Cadastral Surveying
Recent papers in Cadastral Surveying
The cadastral units (‘Flurs’) and the agricultural branches can be studied on the documents of the conctretual survey of Szentes made between 1852 and 1854. Te detailed survey started in 1882, the documents prepared during the temporary... more
The Temporary Cadastral Map Archive of Sopron, 1857–1860 The cadastral map archive of Sopron was founded in 1857 to keep, and copy the survey work segments, and to prepare the maps for lithography. The map archive was temporarily placed... more
The shortcomings of analogue cadastre, consisting of paper maps and land register, have forced the improvement and upgrading of the cadastre, which can be observed in many countries. The aim of this study was to apply GIS in the creation... more
This project focuses on optimizing the structure of the conceptual database model of the Municipalidad Provincial del Callao (Peru). We propose a conceptual model oriented to the management of the data according to their nature within a... more
Zona Nilai Tanah (ZNT) merupakan area yang menggambarkan nilai tanah yang relatif sama. Bersamaan dengan terbitnya undang undang No.28 Tahun 2009 aturan mengenai penarikan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB), Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan... more
Finding addresses has become a major challenge because of population growth and its corresponding effect on city expansion. The use of postcodes is essential to save time and effort in reaching a destination. This research focuses on the... more
A review The 1820 Russian survey of the Khanate of Shirvan. A primary source on the demography and economy of an Iranian province prior to its annexation by Russia. (Cambridge, UK: Gibb Memorial Trust, 2016) from the June 2018 issue of... more
Abstract The lengthy heritage of the Ordine Mauriziano (Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus), a dynastic order centred on the House of Savoy, has always been based on donations and legacies, but also on the extensive use of the “commend”.... more
Die Diskussion über den besonderen rechtlichen Charakter der Grenzanerkennung bzw. Grenzfeststellung, die in Heft 2/2008 begonnen wurde, wird im folgenden Artikel aufgegriffen und fortgeführt. Die beiden Autoren beleuchten dabei die... more
Hin und wieder trifft man im vermessungstechnischen Außendienst auf ungewöhnliche Grenzsteine. Die Verwirrung ist perfekt, wenn laut Katasternachweis an der Stelle überhaupt kein Stein stehen dürfte. Wer weiß schon, dass eine einfache... more
Dopo il maggio 1797, caduta la Repubblica di Venezia, i territori veneti seguirono i diversi passaggi amministrativi tra la Francia napoleonica e l'Impero d'Austria 1 . Sino all'ottobre di quell'anno furono occupati dai francesi i quali... more
Poursuite des travaux publiés dans RAC I à IV. RAC V : informations supplémentaires sur la stratigraphie du sondage contre la muraille sur le flanc Ouest de la butte (RH-AM). RAC VI : synthèse de Cassel I à V : la stratigraphie du... more
Dextral slip at the western end of the east-west–striking Greendale fault during the 2010 MW7.1 Darfield earthquake trans-ferred onto a northwest-trending segment, across an apparent transtensional zone, here named the Waterford... more
A coordinated cadastre suits bureaucratic convenience, but surveyors and property lawyers need to remember that boundaries must be defined by the evidence on the ground; monuments and occupation. The expectations of a survey accurate... more
Just after the conquest of the Kokand khanate in 1876, the new Russian rulers carried out land surveying and land-tax assessment in the rich and densely populated Fergana province. These “organisation works” constituted the most... more
Los catastros europeos del siglo XVIII nacieron como solución a una necesidad básicamente fiscal, convirtiéndose en instrumentos capitales para catalizar las reformas hacendísticas de los Estados Modernos. Dichas reformas tuvieron como... more
Just after the conquest of the Kokand khanate in 1876, the new Russian rulers carried out land surveying and land-tax assessment in the rich and densely populated Fergana province. These 'organisation works' constituted the most... more
The fit-for-purpose rural cadastre has been implemented for several years in the Amhara region of Ethiopia. There are no internationally accepted methodologies to evaluate the efficacy of rural cadastral systems in developing countries.... more
After the end of the Thirty Years’ War (1648), a growing number of estates were surveyed and cartographically depicted in every German region. Estate maps, initially originating mainly from landlords, were continually produced and handed... more
The two modifcations of the land-tax 1875:VII. were worked out by the cadastral workshop working during the 1879–1881 parliament session. Te propositions made by the workshop were accepted at the beginning of the session and were also... more