th century FranceZONGULDAK KARAELMASTürkiye'de Misyonerlik Faaliyetleri
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      NursingOccupational HealthData AnalysisRisk assessment
The surface and ground water samples were collected for the characterization of physical, chemical parameters including Na%, Magnesium Hazards (MH), Permeability index (PI), Sodium absorption ratio (SAR), Residual sodium bicarbonate... more
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      Groundwater QualityCoal Mine
The aim of this study was to provide an assessment of the environmental impact that the tailing dumps from Lupeni coal mine (Jiului Valley) have on the local environment. To achieve this goal, several field trips were organized during... more
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    • Coal Mine
Lesser Florican Sypheotides indica in agricultural landscape of Warora (Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India): Conservation requirements
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      AgricultureCoal Mine
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      Climate ChangeCorporate GovernanceCarbonDeveloping Countries
Informal mining activities provide livelihoods for millions of poor in mineral-rich developing countries. Yet, they continue to remain one of the least understood areas in mineral resource management. While its poverty reduction potential... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentCommunity ParticipationMultidisciplinaryDeveloping Country
Fly ash is one of the common residues produced from combustion of coal. In past, fly ash was unconditionally released into the atmosphere. Recent concerns about environmental pollution led to prohibition of its atmospheric release and... more
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      Environmental PollutionFly AshRiver bank erosionGEO BAGS
This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the... more
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      Climate ChangeCarbonBiomassCombustion
The main objective of the executed researches was assessment of efficiency of recovering and equipment re-installation of longwalls at the applied technological schemes of mining of flat coal seams of the Kuznetsk coal basin. The analysis... more
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      Underground MiningLongwall MiningDowntimeCoal Mine
Road header performance prediction plays a significant role in the successful implementation of a tunneling project; so that, there is a need for accurate prediction of the advance rate of tunneling. However, there is relatively less... more
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      EngineeringFuzzy LogicModelingSensitivity Analysis
The results of the statistical analysis of seismic activity recorded in the ''Zabrze-Bielszowice'' coal mine in Poland are presented in this article. The monitoring was conducted by a small network consisting of four triaxial geophones... more
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      Civil EngineeringRock MechanicsSeismic HazardStatistical Analysis
An actinobacterial strain, designated G4 T , isolated from a coal mine was subjected to polyphasic taxonomic characterization. Cells were Gram-stain-positive, yellow-pigmented, non-motile and non-spore-forming cocci. This organism... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyBiology
The aim of this study was to provide an assessment of the environmental impact that the tailing dumps from Lupeni coal mine (Jiului Valley) have on the local environment. To achieve this goal, several field trips were organized during... more
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      Environmental ScienceCoal Mine
A study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) and off-specification fly ash (FA) in remediating acid mine drainage (AMD). The pH and AMD concentrations of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe),... more
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    • Coal Mine
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      Climate ChangeCorporate GovernanceCarbonDeveloping Countries
The goal of our research was to assess the impact of post-mining land subsidence, caused due to underground coal mining operations, on fine root biomass and root tips count; plant available nutrient status, microbial biomass N (MBN) and... more
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      SoilBiomassSubsidenceNitrogen Cycle
Coal handling is a complex process involving different correlated and highly dependent operations such as selecting appropriate product types, planning stockpiles, scheduling stacking and reclaiming activities and managing train loads.... more
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      ProductionSchedulingResource AllocationMining
Coal mine disaster is a common occurrence in mines after which rescue operations are immediately needed which is a risky one. The disaster results in increased level of harmful gases like CO and CO2 resulting in decreased O2 level and... more
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      Computer ScienceMobile RoboticsSensorROBOT
This study is based on field work undertaken in 2003, and builds on previous projects undertaken in Mongolia. It assesses the medium-term growth potential of Mongolia's non-fuel minerals industry, and its potential contribution to... more
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      GeologyEconomic GrowthEnvironmental ManagementAgriculture
The study was carried out to analyse the environmental impacts of coal mine and coal-based thermal power plant to the surrounding environment of Barapukuria, Dinajpur. The analyses of coal, water, soil and fly ash were carried out using... more
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Social, environment and rural development issues are an integral part of the development challenge in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Region. The World Bank's Sustainable Development Strategy for the region provides the conceptual... more
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      EconomicsClimate ChangeConservationBiomass
The relationship between the size of the particle fractions of the soil substrate and the diversity of the spontaneously developing vegetation was investigated on coal mine spoil heaps in Upper Silesia (Southern Poland). The analyses were... more
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      EcologySoilless SubstratesCoal MineVegetation diversity
Notes de lecture des Actes du colloque de 2016.
