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1. Workshop Overview 1.1 Introduction and aims for the workshop. The aim of the workshop was to prepare and deliver the information based on the chosen topic from the assignment brief. I and my group members decided to focus on the user... more
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      User Experience (UX)Interaction DesignCritical ThinkingPrototyping
Diseño de una interfaz para un cliente de mensajes instantáneos en un dispositivo móvil, tomando en cuenta un proceso de diseño con needfinding, postdesign, personas, diseño participativo, sketching, entre otros. Se platicó sobre una... more
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      Human Computer InteractionDigital Media, Device, and Software Interface DesignUser Experience (UX)Design Methods
This paper addresses the timely and internationally relevant problem of designing a national integrated personal health record. Health care reforms around the world are changing the way health-related activities are performed. The goal is... more
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      User Experience DesigneHealthCard Sorting
In computer security, risk communication refers to informing computer users about the likelihood and magnitude of a threat. Efficacy of risk communication depends not only on the nature of the risk, but also on the alignment between the... more
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      Risk communicationComputer SecurityConceptual ModelCard Sorting
Understanding what makes computer games enjoyable is important not only for game design, but for the design of any interactive experience where it is important that users will want to use the design. We define enjoyment broadly as the... more
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      Positive PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionHuman-Computer Interaction for GamesComputer Games
ABSTRACT Netsorting is a web based cardsorting tool. Our research group used Netsorting to run a number of experiments on cognitive science and on information architecture. In the study we are presenting here we compared two couples of... more
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      Cognitive ScienceUsabilityInformation ArchitectureWeb Based
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      Cognitive PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionUsabilityAccessibility
Card Sorting stellt eine wichtige und häufig eingesetzte Usability Methode dar, die häufig für die Suche nach der grundlegenden Informationsarchitektur genutzt wird. Im Rahmen der Optimierung von Usability Tests und Remote Testing ergibt... more
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    • Card Sorting
Combining the techniques of paper prototyping and card sorting into a single session has the benefits of helping users to understand a new technology on the one hand, and of gaining insight into the users' mental models of that technology... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceMethodology
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      Card SortingPreschool Children
Digital media offer individuals a growing number of opportunities to interact with others and to develop varied forms of sociability. Such novel social experiences call for competences related to the organisation of mediated social... more
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      CommunicationJournalismAssessmentDigital Media
The debate as to whether language influences cognition has been long standing but has yielded conflicting findings across domains such as colour and kinship categories. Fewer studies have investigated systems such as nominal... more
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      Oceanic languagesSapir-WhorfLanguage and CognitionClassifiers
Este estudo busca apresentar algumas técnicas e ferramentas de IHC (Interface Homem- Computador) que auxiliam na identificação de problemas de usabilidade e possíveis soluções para estas inconsistências, em um sistema de ERP (Enterprise... more
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    • Card Sorting
This study explores tech students’ perceptions of social media’s usefulness during PBL group work. In contrast to much of the previous work, this study is not focused on effects; instead, it is aimed at determining the extent to which... more
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      Qualitative methodologySocial MediaQualitative ResearchCard Sorting
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      GeographyComputer ScienceComputer GraphicsDesign
This cross-sectional study examined the development of set-shifting ability from childhood into early adulthood. Six hundred and forty-nine participants (aged 8-30) were assessed on the verbal fluency, design fluency, trail making,... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitive developmentCognition
Card Sorting stellt eine wichtige und häufig eingesetzte Usability Methode dar, die häufig für die Suche nach der grundlegenden Informationsarchitektur genutzt wird. Im Rahmen der Optimierung von Usability Tests und Remote Testing ergibt... more
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    • Card Sorting
Preschoolers' categorization differs from adults'; therefore it is beneficial to involve them in the design process to create appropriate information architecture for this age group. In this paper, we describe three card sorting... more
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      Card SortingPreschool Children
En los últimos años ha crecido el interés en la “Experiencia de usuario” o mejor conocido en el medio como “UX” que es la abreviación de User Experience. Esto equivale a mover toda una industria girando, digamos del “tecnocentrismo” al... more
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      User Experience (UX)Card SortingDiseño Centrado en el usuario
The session is a common unit of interaction that is used in search log analysis. By analysing sessions, it is possible to identify distinct classes of searcher behaviour that can be used to design search applications that better support... more
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      ClusteringCard Sorting
"RESUME: La présente contribution entend proposer une présentation des alternatives possibles concernant l’utilisation des épreuves de tri de cartes dans un contexte de conception de systèmes interactifs ou de documents numériques. Notre... more
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      MultimediaUser Centred DesignHypermediaElectronic Documents
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar o Card Sorting, técnica de análise e organização de vocabulários controlados, e tem por finalidade explorar a relação dos usuários com o desenvolvimento de serviços de informação. A chave da... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceCard Sorting
Netsorting is a web based cardsorting tool. Our research group used Netsorting to run a number of experiments on cognitive science and on information architecture. In the study we are presenting here we compared two couples of card sorts... more
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      Cognitive ScienceUsabilityInformation ArchitectureWeb Based
ABSTRACT Digital media offer individuals a growing number of opportunities to interact with others and to develop varied forms of sociability. Such novel social experiences call for competences related to the organisation of mediated... more
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      CommunicationJournalismAssessmentDigital Media
Art and Science, just like Science and Magic are seen as distinct practices, requiring distinct world views. In the OWL project we call on, cross-fertilise and blur boundaries between all three. The project is predicated on Clarke's third... more
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      Participatory DesignDesign ResearchCard SortingMagical Thinking
Requirements Volatility is considered to be a major source of risk to the management of large and complex software projects. The ability to characterise the nature and origins of requirements change during software development is... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentSystems AnalysisKnowledge Representation