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Forest School offers opportunities for children and young adults to come into regular contact with nature. Although, in relevant literature, Forest School is seen as highly conducive to participants' motivation to learn, there is no... more
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      Self-Determination TheoryOutdoor EducationOutdoor Play and LearningChildren's Outdoor Education
Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share in Education: The Children in Permaculture Manual is a ground-breaking book, which shines a permaculture lens to inspire child-friendly, sustainable education. Full of innovative information, a new... more
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      EducationCurriculum DesignEarly Childhood EducationSustainable Development
This report provides new baseline measures on the impacts of taking learning outdoors. There is significant evidence on how outdoor learning provision is understood to enhance engagement, and challenge and enjoyment, for example. We can... more
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      Teaching and LearningTeacher EducationEducational ResearchOutdoor Recreation
Współczesność to czas wymagający głębokiej refleksji nad dzieciństwem. Wymaga ona przede wszystkim podmiotowego spojrzenia na dziecko jako na Osobę wpisaną w historię, kulturę i społeczeństwo. Współczesność obliguje zatem w pewnym sensie... more
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      Children's LiteratureChildren and FamiliesEarly Childhood EducationChild Development
This study investigates innovative ways that outdoor educators can actively promote young participants’ authentic voice in educational research and, in turn, increase our understanding of their worldview through accurately recording what... more
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      Children's VoicesOutdoor EducationStudent learning outcomesChildren's Outdoor Education
Centrale nella storia dell’educazione è il rapporto natura/infanzia e scuola, che riaffora quasi come elemento ‘carsico’ nel corso dei secoli. Il volume sofferma l’attenzione su una particolare stagione di questo rapporto, quella delle... more
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      History of EducationOutdoor EducationItalyChildren's Outdoor Education
Esperienza: un'esplorazione di pedagogia dei luoghi e della lettura durante il campo di volontariato di IBBY Italia nella settimana dei Diritti dei bambini e delle bambine, novembre 2014.
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureOutdoor EducationSense of PlaceChildren's Outdoor Education
Under våren och försommaren 2017 genomförde arkeologer från Stiftelsen Kulturmiljövård (KM) en arkeologisk undersökning av två gravfält (L2015:4575 och L2015:5634) från främst järnåldern, vilka låg på var sin sida om länsväg 267 –... more
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      ArchaeologyTeacher EducationLearning and TeachingOutdoor Education
The present paper aims to investigate the pedagogical possibilities of nocturnal games. These games involve role-playing characters that contextualize a previously elaborated story, and are frequently realized in Brazilian vacation camps.... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationInformal LearningNon-formal Education
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      Child DevelopmentExperiential Learning (Active Learning)Outdoor EducationForest Schools
The polysemy of the term ‘sport’ has a tendency to contribute to a generalized view that associates all corporeal practices with sportive practices, making the development of educative processes through these practices difficult. This... more
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      Critical TheoryEducationCritical Discourse StudiesSociology of Education
Esse plano de trabalho é associado ao projeto de pesquisa “A ecomotricidade no estado de Sergipe”, iniciado no ano de 2014. Ecomotricidade é compreendida como a intencionalidade do ser em suas inter-ações com a natureza, desde que essa... more
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologyEnvironmental ScienceEducation
In the UK, teachers are increasingly being encouraged to support and undertake outdoor learning. Despite such support there is a paucity of research that has considered how outdoor learning can be implemented and offered on a regular... more
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      Teaching and LearningLearning and TeachingOutdoor EducationTeachers' professional development
Esse plano de trabalho é associado ao projeto de pesquisa “A ecomotricidade no estado de Sergipe”, iniciado no ano de 2014. Ecomotricidade é compreendida como a intencionalidade do ser em suas inter-ações com a natureza, desde que essa... more
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologyEnvironmental ScienceEducation
Creativity in adults is highly valued in our society. Personal creativity contributes to inventiveness, innovation, social and cultural change as well as political development and economic progression. The creator is an innovator, a... more
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      ScreenwritingPlay TherapyHigh Performance ComputingMusic Education
Complete conference proceedings for the II Brazilian Congress of Leisure Studies that took place September 2016 in the city of Belém, Brazil. Anais completos do II Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos do Lazer, realizado em setembro de 2016 na... more
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      Sociology of SportSport PsychologyGame studiesTourism Studies
Under 2018 genomförde arkeologer från Stiftelsen Kulturmiljövård (KM) en arkeologisk undersökning av en stenåldersboplats vid Norvik strax utanför Nynäshamn. Undersökningen drog till sig ett stort allmänintresse och visningar hölls för... more
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      ArchaeologyTeacher EducationLearning and TeachingStone Age (Archaeology)
Anais completos do I Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos do Lazer - XV Seminário O Lazer em Debate (Belo Horizonte, 2014).

