Thesis Chapters by Mario Martin-Merino
The outbreak of the Third Century Crisis will imply several changes in the configura... more (English)
The outbreak of the Third Century Crisis will imply several changes in the configuration and idea of the imperial structure as it was known until that moment, leading to severe sociopolitical consequences that redefined the relations between the Imperial army and the Roman society of the Lower Empire. Those changes will run parallel with the evolution of the society, and therefore of the Roman state itself. In a period marked by instability and difficulties, both internal and external, relations between the Roman army and society will not be easy, which will lead to situations that eventually led to abuses of various types and scope that will eventually lead to the disaffection of the population, that perceived the army as an ineffective institution, unable to fulfill its tasks. In addition, it demanded a large amount of resources for their livelihood, which led, among other things, to an increase in tax pressure and a lesser identification with Rome itself and its values.
La crisis del siglo III d.C. implicará una serie de cambios en la configuración e idea del Imperio tal y como se había concebido hasta el momento, los cuales tendrán profundas consecuencias socio-políticas y redefinirá las relaciones entre el estamento militar y la población civil a consecuencia de las diversas transformaciones que sufrirá esa institución, que serán paralelas a la evolución de la sociedad romana bajo imperial, y por extensión, del propio Estado romano. En un periodo marcado por la inestabilidad y las dificultades, tanto internas como externas, las relaciones entre la institución militar y la sociedad serán fáciles, lo cual dará lugar a situaciones que acabaron derivando en abusos de diverso tipo y alcance que acabarán provocando la desafección de la ciudadanía romana, que llegó a percibir al ejército como una institución ineficaz e incapaz de cumplir con sus cometidos, además de requerir una gran cantidad de recursos para su sustento, lo cual llevó ,entre otras cosas, a un incremento de la presión impositiva y una menor identificación con la propia Roma y lo que esta representaba.
Books by Mario Martin-Merino
The travels of Ibn Fadlan, 2024
In 922, an emissary from the Caliph of Baghdad encountered a group of Viking traders on the upper... more In 922, an emissary from the Caliph of Baghdad encountered a group of Viking traders on the upper Volga.
As part of his diplomatic mission, Ahmad Ibn Fadlan recorded in writing everything he observed and experienced during his trip, describing as faithfully as possible the customs of various peoples such as the Saqaliba and the Khazars.
Regarding the Vikings, Ibn Fadlan tells us about their religion and other aspects of their culture, in addition to offering the only direct testimony of a Viking funeral and its rituals, such as, for example, the presence of the so-called “angel of death”, the performance of human sacrifices and the cremation of a ship.
Ibn Fadlan's story is one of the first written testimonies about the Vikings and their customs, as well as the impact they had in both Europe and Asia.
La crisis del siglo III d.C. implicó profundos cambios en la configuración e idea del Imperio Rom... more La crisis del siglo III d.C. implicó profundos cambios en la configuración e idea del Imperio Romano que tendrán importantes consecuencias socio políticas, y redefinirá las relaciones entre el estamento militar y la población civil. El ejército y la sociedad romana del Bajo Imperio sufrieron transformaciones paralelas, y con ello el propio Imperio. Fue un periodo marcado por la inestabilidad y las dificultades internas y externas, en donde las relaciones entre el ejército y la sociedad no fueron fáciles, generándose abusos de diverso tipo que acabarían provocando que la ciudadanía romana percibiese a su ejército como una institución ineficaz e incapaz de cumplir con sus objetivos, así como una menor identificación con Roma y lo que representaba.
Publicación completamente gratuita.