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      GeologyMetallurgyBusiness ManagementCoal Mine
The main objective of researches was the analysis of experience of application of technological schemes of mining of longwall panels without re-installation of the equipment of a coal face. For conditions of the mine... more
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      Underground MiningLongwall MiningDowntimeRemoval
Objectives: This study,
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      ArchivesMultivariate AnalysisPneumoconiosisLung Function
The India ranks third in world coal production mainly due to 89% contribution from opencast mining or surface mining. Coal India (a major coal producing organization in India) produced 359.78 million tons of coal in the year 2008-09 from... more
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      Slope StabilityCoal Mine
China's current strategy for the development of its coal industry is based on policies developed and implemented in accordance with the state council's detailed opinions. The highest level of government authority has thus defined... more
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      Air QualityClimate ChangeCarbonCapital Markets
The coal mined areas require immediate attention for its rehabilitation, if the present situation is allowed to continue, it will degrade air quality, water quality and land productivity. Thus this will not only cause inconvenience to the... more
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      RehabilitationAgroforestryCoal MiningAgroforestry, Plantation forestry, Forest ecology
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      Fair DivisionNash–bargaining solutionCoal Mine
Road header performance prediction plays a significant role in the successful implementation of a tunneling project; so that, there is a need for accurate prediction of the advance rate of tunneling. However, there is relatively less... more
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      EngineeringFuzzy LogicModelingSensitivity Analysis
Coal handling is a complex process involving different correlated and highly dependent operations such as selecting appropriate product types, planning stockpiles, scheduling stacking and reclaiming activities and managing train loads.... more
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      ProductionSchedulingResource AllocationMining
Overview of Mongolia's Mining Sector 1.1 The minerals industry has evolved into a truly global industry that is highly competitive, generally capital intensive, technologically complex, and risky. With few exceptions its development is... more
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      GeologyEconomic GrowthEnvironmental ManagementAgriculture
Fly ash is one of the common residues produced from combustion of coal. In past, fly ash was unconditionally released into the atmosphere. Recent concerns about environmental pollution led to prohibition of its atmospheric release and... more
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      Environmental PollutionFly AshRiver bank erosionGEO BAGS
Environment monitoring in coal mines is an important application of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that has commercial potential. We discuss the design of a Structure-Aware Self-Adaptive WSN system, SASA. By regulating the mesh sensor... more
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      Distributed ComputingWireless Sensor NetworksCoal MiningAlgorithm Design
W artykule zaprezentowano możliwości wykorzystania rachunku kosztów działań sterowanego czasem w górnictwie węgla kamiennego. Głównym celem artykułu jest wskazanie zalet i okoliczności stosowania rachunku kosztów działań sterowanego... more
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      Cost EstimationProject Cost ControlCoal MiningActivity based costing
Clarence Colliery is exploring the 4FCT as a continuous haulage system. The 4FCT (Flexible Conveyor Train) is used as a continuous conveyor between the current continuous miner unit and the fixed boot end of the panel conveyor vs the... more
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesPRODUCTION ENGINEERINGCoal Mine
Bugün, yeraltı kömür ocaklarında patlama ların kaynağının gazların birikmesi ve yan ması veya patlaması olduğu ve kömür tozu patlaması ile büyük boyutlara ulaştığı bi lenmektedir.
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      EngineeringMiningCoal bed methaneCoal Mine