Christianity in Japan
Recent papers in Christianity in Japan
This book is about the history of the Orthodox Church in Japan. Christianity developed with the arrival of the first Catholic Missionaries in the 16th century. The persecution stoped this development. In the 19th century religious... more
This article offers a short introduction to the history of the Christian Church in Japan, and to the impact the religion has had on Japanese literature.
The article presents Wojciech (Albert) Męciński, S.J., (ca. 1598-1643), a Jesuit martyr and the first Pole to reach Japan through the prism of his vocation to the country. The outlined historical background of Męciński's travel was... more
十六世紀半ばから十七世初頭にかけ、日本イエズス会により、日本語の教理書が出版されたということは周知の通りだ。世俗のヨーロッパ文学である『イソップ物語』の和訳、そして天草版『平家物語』、『太平記抜書』の存在もよく知られている。しかし、日本語で書かれたオリジナルのキリスト教説話が現存するということは案外知られていない。近年、このテキスト群を「異文化接触」というレベルで取り上げた研究が現れているが、漢訳仏典や漢籍の影響を受けた『日本霊異記』『今昔物語集』などとは対照的に、室町末期に... more
Histoire@Politique, Politique, culture, société (Revue scientifique du Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po), « Comptes rendus – ouvrages », Mis en ligne le 23... more
Klaus Koschorke, «"'Dialectics of the Three Selves": The ideal of a "self-governing" native church -from a missionary concept to an emancipatory slogan of Asian and African Christians in the 19th and early 20th centuries», in... more
Tras su introducción en Japón a partir de 1549 de manos del jesuita Francisco Javier, comenzó una nueva etapa de la historia nipona que ha sido usualmente denominada como el Siglo Cristiano, cuyo desarrolló se produjo entre los años 1549... more
The perennial statement of the Japanese being a very difficult group to be reached with the gospel is a challenge for the Christians to find and present a contextualized message that will meet their needs. In this research, we will look... more
This work shows that the transmission of European natural philosophy by Christian missionaries in Japan during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was made in a systematic way, even if at an elementary level. The Kenkon Bensetsu is... more
From 1614 to 1873 Christianity was outlawed in Japan. The Tokugawa Shogunate, which ruled Japan for most of this period, built rigorous and complicated systems of surveillance in order to monitor their population's religious habits. This... more
Martin Nogueira Ramos, "Neither Apostates nor Martyrs. Japanese Catholics Facing the Repression (1612-Mid-Seventeenth Century)", in Alexandra Curvelo & Angelo Cattaneo, eds, Interactions Between Rivals: The Christian Mission and Buddhist... more
You can download the paper on the Nichibunken database: By examining the dynamic... more
Kanzo Uchimura (1861-1930) was a Japanese author, a Christian evangelist, the founder of the indigenized Christian movement, known as Mukyōkai and a famous pacifist before the World War II. He was regarded as one of the foremost thinker... more
por Sawano Chuan (1639) Traducción: Mario Martín Merino I
Cet article s’inscrit dans les débats actuels en histoire du Japon sur la perception du catholicisme et le façonnement des identités religieuses au début de l’époque d’Edo. J’apporte d’abord des éléments de réponse aux deux questions... more
This is a paper from graduate school days, written for a seminar in European Transregionalism taught by Prof. Stanley Brandes. It examines the cultural miscues and slippages of the early Christian missionaries trying to get a foothold in... more
In the early 1800s, the Japanese discovered to their amazement the existence of an ever-expanding empire ruled by a man called Napoleon. Meanwhile, Parisian orientalists started to acquire books on Japan and to dispel the shrouds of... more
Whereas many studies have been written on Japan’s “Christian Century” (16th and 17th centuries) and the last hidden Christian communities still active today, the hidden Christian/Catholic villages of the nineteenth century remain... more
Japan has an almost 470-year history of Christian proclamation since Francis Xavier’s arrival in 15492 though the Christian faith was prohibited from 1639 to 1868.3 Japan’s current Christian population is only 1,955,729 (1.54%) out of... more
This article was translated into Japanese and printed in Kiristan ga hiraita: Nihongo bungaku (Tokyo: Akashi, 2017). Dr. Nanyan Guo played the leading role in putting this volume together.
In order to build a road for effective ministry into the future we must take a thorough look at the ministry of the past learning as much from it as we can. Anabaptist history is not locked in the sixteenth century, but is alive through... more
The paper proposes a philological reflection on the concept of shinkoku (land of the gods) to outline the reasons for the lack of inter-religious dialogue between Buddhism and Christianity that underlay Japan’s closure with respect to the... more
In contemporary Japan it is clear that postwar attitudes toward religion are largely “nonreligious” (mushūkyō) and a substantial majority of Japanese claim no particular faith or affiliation. These trends are perennially attested to in a... more
This article is a transcript of a presentation with the same title at the 'Newer Stage for Namban Historical Studies' International Conference held at Waseda University, January 2020. Its purpose is to draw attention to the distinction... more
towards the Catholic missionaries, while the second book provides a chance to compare Japan's transformation under the Tokugawa period. Together, both books provide a comprehensive understanding of the historical changes that took place... more
This paper provides a brief history of the 16th and 17th Century presence of Christianity in the Tōhoku region of Japan. The paper describes aspects of the 16th and 17th Century Catholic missions to Japan which are unique to Tōhoku,... more
In "Missionsgeschichte als Geschichte der Globalisierung von Wissen: Transkulturelle Wissenaneignung und -vermittlung durch christliche Missionare in Afrika und Asien im 17., 18. und 19. Jahrhundert", eds. Ulrich van der Hayden and... more