Recent papers in Candrakīrti
活跃于六七世纪的印度中观派论师月称,在《明句论》一书中,批评了清辨论师所采用的自立比量。其中,月称所用技巧与汉传因明自他共三比量之说非常接近。对比此二者,可以为我们理解月称思想与汉传因明的起源提供有益的视角与材料。本文在分析月称《明句论》梵文本的基础上,着重考察自他共三比量视角下月称思想的样态,进而得出如下结论:月称归谬论法的核心是“他比量”;他认为清辨的自立比量只是一种“自比量”,不具备能破的功能;月称所用技巧更为质朴、简洁,与汉传因明中的三比量说的复杂形成了鲜明对比。因此... more
Revised publication of Ph.D. dissertation providing a text-critical study and translation of the Karmaphalaparīkṣā chapter of Candrakīrti's Prasannapada with a study of early Buddhist theories of karman, relying on Sanskrit, Pali,... more
Article tiré de la conférence éponyme, donnée le 17 novembre 2016 à Lille, 27 p.
Mahāyāna streams of Buddhism have had a profound impact on the shape of Buddhist formations in India, throughout Asia, and beyond. This course examines, in a selected survey format, the classification, cultural formations, literature, and... more
The Lotus Sutra, an important Mahāyāna scripture in East Asian history, influenced a great number of scholars and schools in China and Japan. What about the influence and importance of the Lotus Sutra in Indian Buddhism? This paper... more
MA Dissertation. Historiographical Review on Nalanda Mahavihara and the importance of "Nalanda Tradition" of Tibetan Buddhism.
The teachings of Madhyamaka (" middle way philosophy ") have been the basis of Tibetan Buddhist thought and practice since the eighth century. After the twelfth century, Tibetan scholars distinguished two branches of Madhyamaka:... more
PhD dissertation on the 17th chapter of Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika with Candrakirti's Prasannapada commentary, providing an analysis of early Buddhist karma theories of little known Abhidharma schools. The majority of the... more
The sense of the opening argument of Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā -- an argument that Candrakīrti and other commentators took to epitomize Madhyamaka -- depends on the construal of a locative construction in MMK 1.3. On one reading,... more
Translation of the section of Tattvasangraha dealing with the refutation of the Pudgalavada followed by implications of the negativity one can find there compared with orthodox Madhyamika conceptions of negativity. Copyright of the... more
This seminar examines the history of Buddhist Thought in India. Buddhists like to place emphasis not on belief as such but on practicing, following a path, and knowing, directly seeing. This direct ‘seeing things the way they really are’... more
Entre os vários pontos da obra de Nāgārjuna que deram origem a análises e discussões, o tema das 'duas verdades' é um dos mais controversos. Com efeito, dentro da ampla bibliografia dedicada a essa temática, são muitas, e amiúde... more
La lettura corrente delle analogie tra Bradley e Śaṃkarasolitamente si concentra sulla seconda parte di "Apparence and Reality", lasciando alla prima il ruolo di lunga premessa, quando invece è nella prima parte – Apparence - che Bradley... more
In this paper, Nāgārjuna’s philosophical interpretation of the terms kāraṇa and kārya is analysed after having methodologically confined the specific field of interest to the MMK. From the study of all the occurrences of kāraṇa and kārya... more
Abstract The thesis focuses on the relationship between Sanskrit classical grammar, Abhidharma, and the debates between Madhyamaka and Yogācāra. In particular, it shows how the kāraka system, and the idea of lakṣaṇa, influence... more
"Religion 43 (2013), no. 4, pp. 487-498 (+ addendum). ""This article supplements Jens Schlieter’s discussion of the cognitive metaphor of a karmic bank-account,... more
1 Lalitavistara 25.4cd. 2 I am not implying that the MĮlamadhyamakakÄrikÄ may be related only to the NidÄnasamyukta as a non-MahÄyÄna source. Compare for example MĮlamadhyamakakÄrikÄ 24.8 with a passage from the EkottarÄgama: dve satye... more
I discuss two critiques of Dignāga’s epistemology, one from Candrakīrti and another from Jayarāśi. I argue that they are two versions of what I call the core problem: if the content of Dignāga’s epistemology were correct, two fundamental... more
The thesis focuses on the relationship between Sanskrit classical grammar, Ahludharma, and the debates between Madhyamaka and Yogacara. In particular, it shows how the karaka system, and the idea of laksana, influence philosophical... more
Candrakīrti’s (c. 600-650 CE) critique of Bhāviveka (c. 500-570 CE) at his commentary on the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā 1.1 drew scholars’ attention as the locus classicus for dividing the Madhyamaka school into *Svātantrika (Rang rgyud pa) and... more
This short paper identifies and diplomatically edits a fragment hitherto unidentified, Bodleian Library Oxford Ms. Sansk. a. 11 (R), a few lines from chapter 24 of Candrakīrti's Prasannapadā. After briefly discussing the extraneous... more
The seventh-century Indian Buddhist master Candrakīrti is well-known for his influence upon Madhyamaka thought and practice in the history of Indian and Tibetan Buddhism, particularly through his Madhyamakāvatāra (Entrance to the Middle... more
Article analyzing the exegetical parallels found between the Sanskrit commentaries on Nagarjuna's Mūlamadhyamakārikā. The paper also provides an extensive methodological discussion of how to study classical Indian exegetical traditions on... more
In this paper, a spintronic neuromorphic reconfigurable Array (SNRA) is developed to fuse together power-efficient probabilistic and in-field programmable deterministic computing during both training and evaluation phases of restricted... more
Abstract The article discusses the relevance of the syntactical implications of the absolutive ending (lyabanta) in interpreting the Madhyamaka term upādāyaprajñapti, and hence Mūlamadhyamakakārikā 18.24. The views of both Sanskrit and... more
Ettekande slaidid Eesti filosoofia aastakonverentsil 27. novembril 2012 Tallinnas.
Although Atiśa is famous for his journey to Tibet and his teaching there, his teachings of Madhyamaka are not extensively commented upon in the works of known and extant indigenous Tibetan scholars. Atiśa’s Madhyamaka thought, if even... more
Candrakīrti's Prasannapadā(PsP) is the only complete Sanskrit commentary on Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā(MMK). As a commentary on MMK, PsP cites the verses of MMK sequentially. This paper calls this kind of MMK's verses as the “basic... more
Forthcoming in Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency, Can Bașkent and Thomas Ferguson (eds.), Dordrecht: Springer