Co Construction of Knowledge
Recent papers in Co Construction of Knowledge
The social economy refers to the economic activities carried out by cooperatives, associations (or non-profit organizations), mutuals and, more recently, foundations.
The "Greek crisis" was officially inaugurated on May 2010 with the loan the Greek government took from the IMF-European Union-European Central Bank troika, the largest a country had ever taken (€110 bn). Since then, the social... more
The dialectical relationship between `pedagogy' and `praxis', vis-à-vis the `women's question', has been a matter of great concern for pioneers of Women's Studies (WS). The need to study women's issues in academic institutions and to... more
El propósito del presente artículo es abordar los fundamentos teóricos de las políticas públicas dirigidas a las cooperativas y, más en general, a la economía social. A tal fin, encuentra en la teoría económica de los fallos de mercado e... more
As communicative macro-function, narration represents a complex task that requires specific linguistic, pragmatic, and socio-cultural competences. Due to the developmental constraints, children at a very early age gradually develop their... more
Abstraction is one of the methods for learning knowledge with using mental processes that cannot be obtained through experiment and observation. RBC model that is based on abstraction in the process of creating knowledge is directly... more
Corporate governance is traditionally one of the major challenges of co-operatives and Social Economy (SE) companies. As democratic member-based organisations, they have specific models of governance, but also specific problems. In recent... more
À la lumière du programme de recherche sur les savoirs et les inégalités sociales dans le champ de la santé et des services sociaux que je poursuis dans un centre de recherche montréalais, cet article présente une réflexion critique sur... more
Malgré une certaine déconsidération de la BD, l'idée d'une bande dessinée « éducative » s'est développée à peu près en même temps que se répandait ce média. Si la pratique est assez répandue, peu d'études scientifiques ont cherché à... more
This article combines a sociocultural model of classroom talk with a linguistically-oriented model (systemic functional linguistics) to explore what characterizes effective asynchronous online discussion in higher education (HE). While... more
Hospital building design is important as it is the place where bacteria and microorganisms concentrate. Poor ventilation system and layout traps disease causing pathogens, threatens the lives of many frontline workers such as doctors,... more
Contemporary scholars justifiably consider the development of a work orientation as a step in the adolescent's transition to adulthood. During this transitional phase, adolescents' relations to society's institutions change, as do their... more
Although it has a rich history, the social economy does not yet have a clear, unanimously supported definition. This makes it difficult to delineate and follow the evolution of the social economy for statistical purposes. Some definitions... more
While teachers know collaboration has an important pedagogical purpose, their experience of it is mixed, and the differences in the way group work is described makes it difficult to do systematic analysis of evidence-based practice.... more
Communication présentée dans le cadre du congrès de l'ACFAS 2013, Canada.
What grounds gave birth to December’s revolt and most importantly, what new grounds has the revolt given birth to in return? The political background of the events of those days and their repercussions are dis-cussed extensively in the... more
The focus of the article is on how knowledge is created, who creates knowledge, how knowledge is co-constructed, whose knowledge is excluded and how knowledge is being used to challenge inequalities and strengthen social movement... more
markdownabstract__Abstract__ This paper looks at how the social and solidarity economy (SSE) discourse has been deployed at a regional level by the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and Southern American Common Market (MERCOSUR),... more
We need social innovation and development mainly because we have to solve some problems that we created ourselves, namely the depletion of natural resources, increasing social isolation and problems related to the enormous acceleration of... more
How do brand and product development processes interact? How do brands and branding strategies influence product development? Moreover, does a branding strategy facilitate or impede the development process? So far, research on product... more
The financing of public goods through public policies, private donations or sales is a debate that currently strongly affects the social economy. Empirical studies are tempered regarding the relation between these different types of... more
There are no official statistics about social economy in Québec (nor in Canada). Existing data is partial, comprising only one or the other component of social economy (cooperatives, mutuals or non-profit organizations), or covering only... more
O aumento da disponibilização de resíduos gerados pelas indústrias madeireiras gera um problema para a cadeia produtiva, pois, muitas vezes, estes resíduos são depositados em locais inadequados ou são reutilizados de modo errado. O... more
Las prácticas pedagógicas vienen siendo objeto de múltiples estudios, y a veces fuertes críticas y presiones, dada su relación con los aprendizajes alcanzados por los estudiantes, los procesos de desarrollo profesional de los profesores,... more
This paper aims to address the theoretical basis of public policies related to cooperatives and to social economy in general. To this end, strong justifications are found in the economic theory of market and institutional failures and... more
El presente ensayo relata la experiencia de vinculación ciencia-política-participación ciudadana en el marco de la Ley 3076/17 que declara el Alerta Hídrico-Ambiental en los 2 cursos y cuerpos de agua, y acuíferos existentes en la... more
Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop a content analysis framework and from that derive a process model of knowledge construction in the context of virtual product user communities, organization sponsored online... more
In this paper we argue that research on learning in education is not a disparate set of unrelated theories and models, but rather there is an underlying unifying understanding of what learning is, based on a conception of epistemology,... more
This paper considers the role of reflexivity in the dissemination of research findings and in the context of the pressure to evidence the (immediate) impact of social scientific research (whether economic, social, cultural or political).... more
Project work is becoming an important part of university education aiming at preparing students for team-based activities in a workplace. However, cooperation problems are common in the learning process. The major purpose of the study... more
"This paper looks at how the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) discourse has been deployed at the regional level by UNASUR and MERCOSUR and the implications of these new policy frameworks for the advancement of SSE practices. Though civil... more
This article reviews the role of third sector organizations in the field of "proximity services" from a francophone perspective. We analyze how the new wave of initiatives inside the third sector in France and francophone Belgium can be... more
Social economy , the ground between free market private benefit institutions , the State regulation and society , needs to be positively identified. The existing , traditional , monitoring and evaluation concepts , methods and tools are... more
In this paper we argue that research on learning in education is not a disparate set of unrelated theories and models, but rather there is an underlying unifying understanding of what learning is, based on a conception of epistemology,... more