La crónica de Ibn Fadlan, 2019
En el año 922, un emisario del califa de Bagdad se encontró con un grupo de comerciantes vikingos... more En el año 922, un emisario del califa de Bagdad se encontró con un grupo de comerciantes vikingos en el curso alto del Volga. Como parte de su misión diplomática, Ahmad Ibn Fadlan recogió por escrito todo lo que observó y vivió durante su viaje, describiendo lo más fielmente posible las costumbres de diversos pueblos como los saqaliba y los jázaros. En el caso de los vikingos, Ibn Fadlan nos habla de su religión y de otros aspectos de su cultura, además de ofrecer el único testimonio directo de un funeral vikingo y sus rituales, como, por ejemplo, la presencia del denominado “ángel de la muerte”, la realización de sacrificios humanos y la cremación de un barco. El relato de Ibn Fadlan es uno de los primeros testimonios escritos sobre los vikingos y sus costumbres, así como del impacto que estos causaron tanto en Europa como en Asia.
Publicación completamente gratuita.
Teppo-ki (Crónica del arcabuz), 2016
Con la llegada de los primeros europeos a Japón durante la primera mitad del siglo XVI, una nueva... more Con la llegada de los primeros europeos a Japón durante la primera mitad del siglo XVI, una nueva arma desconocida hasta la fecha en aquellas tierras, hará aparición y cambiará por completo las reglas de la guerra que hasta ese momento habían estado vigentes en el país. Con su perfeccionamiento y producción en masa por armeros japoneses, se convertirá en un instrumento indispensable para los distintos daimios inmersos en continuas luchas y para la consecución de la unidad de todo Japón bajo el régimen de los Tokugawa.
Las katanas de Dios : Breve historia del Siglo Cristiano de Japón (1549-1650), 2016
El 23 de septiembre de 1543, tres mercaderes portugueses a bordo de un junco chino llegaron al ex... more El 23 de septiembre de 1543, tres mercaderes portugueses a bordo de un junco chino llegaron al extremo suroeste de Japón, descubriendo finalmente aquella tierra maravillosa que Marco Polo había contado en sus viajes y que tanto había buscado Colón. En 1549 harán acto de presencia los primeros misioneros cristianos, liderados por el jesuita Francisco Javier, para evangelizar a sus gentes. Sus esperanzas eran grandes, y pese a las dificultades, consiguieron convertir a unas 300.000 personas en todo el país. Con el ascenso de una nueva dinastía de shogunes a comienzos del siglo XVII, y tras haber logrado unificar Japón bajo un único gobierno, las suspicacias contra las actividades de los occidentales establecidos en el país comenzaron a crecer. La propagación del cristianismo fue vista como un peligro para la estabilidad del nuevo régimen político, y con el estallido de una revuelta campesina entre 1637 y 1638 en una provincia fuertemente cristianizada, el shogunato dará rienda suelta a una violenta persecución que acabará conduciendo al total aislamiento del país hasta mediados del siglo XIX. Esa etapa de Japón es conocida como el Siglo Cristiano, y esta fue su historia. Este libro contiene, traducida por vez primera al español, el Kirishitan monogatari (Historia de los Cristianos), crónica japonesa anónima del siglo XVII.
Publicación completamente gratuita.
Talks by Mario Martin-Merino
Presented at the V International Congress of Mytocriticism: Myth and Audiovisual Creation. Complu... more Presented at the V International Congress of Mytocriticism: Myth and Audiovisual Creation. Complutense University of Madrid (October 25, 2018).
Japan is one the First World countries with the lowest proportion of Christian believers, estimated in less than 1% of the whole population. Despite the relatively brief duration of the so-called Christian Century, which began in 1549 with the arrival of the first Jesuit missionaries and ended abruptly, among other reasons, due to the outbreak of the Shimabara Rebellion in 1637-1638, its influence continues in contemporaneous Japanese culture. Diverse and curious representations of the Shimabara Rebellion and specifically of its young leader, Shiro Amakusa, can be found in films, literatura, manga, anime, videogames…and even as source of youth subcultural movements
in nowadays Japan as sign of rebellion against established roles in contemporary Japanese society.
Presentado en en V Congreso Internacional de Mitocrítica : Mito y Creación Audiovisual. Universid... more Presentado en en V Congreso Internacional de Mitocrítica : Mito y Creación Audiovisual. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (25 de octubre de 2018).