P.49 - O lazer na constituição do ideário ambiental - Cae Rodrigues.
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      Sociology of SportTourism StudiesEducationTourism Marketing
In this chapter, we explore and support the call for greater attention to be paid to place in outdoor education. We consider this call to have particular relevance since education in the outdoors can work as an antidote to what some have... more
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      Environmental EducationNon-formal EducationPlace AttachmentPlace and Identity
Sustained by theoretical research, the aim of this paper is to investigate the possible emergence of educational processes in spaces of “co-existence” (com-vivência) seeking to understand, in particular, the role of cultural diversity in... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationDiversity
"""Neighbourhood Play Research Study IT Sligo and Early Childhood Ireland joined forces this summer on an exciting research project on neighbourhood play. The project was initiated as a collaborative action led by D. O’Connor from The... more
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      Health SciencesHealth PromotionSociology of Children and ChildhoodPlay
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      History of EducationOutdoor EducationCultural Heritage ManagementChildren's Outdoor Education
La naturaleza es el lugar ideal para educar de manera integral desde diferentes áreas de conocimiento. La Educación Física tiene una oportunidad única para hacerlo mediante el bloque de contenidos " Actividades en el medio natural ". El... more
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      Physical EducationChildren's Outdoor Education
Distinct discourses related to the socioenvironmental issue emerge from the insertion of the environmental dimension in different fields of knowledge. Considering the historical force of games, sports and leisure as sociocultural... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociology of SportSport Psychology
Despite the fact that the environmental event is one of the most debated issues in contemporary life, and that environmental education undoubtedly occupies a central place in educational agendas worldwide, we can state that, in most... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationPraxisCritical Pedagogy
Abstract Students exhibiting severe and challenging behaviours and/or emotional needs are referred to specialised behavioural schools in NSW for expert intervention and support. This project sought to enhance the wellbeing and skill... more
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      Child and adolescent mental healthWell-BeingOutdoor EducationAcceptance and Commitment Therapy
‘Environmentalizing’ curriculum in Brazil is a worthy goal of global educational reform for sustainability but is challenging given the limits to rational change thesis already argued in critical social science and post-structural... more
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      Critical TheorySociology of SportSport PsychologyEnvironmental Science
Ever wonder what it would be like to hike 2,174 miles from Georgia to Maine along the world’s longest continuously marked footpath? Join “Marathon” as he provides a humorous autobiographical account of a “real” walk in the woods. Anyone... more
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      Appalachian StudiesTravel WritingOutdoor RecreationBackpacker Tourism
[Open access paper available via link below] The role of unstructured nature-based play in children’s wellbeing, health and learning is a significant focus in research into child development and is increasingly a concern for schools... more
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      Early Childhood EducationAgency TheorySustainability EducationEarly Childhood
Od technologii nie da się uciec. Otacza nas wszędzie w pracy i w domu. W wyniku coraz częstszego wykorzystania narzędzi multimedialnych, nasze mózgi zaczynają powoli słabnąć. Wtedy z pomocą przychodzą cyberparki.
