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The hypothesis of this study is twofold and states that parental socioeconomic status has an effect on the soft drink consumption of the child, and that this effect is mediated by the soft drink related parenting practices. One thousand... more
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      Parenting PracticesSocioeconomic StatusSoft Drink ConsumptionCausal Mediation Analysis
This paper investigates the sensitivity of average wage gap decompositions to methods resting on different assumptions regarding endogeneity of observed characteristics, sample selection into employment, and estimators' functional form.... more
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      Gender Wage GapWage Gap DecompositionsCausal Mediation Analysis
We describe the R package causalweight for causal inference based on inverse probability weighting (IPW). The causalweight package offers a range of semiparametric methods for treatment or impact evaluation and mediation analysis, which... more
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      Impact EvaluationCausalityImpact evaluation, causality and evaluation methodologies for public policies, programs, and development projectsCausal Mediation Analysis
Statistical mediation and moderation have most prominently been distinguished by Baron and Kenny (1986). More complex models that combine both of these effects have recently received increased attention, namely mediated moderation and... more
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      MediationCausal InferenceModerationCausal Mediation Analysis
Hypotheses about psychological processes are often tested using traditional mediation analysis. This analysis relies onmeasurement of a transmitting variable. Conducting this analysis has become almost synonymous with examining... more
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      Experimental PsychologyMediationCausal InferenceModeration
This article describes the RMediation package,which offers various methods for building confidence intervals (CIs) for mediated effects. The mediated effect is the product of two regression coefficients. The distribution-of-the-product... more
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      Social SciencesQuantitative MethodsCausal Mediation AnalysisMediation Analyses
Mediation analysis aims at evaluating the causal mechanisms through which a treatment or intervention affects an outcome of interest. The goal is to disentangle the total treatment effect into an indirect effect operating through one or... more
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      Economic Policy EvaluationEmpirical EconomicsPolicy AnalysisCausal Mediation Analysis
Multilevel mediation analysis examines the indirect effect of an independent variable on an outcome achieved by targeting and changing an intervening variable in clustered data. We study analytically and through simulation the effects of... more
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      StatisticsCausal Mediation AnalysisMediation AnalysisMediation Analyses
Mechanisms explaining the negative effects of parental divorce on children's attainment have long been conjectured and assessed. Yet few studies of parental divorce have carefully attended to the assumptions and methods necessary to... more
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      DivorceEducational AttainmentFamily incomeCausal Mediation Analysis
This paper combines causal mediation analysis with double machine learning to control for observed confounders in a data-driven way under a selection-on-observables assumption in a high-dimensional setting. We consider the average... more
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      Economic Policy EvaluationMachine LearningImpact EvaluationCausality
We propose a novel approach for causal mediation analysis based on changes-in-changes assumptions restricting unobserved heterogeneity over time. This allows disentangling the causal effect of a binary treatment on a continuous outcome... more
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      Economic Policy EvaluationPolicy EvaluationCausal Mediation Analysis
This paper considers the evaluation of direct and indirect treatment effects, also known as mediation analysis, when outcomes are only observed for a subpopulation due to sample selection or outcome attrition. For identification, we... more
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      Impact EvaluationCausal Mediation AnalysisMediation Analyses
In the debate about the influence of religion on voting, the behavioral dimension is often analyzed, especially church attendance. In this debate, churchgoers are considered to be more exposed to the political messages of their religious... more
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      ReligionPublic OpinionElectoral BehaviorCausal Mediation Analysis
This paper suggests a causal framework for disentangling individual level treatment effects and interference effects, i.e., general equilibrium, spillover, or interaction effects related to treatment distribution. Thus, the framework... more
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      Impact evaluation, causality and evaluation methodologies for public policies, programs, and development projectsCausal Mediation Analysis
Mechanisms explaining the negative effects of parental divorce on children's attainment have long been conjectured and assessed. Yet few studies of parental divorce have carefully attended to the assumptions and methods necessary to... more
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      PsychologyMedicineDivorceEducational Attainment
Objectives: To test whether normative and non-normative forms of obligation to obey the police are empirically distinct and to assess whether they exhibit different dynamics in terms of the downstream effects of police-citizen contact. To... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyLegitimacy and AuthorityTrust
Objectives: To test whether normative and non-normative forms of obligation to obey the police are empirically distinct and to assess whether they exhibit different dynamics in terms of the downstream effects of police-citizen contact. To... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityTrustLegitimacyPower and Legitimacy
This paper proposes semi-and nonparametric methods for disentangling the total causal effect of a continuous treatment on an outcome variable into its natural direct effect and the indirect effect that operates through one or several... more
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    • Causal Mediation Analysis
This paper proposes a difference-indifferences approach for disentangling a total treatment effect on some outcome into a direct impact as well as an indirect effect operating through a binary intermediate variable – or mediator – within... more
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    • Causal Mediation Analysis
This study presents formulae for the covariances between parameter estimates in a single mediator model. These covariances are necessary to build confidence intervals (CI) for effect size measures in mediation studies. We first... more
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      PsychologyQuantitative PsychologyStatisticsMediation
Using a sequential conditional independence assumption, this paper discusses fully nonpara-metric estimation of natural direct and indirect causal effects in causal mediation analysis based on inverse probability weighting. We propose... more
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    • Causal Mediation Analysis
This study presents formulae for the covariances between parameter estimates in a single mediator model. These covariances are necessary to build confidence intervals (CI) for effect size measures in mediation studies. We first... more
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      PsychologyQuantitative PsychologyStatisticsMediation
It is standard in consumer price theory to decompose the price effect into two additive components: the income effect and the substitution effect. Here I show that all three effects can be interpreted causally. I do so using recently... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsMacroeconomicsPhilosophy of Science
This paper combines causal mediation analysis with double machine learning to control for observed confounders in a data-driven way under a selection-on-observables assumption in a high-dimensional setting. We consider the average... more
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      Computer ScienceEconomicsEconomic Policy EvaluationMachine Learning
This article describes the RMediation package, which offers various methods for building confidence intervals (CIs) for mediated effects. The mediated effect is the product of two regression coefficients. The distribution-of-the-product... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceQuantitative PsychologySocial Sciences
Causal mediation analysis aims at disentangling a treatment effect into an indirect mechanism operating through an intermediate outcome or mediator, as well as the direct effect of the treatment on the outcome of interest. However, the... more
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      Economic Policy EvaluationCausal InferencePolicy EvaluationCausal Mediation Analysis
In defending the scientific legitimacy of ceteris paribus qualified causal generalizations, we situate and specify the reference of the ceteris paribus proviso within a fundamental causal framework consisting of causal agents, pathways of... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophical PsychologyHeuristics
A questionnaire was developed and distributed to a sample of 104 ERP users who were actively engaged in the ERP system implementation process. The partial least square method was used to test the research model. Baron and Kenny’s approach... more
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      User satisfactionCausal Mediation AnalysisERP system