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Feedback is viewed as an essential element of ubiquitous computing systems in the HCI literature for helping people manage their privacy. However, the success of online social networks and existing commercial systems for mobile location... more
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      Computer ScienceUsabilityPrivacyUbiquitous Computing
This paper presents a brief overview of findings collected from an ethnographic field study of young people and their use of mobile telephones. The findings indicate that mobile phones provide young people with a means of demonstrating... more
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      Computer ScienceMobile TechnologyActivity TheoryYoung People
The Drift Table is an electronic coffee table that displays slowly moving aerial photography controlled by the distribution of weight on its surface. It was designed to investigate our ideas about how technologies for the home could... more
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      DesignIndustrial DesignInteraction DesignProduct Design
When looking out across the intellectual landscape of HCI, how do we make sense of it? More impor- tantly, how do we evaluate what constitutes legitimate investigation? As an interdisciplinary field, HCI faces challenges in incorporating... more
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      Cognitive ScienceParticipatory DesignHuman FactorsValue Sensitive Design
Media façades comprise a category of urban computing concerned with the integration of displays into the built environment, including buildings and street furniture. This paper identifies and discusses eight challenges faced when... more
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      Interaction DesignBuilt EnvironmentExperimental DesignSocial Relation
Medycyna Chińska należy do najstarszych w historii świata. Znajdujemy w nie, wiele wspaniałych wskazówek i analiz, niezwykle użyteczkol.tT d T J -F ; l0Z°flC2ne P°dsta^ -dycyn/chiński s ą komplementarne do medycyny zachodniej. Ta zaś,... more
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We present data from detailed observation of 24 information workers that shows that they experience work fragmentation as common practice. We consider that work fragmentation has two components: length of time spent in an activity, and... more
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      Information OverloadEmpirical StudyComputer Human InteractionMulti Tasking
This paper proposes a working definition of the term gamification as the use of game design elements in non-game contexts. This definition is related to similar concepts such as serious games, serious gaming, playful interaction, and... more
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    • CHI
Debugging is still among the most common and costly of programming activities. One reason is that current debugging tools do not directly support the inquisitive nature of the activity. Interrogative Debugging is a new debugging paradigm... more
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      Program SlicingUser TestingComputer Human InteractionDebugging
Although ethnography has become a common approach in HCI research and design, considerable confusion still attends both ethnographic practice and the criteria by which it should be evaluated in HCI. Often, ethnography is seen as an... more
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      System DevelopmentComputer Human InteractionCHI
Museums attract increasing numbers of online visitors along with their conventional physical visitors. This paper presents a study of a mixed reality system that allows web, virtual reality and physical visitors to share a museum visit... more
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      Location-AwarenessComputer Human InteractionCHI
We have been developing a visualization technique that we cafl Irrjortrrance Design. We render scenarios as plays and interactive environments.
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      Participatory DesignUser Centred DesignCollaborative DesignInformation Design
naïve theories ever go away?
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    • CHI
Most current designs of information technology are based on the notion of supporting distinct tasks such as document production, email usage, and voice communication. In this paper we present empirical results that suggest that people... more
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      Information TechnologySoftware DevelopmentPersonal Information ManagementInformation Overload
Ad-hoc virtual teams often lack tools to formalize leadership and structure collaboration, yet they are often successful. How does this happen? We argue that the emergence of leadership and the development of expertise occurs in the... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionGame studies
INTRODUCTION Musical performance with entirely new types of computer instruments is now commonplace, as a result of the availability of inexpensive computing hardware, of new sensors for measuring physical parameters such as force and... more
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      Computer MusicHuman FactorsDigital musicMassage Design Principle
We present a study that evaluates conventional Pan and Zoom Navigation and Rubber Sheet Navigation, a rectilinear Focus+Context technique. Each of the two navigation techniques was evaluated both with and without an overview. All... more
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      Information VisualizationComputer Human InteractionRegion of InterestCHI
Despite the abundance of research on social networking sites, relatively little research has studied those who choose not to use such sites. This paper presents results from a questionnaire of over 400 Internet users, focusing... more
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According to usability experts, the top user issue for Web sites is difficult navigation. We have been developing automated usability tools for several years, and here we describe a prototype service called InfoScent™ Bloodhound... more
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      User ModelingUser InterfaceUser eXperienceTheory and Method
When on the move, cognitive resources are reserved partly for passively monitoring and reacting to contexts and events, and partly for actively constructing them. The Resource Competition Framework (RCF), building on the Multiple... more