Japón es uno de los países del Primer Mundo con la proporción más baja de cristianos en su territorio, estimada en menos del 1% del total de la población. Pese a la relativamente corta duración del denominado Siglo Cristiano, que comenzó en 1549 con la llegada de los primeros misioneros jesuitas y finalizó abruptamente, entre otras razones, a causa de la Rebelión de Shimabara de 1637-1638, su influencia continúa en la cultura japonesa actual. Diversas y curiosas representaciones de la Rebelión de Shimabara, y especialmente de su joven líder, Shiro Amakusa, pueden encontrarse en películas, literatura, manga, anime, videojuegos…e incluso como origen de movimientos contraculturales juveniles en el Japón actual como un signo de rebeldía contra los papeles establecidos por la sociedad japonesa contemporánea.
Japan is one the First World countries with the lowest proportion of Christian believers, estimated in less than 1% of the whole population. Despite the relatively brief duration of the so-called Christian Century, which began in 1549 with the arrival of the first Jesuit missionaries and ended abruptly, among other reasons, due to the outbreak of the Shimabara Rebellion in 1637-1638, its influence continues in contemporaneous Japanese culture. Diverse and curious representations of the Shimabara Rebellion and specifically of its young leader, Shiro Amakusa, can be found in films, literatura, manga, anime, videogames…and even as source of youth subcultural movements in nowadays Japan as sign of rebellion against established roles in comtemporary Japanese society.
History & Philosophy by Mario Martin-Merino
This work analyzes the eight peace treaties signed between the Roman Republic and Carthage. The f... more This work analyzes the eight peace treaties signed between the Roman Republic and Carthage. The first four treaties were sealed before the outbreak of the First Punic War in 246 BC, while the subsequent four took place during the Second Punic War. In the second part of this work, the peace treaty signed between the Roman Empire and the Sassanian Empire in 363 AD will also be analyzed, which is frequently related to a previous one signed in 299 AD between both empires to end the invasion undertaken by the Roman emperor Julian against Persia. The analysis of all the aforementioned peace treaties will be carried out taking into consideration the concept of the following terms: "conflict", "conflict complex", "hierarchical structure", "resource control", "power relations" and "accumulation of power".
In this article the socio-political systems of Athens and Sparta are analyzed and compared throug... more In this article the socio-political systems of Athens and Sparta are analyzed and compared through some of their institutions and their reforms. In the Spartan case, it focuses mainly on its educational
system, and in regards to Athens, on the reforms promoted by Solon at the beginning of the 6th century BC. It will also analyze the use that the Greeks, and especially the Athenians, made of propaganda during the Greco-Persian Wars, as well as during the period immediately after, when Athens emerged as the hegemonic power in the Greek world.
Ibn Hayyán (987–1076) was the author of one of the most complete and precise histories about al-A... more Ibn Hayyán (987–1076) was the author of one of the most complete and precise histories about al-Andalus, although only a few fragments have survived to this day. His work, entitled Kitāb almuqtabis, was composed from earlier accounts such as those of Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Rāzī (888–955) and his son 'Īsā (d. 980). His narration about the Viking attack on Seville in the year 844 places Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Rāzī as one of the first Andalusian historians, and his work survives, to a large extent, thanks to Ibn Hayyán, who included numerous references about him and other earlier historians.
This article analyzes and compares two texts on Athenian "eunomia", understood as "good governmen... more This article analyzes and compares two texts on Athenian "eunomia", understood as "good government" during Solon's archonate. The first text to be analyzed will be Aristotle´s Athenaion Politeia (Constitution of the Athenians), and then the same will be done with Plutarch's Life of Solon, contained in the second volume of his Parallel Lives. Likewise, various resources and complementary secondary sources will be used in order to clarify certain aspects related to the topic discussed in this article.
The enactment of the current Spanish Constitution in 1978 caused a substantial change in the terr... more The enactment of the current Spanish Constitution in 1978 caused a substantial change in the territorial structure of the Spanish State. It was organized into seventeen autonomous political-administrative bodies with legislative capacities in various matters, including the protection of historical and cultural heritage.
