Cecchi, Giovan Maria
Recent papers in Cecchi, Giovan Maria
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Giovan Maria Cecchi (1517–1587) was the most prolific and popular of sixteenth-century Florentine dramatists. His best-known play, L'Assiuolo ( The Horned Owl), brings to the stage the amorous adventure of two students at the university... more
Manziana, Vecchiarelli Editore, 2008
Testi e Studi di letteratura italiana. Studi-24
ISBN: 88-8247-219-1
Testi e Studi di letteratura italiana. Studi-24
ISBN: 88-8247-219-1
In Michel Plaisance, L’ Accademia e il suo Principe. Cultura e politica a Firenze al tempo di Cosimo I e di Francesco de’ Medici. L’ Académie et le Prince. Culture et politique à Florence au temps de Côme Ier et de François de Médicis,... more
In all but three of his plays, Giovan Maria Cecchi (1518-1587) used a prologue with a format similar to that of classical, Plauto-Terentian comedy, or to contemporary erudite comedy.' In the case of his secular comedies, the use of such a... more
Textes réunis et présentés par Michel Plaisance Contributions de Jacqueline Brunet, Alexandre Cioranescu, Françoise Decroisette, Silvia Fabrizio-Costa, Françoise Glénisson, Gina Iannella, Michel Plaisance ISBN: 2-903981-71-X Disponible... more
In the prologues to his plays, Giovan Maria Cecchi (1518-1587), * the most prolific of sixteenth-century Florentine dramatists, makes several references to the basic characteristics of certain dramatic genres which were then in vogue and... more