Careers and internships
Recent papers in Careers and internships
Commentary published in The Japan Times, May 3, 2020
Traditionally, internships are viewed as a supervised work practice and experiential learning where student have the opportunity to apply the previously learnt theories from school in real-life situations. Several studies have been... more
This presentation will help students to know the different sectors of media and mass communication and employment opportunities media sectors. Based on this they can select their undergraduate and post graduate programs in media and mass... more
FFC was incorporated in 1978 as a private limited company. This was a joint venture between Fauji Foundation (a leading charitable trust in Pakistan) and Haldor Topsoe A/S of Denmark. The initial authorized capital of the company was... more
Magang Mahasiswa (KMM) merupakan kegiatan mahasiswa yang dilakukan melalui kerjasama dengan suatu instansi. Magang merupakan suatu sarana bagi mahasiswa untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan dan mengaplikasikan ilmu yang telah diperoleh dengan... more
Badak LNG internship program open widely for student who have a related studied with oil and gas process. Chemical engineering is one of the department which have a good prospect in oil and gas field.
This autoethnographic essay discusses my own experiences and understanding of internships within the Creative Industries. I find myself in the fortunate position to not be seeking an internship, but instead to be offering one, through my... more
The mechanism of cooperation between students or fresh graduates, on the one hand, and employers (companies and legal entities set up for the purpose of profit), on the other hand, is known and used in many countries of the world.... more
This paper examines the role of internship as a bridge between higher education and the workplace. It reviews the studies relating to internship and its effect on early career development of higher education graduates. With high levels of... more
Critical self-evaluation is essential for academic programs to be successful. This study addresses institutional efforts at the University of Central Florida (UCF) to involve criminal justice program alumni and internship community... more
Critical self-evaluation is essential for academic programs to be successful. This study addresses institutional efforts at the University of Central Florida (UCF) to involve criminal justice program alumni and internship community... more
Cross-border mobility among students is a key instrument in favoring peace between European countries and fosters European identity among the Erasmus participants, who complete a short-term internship in another European country. While... more
Bed, breakfast and excellent advice: how a new scheme can help impoverished students take advantage of internships
RESUMO O presente trabalho visou analisar o papel dos estágios na transição para o trabalho, entendendo-se a inserção profissional como um processo temporalmente alargado constituído por três fases interdependentes: a formação académica,... more
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KUTATÁSI CÉLKITŰZÉS: Szállodaipari szakmai gyakorlatok sikertelensége mögött meghúzódó munkahelyi, kulturális és egyéni nehézségek feltárása. MÓDSZER: Kvalitatív (félig strukturált interjúk) és kvantitatív (validált kérdőívek) -... more
Critical self-evaluation is essential for academic programs to be successful. This study addresses institutional efforts at the University of Central Florida (UCF) to involve criminal justice program alumni and internship community... more
Despite their assumed benefits, negative internship experiences have been reported amongst tourism and hospitality students, which in turn minimise the likelihood of pursuing a career in the industry. This study explores the influence of... more
Evidence supporting the tenet that internship experience influences students’ career intention exists. Signalling a departure from the simplistic attempt to establish causality between the two constructs, this study adopted exploratory,... more