The transfer of this competence to the autonomous institutions is contemplated by the current Spanish Constitution in article 148.1.16, and developed by Law 16/1985 on Spanish Historical Heritage, enacted in
accordance with the provisions of article 149.1 and 2 of the Spanish Constitution.
Several regulations are currently in force relating to artistic and cultural heritage, both at state and regional level, which require prior administrative authorization to carry out any archaeological intervention. This legislation has led to the appearance of various administrative control systems, as well as an increase in emergency archaeological interventions that has generated debates on various aspects of these actions and the value of archaeological finds.
The definitive establishment of Roman rule over Greece after the Battle of Corinth in 146 BC. it ... more The definitive establishment of Roman rule over Greece after the Battle of Corinth in 146 BC. it did not prevent the emergence of some conflicts between the two, which lasted, at least, until the establishment of the Principate by Augustus (r. 27 BC - 14 AD). During this period of time, Rome had to face some attempts to recover Greek independence by Mithridates, which plunged Greece into a difficult situation because
most of these clashes took place in it.
During the 2nd century AD, Greece achieved social, economic, and political stability, as well as its full cultural integration into the Empire. This led to a rethinking of the relations between the two cultures, which received an important boost during the reigns of Hadrian (r. 117-138) and Antoninus Pius (r. 138-161). The favorable conditions of the Pax Romana made possible the flourishing of phenomena such as evergetism or the
Second Sophistic, which made that century one of the most significant moments in the economic and cultural development of Roman history.
In popular culture, the name of Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) is considered synonymous with transg... more In popular culture, the name of Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) is considered synonymous with transgression, and even evil, being attributed the role of “initiator” of Modern Satanism and apologist of all kinds of excesses. Although these considerations about Crowley are widely spread, the importance of his figure and ideas in the configuration of Contemporary spirituality and the genesis of new Neo-pagan religious movements such as Wicca or others such as the aforementioned Modern Satanism and even Scientology, should not be ignored, since many of these philosophical-religious manifestations derive, to a greater or lesser extent, from Crowley’s thesis. His esoteric system is not a simple reinterpretation of ancient rites and past magic-religious beliefs, but rather questions the current vision of human beings and in this real of existence.
Although Ancient Rome was essentially a slave society that allowed the existence and perpetuation... more Although Ancient Rome was essentially a slave society that allowed the existence and perpetuation of this institution throughout its history, paradoxically it showed some flexibility in the treatment of slaves, which will allow to those who had fallen under the yoke of slavery to be the recipient of certain rights despite their status. The number of slaves in Rome was very high, reaching between 20-30% of the total population at the end of the first century AD, playing an essential role in the sociopolitical development of Rome, which depended almost entirely on slave labour, as well as in the configuration of its own cultural identity.
After the conclusion of the First World War in November 1918, the Japanese government began to co... more After the conclusion of the First World War in November 1918, the Japanese government began to consider the possibility of authorizing a series of projects for the development and creation of biological weapons to be used in future warlike confrontations, based on
previous studies carried out in Europe.
The highest authorities of the Japanese government eventually approved these projects and founded a research group , in the Chinese region of Manchuria, occupied by the Imperial Japanese Army since February 1932., 2017
Zheng Chenggong, better known in the West as Koxinga, was born in the Japanese port of Hirado in ... more Zheng Chenggong, better known in the West as Koxinga, was born in the Japanese port of Hirado in 1624, from the union of Zheng Zhilong, a Chinese wako and merchant, and a Japanese woman named Tagawa Matsu. Zheng lived in Japan until the age of seven
The adoption of agriculture in the Neolithic was one of the most important events in human histor... more The adoption of agriculture in the Neolithic was one of the most important events in human history. The appearance and subsequent expansion of agriculture in different areas of the planet took place approximately 10,000 to 5,000 years ago. Before that, humans used hunter-gatherer techniques to procure their livelihood. The transition to agriculture, which later led to the emergence and development of the first urban civilizations, allowed to obtain an unimaginable wealth and material prosperity for the Neolithic hunter-gatherer populations, which has caused this process to have been called the “Neolithic Revolution”. However, not all were advantages. In some cases, the adoption of agriculture and a sedentary way of life had consequences whose effects are being felt today.
