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      ReligionChristianityHistoryPhilosophy Of Religion
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      Medieval Church HistoryHistory of Church CouncilsHeresyHeresy and Inquisition
"La Charte de Niquinta est un enjeu essentiel, car elle est le seul document à témoi-gner d’une organisation assez solide de la dissidence dite « cathare » dans le Midi déjà au XIIe siècle et – parmi les sources qui se présentent comme... more
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      CodicologyCritical Edition (Medieval History)HeresyCathars
Plutôt qu’un faux du XVIe ou XVIIe siècle, la Charte de Niquinta semble être un récit sur les commencements, rédigé au XIIIe siècle. Si nous écartons l’hypothèse d’un faux catholique des années 1220, qui se heurte à l’ensemble du... more
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      HeresyCatharsCatharismHeresy and Inquisition
This paper discusses the use of the names of heresies: bogomilism, messalianism and the heresy of autoproscoptae in 14th century Bulgarian sources. The author underlines that the names of bogomilism and messalianism do not always refer to... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ReligionMedieval StudiesHeresy
opracowanie, przekład i komentarz G. Minczew, M. Skowronek, J. M. Wolski, Łódź 2015.
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      Medieval HistoryOld Church SlavonicMedieval Church HistorySerbian history
The article analyses a number of late antique Christian sources that use choreutic gesture to highlight the cultural alterity of pagan cults, Judaism and heretical movements. The Christian intellectual critique of dancing is not... more
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      Jewish StudiesDance StudiesPlatoPatristics
ABSTRACT: This essay uses the method of historiographical criticism to reexamine the frameworks used to research the relationship between apocalypse and violence. Its focus is the presentation of Anabaptist rule at Münster in the... more
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      New Religious MovementsMedieval HistoryHistoriographyApocalypticism
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      ReligionChristianityMedieval PhilosophyMedieval History
Historians have never properly dealt with the Twelve Great Feasts (the Dodekaortion) of the Eastern Orthodox Church. While some feasts have received much attention, others have been almost totally ignored, making an understanding of... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyOrthodox TheologyEastern Christianity
The article examines the food-implications that Augustine assigns to the different groups catalogued in the unfinished work De haeresibus. The aim isto check whether eating habits (and, if so, what eating habits) could be a criterion of... more
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      Food HistoryAugustine of HippoHeresyChristian Heresies
La Charte de Niquinta, texte qui rapporte un grand rassemblement hérétique à Saint-Félix de Lauragais en 1167 et qui se réclame de la provenance dissidente, est un enjeu essentiel de la recherche actuelle sur le catharisme et le... more
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      HeresyCatharsCatharismChristian Heresies
Saggi in occasione del tricentenario della morte di Henri Arnaud (1643-1721), "pastore e colonnello dei valdesi" a cura di Albert de Lange
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of ReligionReformation StudiesSeventeenth Century
In October 1319, the archbishop of Narbonne and the Dominican inquisitor Jean de Beaune surrendered to the secular arm the first members of the group of men and women known to historians as the Beguins of Languedoc. The execution that... more
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      Franciscan StudiesChurch HistoryHeresy and InquisitionChristian Heresies
Now available. Publisher's description: Early in the third century, a small group of Greek Christians began to gain prominence and legitimacy as intellectuals in the Roman... more
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      Intellectual HistoryRoman HistoryPatristicsEarly Christianity
The essay deals with the cultural and religious climate in Rome during the papacy of Leo X connected to anatomical studies of which Leonardo was an important interpreter. In particular, the article shows how philosophical research, during... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of MedicineChristian HeresiesRoman Catholic Church Dogmas and the Councils
The contribution examines the double perception of the Manichean living space and traveling space, corresponding to the dialectic between sedentary and missionary obligation to propagate the faith. For building a house means causing... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesHistory of ReligionHistory of ChristianityIranian Studies
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      Early ChristianityProsopographyGreek EpigraphyLate Antiquity
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      History of ReligionEarly ChristianityAncient Greek ReligionMystery cult
Abstract: This article disputes two common points made in previous interpretations of the claim that Galen was worshipped by the Theodotians, a group of Christians contemporary with him at Rome. First, the claim is a probable sign of the... more
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      PatristicsHistory of MedicineEmbryologyGalen
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchMedieval Church HistoryChurch HistoryOld Rus'
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryArt History
Nel Medioevo, l'abbazia di Montecassino non è tra i centri della lotta antiereticale. La comunità si confronta infatti solo marginalmente al fenomeno dell'eresia negli anni 1079-1080: nel 1079, secondo la Chronica di Montecassino, il... more
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      Christian IconographyChristian HeresiesHeresy and OrthodoxyMedieval heresy
M. Pesce, “Quali paradigmi per comprendere le ridefinizioni del cristianesimo in età moderna?”, in M. Priarolo - E.Scribano (a cura di), Le ragioni degli altri. Dissidenza religiosa e filosofia nell’età moderna (Philosophica 3), Venezia,... more
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      History of ChristianityHeresyChristian HeresiesModern Philosophy
J. BEDUHN, The First New Testament. Marcion’s Scriptural Canon, Salem (OR) : Polebridge Press, 2013. J. LIEU, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic. God and Scripture in the Second Century, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. D.... more
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      New TestamentNew Testament and Christian OriginsNew Testament Textual CriticismChristian Heresies
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      French HistoryXVIII centuryHistory of Roman CatholicismJansenism
Nicephorus Gergoras was the first polemicist of the XIVth century to bring an accusation of iconoclasm against Gregory Palamas and his partisans drawing upon Nicephorus’ of Constantinople writings erroneously ascribed to Theodore Graptos.... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureIconoclasmByzantine StudiesLate Byzantine history
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      Military HistoryPhilosophy Of ReligionMedieval HistoryViolence
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      HeresyFamily historyChristian HeresiesHeresy and Orthodoxy
Nel capitolo VII ("De stella et magis") della sezione "In evangelia" dell'Historia scholastica, Pietro Comestore riporta una curiosa notizia che non trova altro riscontro letterario: Beda avrebbe creduto che la stella dei Magi caduta nel... more
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      Itineraries (Medieval History)Christian HeresiesSt JeromeHeresiology
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      ReligionGnosticismHistoryIntellectual History
PhD Dissertation (defended January 17, 2013, VU University Amsterdam). (The pdf contains: preface, table of contents, bibliography, summaries [ENG, NL]). A study of some fundamental aspects of Pelagius' confession of faith ("Libellus... more
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      AugustineAugustine of HippoCarthage (History)Christian Heresies
Priscillien d’Avila serait bien l’auteur du Traité I du manuscrit de Wurtzbourg, appelé par Georg Schepss Liber apologeticus, composé à l’occasion du concile de Saragosse vers 379-380 alors qu’il était prédicateur laïque. Cette étude tend... more
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      Christian HeresiesHeresiologyLittérature Chrétienne Ancienne
Ce mémoire a pour objet une meilleure compréhension du système astrologique présent dans le Livre des lois des pays [ci-après LLP]. Considéré comme un chef-d'oeuvre de la littérature syriaque, le LLP est un dialogue entre le philosophe et... more
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianitySyriac Studies
L'étude d'une dissidence depuis des siècles disparue dans les remous de l'histoire n'est pas chose facile, tant, par nature, les documents qui en conservent trace sont artificieux, « monuments du pouvoir » selon les mots de Georges Duby,... more
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      Composition and RhetoricMedieval LiteratureArgumentationRhetorical Criticism
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryEuropean History
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      History of ChristianityLate AntiquityLate Roman EmpireReligious Persecution