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      GeolinguisticsChinese DialectsSound changeMin Dialects
In this paper I will be comparing Old Japanese non-back close vowels /i/ (i1 or kō-rui) and /ɨ/ (i2 or otsu-rui) in a post-nasal position with their North and South Ryukyuan cognates in order to propose Proto-Japonic reconstructions of... more
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      Comparative LinguisticsOld JapaneseNasal consonantsChain shift
Do extra-linguistic or linguistic factors determine the direction and outcome of structural linguistic change? This is a long-standing issue in historical linguistic theory with implications for several other sub-branches of linguistics.... more
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      Historical LinguisticsSwedish LanguageLanguage ChangeLanguage Typology
Australian English (AusE) and New Zealand English (NZE) are two originally “transported” Englishes in the Southern hemisphere. Although there is currently no doubt among the scientific community that they constitute two distinct dialects... more
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      PhonologyNew Zealand EnglishAustralian EnglishChain shift
Presentación sobre el desarrollo diacrónico de las vocales en las lenguas mazatecas. Corresponde a las diapositivas presentadas en el Congreso Internacional Sobre Lenguas Indígenas (CIELI) el 16 de noviembre de 2017, en la UAQ, Qro. Qro.
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      Historical LinguisticsFieldwork on Otomanguean languagesVowelsOtomanguean Linguistics
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      Historical LinguisticsHistorical PhonologyChain shift The present article describes the vowel chain shift that occurred in the variety of Tajik spoken by Jewish residents in Bukhara. It identifies the chain shift as... more
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      LanguagesSynchronic Linguistics (Or Descriptive Linguistics)Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Jewish Studies
We re-analyse several patterns of chain shifts, so far attested in numerous literature on this topic, as evidence in favour of Minimize Satisfaction (1) in phonology. (1) MinSat (‘Minimize Satisfaction’): Müller (2016) An operation does... more
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      PhonologySyntaxMorphologyVowel harmony