With their colonial expansion, Greeks brought to the colonies they founded in the Mediterranean a... more With their colonial expansion, Greeks brought to the colonies they founded in the Mediterranean and in the Black Sea, their own legends and rituals that, at first, served to strengthen ties with their home cities. Each colony had a founder who, either by divine command or by having been invested with a similar power, had guided its first settlers
to a suitable place. The figure of these founders reached a semi-divine status, becoming an object of worship in the colonies they founded.
Thesis Chapters by Mario Martin-Merino
The outbreak of the Third Century Crisis will imply several changes in the configuration and idea of the imperial structure as it was known until that moment, leading to severe sociopolitical consequences that redefined the relations between the Imperial army and the Roman society of the Lower Empire. Those changes will run parallel with the evolution of the society, and therefore of the Roman state itself. In a period marked by instability and difficulties, both internal and external, relations between the Roman army and society will not be easy, which will lead to situations that eventually led to abuses of various types and scope that will eventually lead to the disaffection of the population, that perceived the army as an ineffective institution, unable to fulfill its tasks. In addition, it demanded a large amount of resources for their livelihood, which led, among other things, to an increase in tax pressure and a lesser identification with Rome itself and its values.
La crisis del siglo III d.C. implicará una serie de cambios en la configuración e idea del Imperio tal y como se había concebido hasta el momento, los cuales tendrán profundas consecuencias socio-políticas y redefinirá las relaciones entre el estamento militar y la población civil a consecuencia de las diversas transformaciones que sufrirá esa institución, que serán paralelas a la evolución de la sociedad romana bajo imperial, y por extensión, del propio Estado romano. En un periodo marcado por la inestabilidad y las dificultades, tanto internas como externas, las relaciones entre la institución militar y la sociedad serán fáciles, lo cual dará lugar a situaciones que acabaron derivando en abusos de diverso tipo y alcance que acabarán provocando la desafección de la ciudadanía romana, que llegó a percibir al ejército como una institución ineficaz e incapaz de cumplir con sus cometidos, además de requerir una gran cantidad de recursos para su sustento, lo cual llevó ,entre otras cosas, a un incremento de la presión impositiva y una menor identificación con la propia Roma y lo que esta representaba.
Books by Mario Martin-Merino
As part of his diplomatic mission, Ahmad Ibn Fadlan recorded in writing everything he observed and experienced during his trip, describing as faithfully as possible the customs of various peoples such as the Saqaliba and the Khazars.
Regarding the Vikings, Ibn Fadlan tells us about their religion and other aspects of their culture, in addition to offering the only direct testimony of a Viking funeral and its rituals, such as, for example, the presence of the so-called “angel of death”, the performance of human sacrifices and the cremation of a ship.
Ibn Fadlan's story is one of the first written testimonies about the Vikings and their customs, as well as the impact they had in both Europe and Asia.
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Publicación completamente gratuita.
Publicación completamente gratuita.
Talks by Mario Martin-Merino
Japan is one the First World countries with the lowest proportion of Christian believers, estimated in less than 1% of the whole population. Despite the relatively brief duration of the so-called Christian Century, which began in 1549 with the arrival of the first Jesuit missionaries and ended abruptly, among other reasons, due to the outbreak of the Shimabara Rebellion in 1637-1638, its influence continues in contemporaneous Japanese culture. Diverse and curious representations of the Shimabara Rebellion and specifically of its young leader, Shiro Amakusa, can be found in films, literatura, manga, anime, videogames…and even as source of youth subcultural movements
in nowadays Japan as sign of rebellion against established roles in contemporary Japanese society.
