Climate Change and Human Rights
Recent papers in Climate Change and Human Rights
Actualmente existe una controversia sobre cómo el Derecho Internacional debe proteger al creciente número de migrantes climáticos. En este artículo se estudian las estrategias surgidas en el entorno de América Latina, tanto de softlaw... more
This report, co-released by West Coast Environmental Law and the Vanuatu Environmental Law Association, explains how well-established principles of private international law allow the courts and governments of individual countries to take... more
Face à l’urgence climatique, les procédures judiciaires se multiplient à l’encontre des Etats afin de forcer ces derniers à engager une action plus ambitieuse en la matière. À la lumière des affaires menées aux Pays-Bas, en Belgique et en... more
This report, co-released by West Coast Environmental Law and the Vanuatu Environmental Law Association, explains how well-established principles of private international law allows the courts and governments of individual countries to... more
In Bilan et perspectives de l'Accord de Paris (Cop 21) Regards croisés, (dir) Marta Torre-Schaub, Préface Mireille Delmas-Marty La « justice climatique », peut être considérée comme un principe d'origine éthique et philosophique. D'une... more
While there is widespread agreement that climate change has negative implications for the enjoyment of human rights, it remains unclear in what circumstances State action associated with climate change amounts to a human rights violation.... more
Wolfgang Sachs asks who are the winners, and who the losers in climate change? He makes the case that cuts in fossil fuel use are imperative not only to protect the atmosphere but also to protect human rights.
Climate change is a serious global issue, as it affects all components of the Earth, including humanity. This book deals with the obvious difficulties at the time of guaranteeing the existence of climate justice, given the heterogeneity... more
Climate change and human trafficking are two pervasive global threats in the contemporary world. This dissertation analyses the linkages between these two phenomena, highlighting how, on the one hand, the effects of climate change affect... more
The right to a remedy is central to a human rights approach to climate change. However , a range of obstacles inhibit access to justice for victims of human rights violations caused by climate change. This article considers two elements... more
This article discusses recent developments related to recognition of the link between human rights and climate change in international human rights forums. It focuses on the main human rights body of the United Nations, the Human Rights... more
This Special Issue of the Journal of South Pacific Law, produced by the School of Law of the University of the South Pacific in Port Vila, Vanuatu, includes papers that explain how human rights obligations reinforce existing obligations... more
Newspaper article which outlines the arguments for fossil fuel divestment at Queen's University Belfast.
Climate change poses serious threats on the enjoyment of human rights around the world, specially upon the most vulnerable members of society, hence, states have positive and negative duties when safeguarding substantive and procedural... more
Défendre la liberté de la recherche pour défendre nos droits (à propos des scientifiques et de notre droit à un climat stable) Par Marta Torre-Schaub The Conversation 21 avril 2017
Existing accounts of the relationship between human rights and climate change are not explicit regarding the link between climate change and the displacement of indigenous peoples and its implications for their rights in Africa. Even if a... more
This Special Issue of the Journal of South Pacific Law, produced by the School of Law of the University of the South Pacific in Port Vila, Vanuatu, includes papers that explain how human rights obligations reinforce existing obligations... more
Climate justice can mean many things – broadly, it captures the understanding that the effects of climate change are being felt most strongly by those least responsible, and that solutions to climate change must be ‘just’. However, there... more
Norwegian Abstract: Klimaendringer utgjør en alvorlig trussel mot menneskerettighetene. Likevel er menneskerettighetene marginale i klimapolitikk og debatten rundt overganger til "grønne økonomier". Samtidig er mothegemoniske tilnærminger... more
Climate change continues to dominate academic work within green/environmental politics. Indeed, there appears to be almost an inverse relationship between the lack of political leadership on tackling climate change and the growth in ever... more
Článek se věnuje tématu aplikovatelnosti nástrojů lidských práv k ochraně před negativními dopa dy klimatické změny. Východiskem zkoumání jsou poznatky, jež byly ohledně lidskoprávních závazků států dovozeny mezinárodními soudy pro oblast... more
The right to a remedy is central to a human rights approach to climate change. However, a range of obstacles inhibit access to justice for victims of human rights violations caused by climate change. This article considers two elements of... more
This paper discusses recent developments related to recognition of the link between human rights and climate change in international human rights forums. It focuses on the main human rights body of the United Nations, the Human Rights... more
A prominent theoretical analysis of moral claim rights holds that a right exists if and only if a corresponding directed obligation exists. Unfortunately, that traditional analysis has significant problems with a large number of apparent... more
In present, the relationship between impact of climate change and human rights has been recognition. This paper aimed to study the responsibilities of State and business for climate change in human rights aspects. As a result, it found... more