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      Mobile LearningOutdoor RecreationICT in EducationOutdoor Education
Este trabajo analiza las estrategias utilizadas en los procesos de educación ambiental (EA) en cuatro primarias del estado de Chiapas, México, e identifica la manera como se incorporan o no en éstas, el contexto cultural y ambiental, así... more
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      Environmental EducationOutdoor EducationEnvironmental Education and PlayChildren's Outdoor Education
Çoğu kez yaşadığımız günün temel tartışma konularının, geçmişte de tartışılıp tartışılmadığını görmezden geliyoruz. Hâlbuki geçmişin deneyimini hatırlamak bize Ivan Illich’in mirası. Belki de geçmişten bugüne ilerlemeci eğitim mitinin... more
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      Music EducationEducationHistory of MathematicsHistory of Education
Silence is not noiselessness. Instead it is a state of mind that requires being understood as a route to access of what silence offers. Outdoors education is privileged when it comes to curricula experiences of silence because nature is,... more
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      EducationEducational PsychologyEducational ResearchOutdoor Recreation
This paper promotes the adoption of Augmented Reality (AR) to inspire children and collaborative family engagement in the outdoor learning experience. AR, being a form of digital mobile technology, was deployed at the English Heritage... more
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      Information TechnologyTechnologyEducational TechnologyRecreation & Leisure Studies
Slides for the "Physical education and environment" curricular unit in the Physical Education Program at the Federal University of Sergipe (2016 - readings for third debate). Slides para a disciplina "Educação Física e Meio Ambiente" do... more
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      Environmental SociologyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental EconomicsTeaching and Learning
Quelles relations entre l'humain et la nature, hier et aujourd'hui ? A la découverte de celles-ci à travers des figures mythiques. Image Thématique(s) Sciences humaines et sociales Par une série de brèves conférences dialoguées,... more
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      Environmental EducationOutdoor RecreationGreek ArchaeologyOutdoor Play and Learning
Esse plano de trabalho é associado ao projeto de pesquisa “A ecomotricidade no estado de Sergipe”, iniciado no ano de 2014. Ecomotricidade é compreendida como a intencionalidade do ser em suas inter-ações com a natureza, desde que essa... more
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      Environmental ScienceEducational TechnologyEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental Psychology
This paper is an opinion piece about the status of Outdoor Education in Australia in 2012 as the new National Curriculum is presently being developed. It appears that the National Curriculum body ACARA does not consider Outdoor Education... more
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      Outdoor EducationOutdoor Play and LearningChildren's Outdoor EducationOutdoor Education and Learning
In its ontological presuppositions, epistemological interests and methodological deliberations, critical theory of environmental education research (EER) is simultaneously scientific, normatively (and reflexively) critical, and... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental ScienceAestheticsEthics
The aim of this research is to discover what science teachers' opinions about outdoor education learning environments are. Outdoor education learning environments contribute to problem-solving, critical and creative thinking skills of... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationScience EducationDidactics
The disputes surrounding environmental issues indicate that it configures itself as a field of power and struggle within which interests are played related to the environmental event. In this sense, the aim of this article is to highlight... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationCritical Pedagogy
Curso de Especialização -Educação Infantil e a escola de nove anos: pesquisas e gestão do cotidiano escolar  Dos grandes encontros à legitimação da sustentabilidade  Conceito "EA" -anos 60
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental StudiesEarly Childhood Education
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodPlayChild healthEarly Years
This article aims at highlighting the potential value of “vagabonding” as a pedagogical strategy in experiential learning programs of Environmental Education, based on the importance of “phenomenological deconstruction/reconstruction” in... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental ScienceTeaching and LearningEducation
Considering the diversified manifestations of the environmental phenomenon in distinct fields of knowledge and the relevance of curriculum practice and academic research in the broader perspective of the environmental happening, the... more
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      Critical TheorySociology of SportEnvironmental ScienceTeaching and Learning
Amid the contemporary environmental crisis, underpinned by a social structure that values, above all, production and consumption, different possibilities of cooperation emerge between distinct areas of knowledge in search of strategies... more
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationTeacher EducationPlay
The question of how the environmentalization of the curriculum might occur in the higher education sector in a sustainable manner has become a local, national, regional and global concern for environmental educators, specifically, and... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental ScienceEducationCritical Discourse Studies
Firmly planted in the Nordic tradition, policies that guide practice in Norwegian kindergartens emphasize a holistic approach that integrates care, play and learning and promotes well-being and development through relationships and... more
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      Holistic EducationOutdoor Play and LearningEarly Childhood Care and EducationChildren's Outdoor Education
In recent years, there has been widespread use of the Internet, the Internet of things, mobile devices, networks, and applications. All this usage produces daily huge data that cannot be processed using existing database management... more
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      E-learningMachine LearningChildren's LiteratureTheory of Children's Literature as a Genre
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental PsychologyEnvironmental Studies