Japón es uno de los países del Primer Mundo con la proporción más baja de cristianos en su territorio, estimada en menos del 1% del total de la población. Pese a la relativamente corta duración del denominado Siglo Cristiano, que comenzó en 1549 con la llegada de los primeros misioneros jesuitas y finalizó abruptamente, entre otras razones, a causa de la Rebelión de Shimabara de 1637-1638, su influencia continúa en la cultura japonesa actual. Diversas y curiosas representaciones de la Rebelión de Shimabara, y especialmente de su joven líder, Shiro Amakusa, pueden encontrarse en películas, literatura, manga, anime, videojuegos…e incluso como origen de movimientos contraculturales juveniles en el Japón actual como un signo de rebeldía contra los papeles establecidos por la sociedad japonesa contemporánea.
Japan is one the First World countries with the lowest proportion of Christian believers, estimated in less than 1% of the whole population. Despite the relatively brief duration of the so-called Christian Century, which began in 1549 with the arrival of the first Jesuit missionaries and ended abruptly, among other reasons, due to the outbreak of the Shimabara Rebellion in 1637-1638, its influence continues in contemporaneous Japanese culture. Diverse and curious representations of the Shimabara Rebellion and specifically of its young leader, Shiro Amakusa, can be found in films, literatura, manga, anime, videogames…and even as source of youth subcultural movements in nowadays Japan as sign of rebellion against established roles in comtemporary Japanese society.
History & Philosophy by Mario Martin-Merino
system, and in regards to Athens, on the reforms promoted by Solon at the beginning of the 6th century BC. It will also analyze the use that the Greeks, and especially the Athenians, made of propaganda during the Greco-Persian Wars, as well as during the period immediately after, when Athens emerged as the hegemonic power in the Greek world.
The transfer of this competence to the autonomous institutions is contemplated by the current Spanish Constitution in article 148.1.16, and developed by Law 16/1985 on Spanish Historical Heritage, enacted in
accordance with the provisions of article 149.1 and 2 of the Spanish Constitution.
Several regulations are currently in force relating to artistic and cultural heritage, both at state and regional level, which require prior administrative authorization to carry out any archaeological intervention. This legislation has led to the appearance of various administrative control systems, as well as an increase in emergency archaeological interventions that has generated debates on various aspects of these actions and the value of archaeological finds.
most of these clashes took place in it.
During the 2nd century AD, Greece achieved social, economic, and political stability, as well as its full cultural integration into the Empire. This led to a rethinking of the relations between the two cultures, which received an important boost during the reigns of Hadrian (r. 117-138) and Antoninus Pius (r. 138-161). The favorable conditions of the Pax Romana made possible the flourishing of phenomena such as evergetism or the
Second Sophistic, which made that century one of the most significant moments in the economic and cultural development of Roman history.
previous studies carried out in Europe.
The highest authorities of the Japanese government eventually approved these projects and founded a research group , in the Chinese region of Manchuria, occupied by the Imperial Japanese Army since February 1932.
to a suitable place. The figure of these founders reached a semi-divine status, becoming an object of worship in the colonies they founded.
The outbreak of the Third Century Crisis will imply several changes in the configuration and idea of the imperial structure as it was known until that moment, leading to severe sociopolitical consequences that redefined the relations between the Imperial army and the Roman society of the Lower Empire. Those changes will run parallel with the evolution of the society, and therefore of the Roman state itself. In a period marked by instability and difficulties, both internal and external, relations between the Roman army and society will not be easy, which will lead to situations that eventually led to abuses of various types and scope that will eventually lead to the disaffection of the population, that perceived the army as an ineffective institution, unable to fulfill its tasks. In addition, it demanded a large amount of resources for their livelihood, which led, among other things, to an increase in tax pressure and a lesser identification with Rome itself and its values.
La crisis del siglo III d.C. implicará una serie de cambios en la configuración e idea del Imperio tal y como se había concebido hasta el momento, los cuales tendrán profundas consecuencias socio-políticas y redefinirá las relaciones entre el estamento militar y la población civil a consecuencia de las diversas transformaciones que sufrirá esa institución, que serán paralelas a la evolución de la sociedad romana bajo imperial, y por extensión, del propio Estado romano. En un periodo marcado por la inestabilidad y las dificultades, tanto internas como externas, las relaciones entre la institución militar y la sociedad serán fáciles, lo cual dará lugar a situaciones que acabaron derivando en abusos de diverso tipo y alcance que acabarán provocando la desafección de la ciudadanía romana, que llegó a percibir al ejército como una institución ineficaz e incapaz de cumplir con sus cometidos, además de requerir una gran cantidad de recursos para su sustento, lo cual llevó ,entre otras cosas, a un incremento de la presión impositiva y una menor identificación con la propia Roma y lo que esta representaba.
