Climate Change Politics
Recent papers in Climate Change Politics
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, held in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, was probably the largest event in a long series of megasummits on environmental protection and sustainable development. Roughly 44 000... more
The Paris Agreement has been hailed as a significant, but not sufficient, step on the path to halting anthropogenic climate change. Rather than allocating emissions based on a top-down limit, the Paris Agreement depends on bottom-up... more
What are the effects of capital’s restless attempts to appropriate unpaid cleanup work done by humans and the rest of nature? Neglect of this question has led to repeated confusions about what waste is and how it might better be... more
The two Koreas’ divergent growth and development paths resulting from political-economic or socioeconomic differences eventually have led to differences in environmental and ecological issues, North and South Korea typifying the problems... more
Scientists are often wary of engaging in policy advocacy as they fear it may result in the perception of bias in their science or abuse of their position. Whilst advocacy need not always result in biased science or an abuse of position,... more
The Paris Agreement that was signed by 195 countries on December 2015 is considered both a success and a failure to the climate change politics. It was another failure to the comprehensive integrated regime approach, but a success to the... more
The case for degrowth is a case for stopping the pursuit of growth and for reorienting lives and societies toward wellbeing. This chapter impels moves to build good lives for all, and shows how existing resources can be shared and... more
[The Media Climate. Studies on climate change communication] 2012. 285 p. Including 10 illustrations and 15 tables. Paperback. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. ISBN: 978-3-531-17752-6 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-531-94217-9 For many people media... more
This article provides a focused review of the current literature on global environmental governance. In the first part, we differentiate between three usages of the term " global environmental governance, " which we describe as... more
With a focus on the novel, this chapter appraises three major themes that emerged in the embryonic corpus of climate change fiction. The first concerns the denial, avoidance, and acceptance of the magnitude of climate change in the... more
Average figures for the country, regional, or class emissions of greenhouse gases can be deceiving because some people and groups have much larger carbon footprints than others. In this policy brief, we focus on the super-rich, the... more
What is the Paris Agreement and how does it account for refugees of climate change-induced migration? What contingencies does this document hold for climate refugees? The short answer is, nothing. The Paris Agreement does nothing for... more
This introduction to "Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis" positions the volume as an intervention, collecting together indicative contributions regarding what social scientists, humanities scholars and climate activists around the world... more
Climate change is often discussed in terms of linear units of time. This essay covers the meaning of linear time and its implications for how climate change is narrated. There are concerns about how narrating climate change in this way... more
El capítulo analiza algunos de los principales marcos normativos y políticas públicas en materia de migraciones ambientales en América Latina. Forma parte del volumen "(Re)pensando el vínculo entre migración y crisis. Perspectivas desde... more
Changes in climate have causes and effects. Most of the world knew it that climate change is harmful for our planet, but to what degree it is harmful? Little known about this and entire climate change subject today remains semi-mystery.... more
In recent years, young activists under 25 have increasingly advocated slowing global population growth through family planning as a climate change strategy. While this approach is developed and disseminated by population and development... more
Now available in paperback. 30% discount with the code PAPER30 —Thinking the politics of animals and animality beyond the critique of anthropocentrism and the concerns... more
La escasez del agua en México es un problema muy serio. Con el cambio climático el problema se acrecienta y empeora. Los días con agua entubada al año para las grandes poblaciones urbanas tienden a disminuir. La producción agrícola se... more
Many agents have failed to comply with their responsibilities to take the action needed to avoid dangerous anthropogenic climate change. This pervasive noncompliance raises two questions of nonideal political theory. First, it raises... more
A transição ecológica e a autonomia estratégica são dois eixos ao re- dor dos quais gravita um amplo programa de transformação da União Europeia, em seu próprio desenvolvimento social e econômico, e em relação ao restante do mundo. As... more
The international regime of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has resulted some agreements and policies which binding its countries member. The latest one was the mechanism of REDD (Reducing Emissions From... more
Yeryüzü doğayı içeren insanın en anlamlı varlık alanıdır. Bu nedenle birçok düşünür doğayı algılamanın ve anlamanın insana motivasyon sağladığını savunmuştur (Kant, 1987). Aynı sebepten ötürü Aristotales, hocası Eflatun gibi önemli... more
Stephen Schneider's perspective on climate change communication is distinguished by its longevity, a keen anticipation of research findings, historical understanding, and grounding in first-person experience. In this article, the author... more
Bu makalede, çevresel güvenlik kavramının bir alt araştırma alanı olarak iklim güvenliği kavramı ele alınıp, bu kavramın Türkiye iklim politikasındaki yeri irdelenmektedir. Bu amaçla, makalenin ilk bölümünde "çevresel güvenlik" kavramının... more
U.S. climate change-related policy response is failing, despite scientific consensus on core realities, in part because of comprehensive, simultaneous, yet incommensurable doctrines and political biases. Climate disruption is a critically... more
• Rejoinder to claims of Shani and Arad (2014) • Extent of scientific consensus on climate change indicated • Evidence for climate change is observational and predictive • Extent of tourism related emissions indicated • Concern of climate... more
We know that climate change is caused by the rise in earth's average temperature (which began with the massive extraction of fossil fuels) during the industrial revolution. We also know that this process has accelerated greatly in recent... more
During the late 1970s and early 1980s, despite growing political, scientific, and popular concern about the prospect of melting glaciers, sea-level rise, and more generally, climate-induced societal instability, American high-level... more
Alongside the climate change denial movement, a section of the capitalist class has been organizing to promote a project of “climate capitalism” that relies on carbon markets and other policies compatible with the neoliberal order to... more
A nivel mundial se tiene presente que ciertos fenómenos meteorológicos, así como "patrones climáticos", han sufrido cambios en frecuencia, intensidad, duración y época en la que se dan, esto en función de los registros y se nota en la... more
Summary slides of a presentation at the 2018 'Imagining a Different Future: Overcoming Barriers to Climate Justice' Conference hosted by the University of Tasmania, Australia
In one of the first efforts in the social sciences to explore the political and economic as well as natural causes of climate change policy ambition, this article assesses nations' climate change policies by using ratings of the... more
The UN-IPCC Dogma dictates: "This chapter frames the context, knowledge-base and assessment approaches used to understand the impacts of 1.5°C global warming above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways,... more