As part of his diplomatic mission, Ahmad Ibn Fadlan recorded in writing everything he observed and experienced during his trip, describing as faithfully as possible the customs of various peoples such as the Saqaliba and the Khazars.
Regarding the Vikings, Ibn Fadlan tells us about their religion and other aspects of their culture, in addition to offering the only direct testimony of a Viking funeral and its rituals, such as, for example, the presence of the so-called “angel of death”, the performance of human sacrifices and the cremation of a ship.
Ibn Fadlan's story is one of the first written testimonies about the Vikings and their customs, as well as the impact they had in both Europe and Asia.
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Publicación completamente gratuita.
Publicación completamente gratuita.
Japan is one the First World countries with the lowest proportion of Christian believers, estimated in less than 1% of the whole population. Despite the relatively brief duration of the so-called Christian Century, which began in 1549 with the arrival of the first Jesuit missionaries and ended abruptly, among other reasons, due to the outbreak of the Shimabara Rebellion in 1637-1638, its influence continues in contemporaneous Japanese culture. Diverse and curious representations of the Shimabara Rebellion and specifically of its young leader, Shiro Amakusa, can be found in films, literatura, manga, anime, videogames…and even as source of youth subcultural movements
in nowadays Japan as sign of rebellion against established roles in contemporary Japanese society.
Japón es uno de los países del Primer Mundo con la proporción más baja de cristianos en su territorio, estimada en menos del 1% del total de la población. Pese a la relativamente corta duración del denominado Siglo Cristiano, que comenzó en 1549 con la llegada de los primeros misioneros jesuitas y finalizó abruptamente, entre otras razones, a causa de la Rebelión de Shimabara de 1637-1638, su influencia continúa en la cultura japonesa actual. Diversas y curiosas representaciones de la Rebelión de Shimabara, y especialmente de su joven líder, Shiro Amakusa, pueden encontrarse en películas, literatura, manga, anime, videojuegos…e incluso como origen de movimientos contraculturales juveniles en el Japón actual como un signo de rebeldía contra los papeles establecidos por la sociedad japonesa contemporánea.
Japan is one the First World countries with the lowest proportion of Christian believers, estimated in less than 1% of the whole population. Despite the relatively brief duration of the so-called Christian Century, which began in 1549 with the arrival of the first Jesuit missionaries and ended abruptly, among other reasons, due to the outbreak of the Shimabara Rebellion in 1637-1638, its influence continues in contemporaneous Japanese culture. Diverse and curious representations of the Shimabara Rebellion and specifically of its young leader, Shiro Amakusa, can be found in films, literatura, manga, anime, videogames…and even as source of youth subcultural movements in nowadays Japan as sign of rebellion against established roles in comtemporary Japanese society.
system, and in regards to Athens, on the reforms promoted by Solon at the beginning of the 6th century BC. It will also analyze the use that the Greeks, and especially the Athenians, made of propaganda during the Greco-Persian Wars, as well as during the period immediately after, when Athens emerged as the hegemonic power in the Greek world.
The transfer of this competence to the autonomous institutions is contemplated by the current Spanish Constitution in article 148.1.16, and developed by Law 16/1985 on Spanish Historical Heritage, enacted in
accordance with the provisions of article 149.1 and 2 of the Spanish Constitution.
Several regulations are currently in force relating to artistic and cultural heritage, both at state and regional level, which require prior administrative authorization to carry out any archaeological intervention. This legislation has led to the appearance of various administrative control systems, as well as an increase in emergency archaeological interventions that has generated debates on various aspects of these actions and the value of archaeological finds.
most of these clashes took place in it.
During the 2nd century AD, Greece achieved social, economic, and political stability, as well as its full cultural integration into the Empire. This led to a rethinking of the relations between the two cultures, which received an important boost during the reigns of Hadrian (r. 117-138) and Antoninus Pius (r. 138-161). The favorable conditions of the Pax Romana made possible the flourishing of phenomena such as evergetism or the
Second Sophistic, which made that century one of the most significant moments in the economic and cultural development of Roman history.
previous studies carried out in Europe.
The highest authorities of the Japanese government eventually approved these projects and founded a research group , in the Chinese region of Manchuria, occupied by the Imperial Japanese Army since February 1932.
to a suitable place. The figure of these founders reached a semi-divine status, becoming an object of worship in the colonies they founded.
Article originally published (in Spanish) in Vavel :
If we check its definition in a dictionary its first meaning is as follows: "Destruction, ruin of an institution, system, structure, etc." This definition can be considered somewhat vague, and we normally associate "collapse" with something negative.
During his journey (and according to the Periplus), several enclaves were founded and part of that geographic area was explored and colonized. Despite the shortness of the story, composed of only eighteen paragraphs, it has powerfully caught the attention of researchers, giving rise to a "Hannonian issue," that has caused debates and oppossed postures regarding some aspects of the narration.
technological advances that question the importance of the “human factor”. Traditionally, many industrial sectors have been based on a human workforce endowed with certain qualifications for the proper development and achievement of their business objectives. In some industries, the
"human factor" is decisive for decision-making and task execution due to its nature and because it is not part of a previously standardized process.
The influx of international visitors to tourist destinations around the world has allowed many of these places to develop socioeconomically, although in some cases not without difficulties. To maintain the viability of destinations and accommodate the demands of potential visitors, the tourism industry has carried out important changes to meet the needs of the tourism market. In recent years, tourism modalities, more committed to preserving the environment and local cultures, have appeared. One of them is Community Tourism, which is developed through contact between visitors and members of the receiving local communities. It seeks to stimulate the socioeconomic development of local communities, preserve their cultural manifestations and their environment. Despite its initial good intentions, Community Tourism can also have negative consequences.
of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development held between April 21 and 26, 2012 in Doha (Qatar). Its conclusions recognize the great importance of tourism as a generator of wealth, employment and business opportunities, as well as basic infrastructures in both developing and developed areas.
Although the benefits obtained from tourism are obvious, it can also generate unwanted consequences, such as an unequal distribution of wealth, environmental deterioration, creation of low-skilled and low-paid jobs, speculation ... which have been denounced by various social sectors, researchers and NGOs. Sometimes, and if it is not previously
planned, tourism generates more inconveniences than advantages and, it is not always a valid alternative to achieve socioeconomic development.
In this text, an attempt will be made to determine whether tourism can be considered a valid alternative to achieve socioeconomic development, as well as to identify its impacts, specifically in large urban centers, where interesting phenomena such as gentrification are taking place.
Focusing on urban tourism, a possible definition will be presented to understand its nature and characteristics, with the aim of answering these questions:
• why are tourists interested in cities?
• who are the "urban tourists"?
• what is gentrification and how can its effects be reduced?
Since the last decades of the last century, the Real Sitio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial has become one of the most outstanding tourist destinations in the Community of Madrid thanks to the richness of its heritage. The national and international recognition of the Royal Site as a place of special interest
bases for global socio-economic development, generating an estimated income that they can amount to approximately 10% of world´s GDP, fact that makes tourism the third most important global industry.
El conocimiento del patrimonio cultural y la concienciación de su conservación, así como del medio ambiente, es esencial para su futuro. Para ello, la educación de la ciudadanía al respecto es fundamental para la generación de individuos altamente sensibilizados sobre la importancia primordial del patrimonio como fuente de recursos no solo económicos, sino también generador de valores culturales e identitarios. Estos sujetos estarán mucho mejor preparados para transmitir valores de respeto y conservación del patrimonio, lo cual es una indudable inversión de futuro.