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      CognitionAttentionWeb searchMultitasking
People often learn game-related information in video games by taking turns playing and watching each other play. This type of in-game learning involves both observation and imitation of actions. However, games are also made to be learnt... more
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      Reinforcement LearningEEGImitation LearningLearning Strategies
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      Social TheorySocial NetworksSocial MediaOnline Social Network
The role of computers in the modern office has divided our activities between virtual interactions in the realm of the computer and physical interactions with real objects within the traditional office infrastructure. This paper extends... more
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      Ubiquitous ComputingAugmented RealityVirtual WorldsWireless networks
Systems able to find a song based on a sung, hummed, or whistled melody are called Query-By-Humming (QBH) systems. We propose an approach to improve search performance of a QBH system based on data collected from an online social music... more
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      Search EngineData CollectionQuery processingComputer Human Interaction
Background: Participation of protein polymorphism is often considered in the pathogenesis of various diseases. Aberrant protein glycosylation has been recognized to play major roles in human disorders, including neurodegenerative... more
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      AgingBiologyCzech RepublicChild
Enabling users to identify trustworthy actors is a key design concern in online systems and expertise is a core dimension of trustworthiness. In this paper, we investigate (1) users' ability to identify expertise in advice and (2) effects... more
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      Financial RiskCHI
Listening to music on personal, digital devices while mobile is an enjoyable, everyday activity. We explore a scheme for exploiting this practice to immerse listeners in navigation cues. Our prototype, Ontrack, continuously adapts audio,... more
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      Mobile SystemsGPSNavigationComputer Human Interaction
We present data from detailed observation of 24 information workers that shows that they experience work fragmentation as common practice. We consider that work fragmentation has two components: length of time spent in an activity, and... more
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      Information OverloadEmpirical StudyComputer Human InteractionMulti Tasking
Graphical authentication systems typically claim to be more usable than PIN or password-based systems, but these claims often follow limited, single-stage paradigm testing on a young, student population. We present a more demanding test... more
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Figure 1 SensaBubble generates scented fog-filled bubbles which have visual information displayed on them. (a) Users interacting with the demo, (b) Bubbles projected with the Bluetooth icon and the letter 'N' (c) The bubble generator.
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      PerceptionHCIDisplay DevicesCHI
We present one possible design for a "wearable" computer-a computer that is worn. Our prototype permits text entry without the need of a table or other supporting surface. Typing can be performed while standing or even walking, Possible... more
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      Computer ScienceSkillWearable ComputerComputer Human Interaction
A major challenge that new college students face is the establishment of healthy habits that will affect their long-term health. Focusing on this difficult task is myPyramid: a dining hall service to support the development of healthy... more
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      Service DesignInteraction DesignComputer Human InteractionCHI
Established researchers and practitioners active in the development and deployment of media spaces review what seemed to be promised twenty years ago, what has actually been achieved, and what we might anticipate over the next twenty years.
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      SociologyComputer ScienceComputer Supported Collaborative WorkDistributed Work
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      Ubiquitous ComputingAugmented RealityVirtual WorldsWireless networks
We describe a case study of a complex, ongoing, collaborative work process, where the central activity is a series of meetings reviewing a wide range of subtle technical topics. The problem is the accurate reporting of the results of... more
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      MultimediaCase StudyAudio RecordingComputer Human Interaction
This paper presents our work on the development of a multimodal auditory interface which permits blind users to work more easily and efficiently with GUI browsers. A macro-analysis phase, which can be either passive or active, informs on... more
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      Auditory DisplayHCIComputer Human InteractionBlind Users
Introduction Second Life is a user-driven online virtual world, originally conceived by Philip Rosedale, CEO of Linden Labs [7]. It is a “metaverse”, a term coined in Neal Stephenson's 1992 novel Snow Crash [10], in which people... more
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      Second LifeVirtual WorldsVirtual RealityOnline Community
In this paper we describe the development and use of a novel, practical approach to the design of a mobile multimedia terminal for a virtual community. The specific design goal was a dedicated mobile terminal concept for horse aficionados... more
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      Human Computer InteractionDesignIndustrial DesignVirtual Community
This paper describes some of the consumer-driven usability research conducted by NCR Self Service Strategic Solutions in the development of an understanding of usability and user acceptance of leadingedge biometrics verification... more
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      User InterfaceATMsUser AcceptanceComputer Human Interaction
Establishing that machines cannot automate creative design and that it is a difficult task for humans, I propose a computational model based on the human and machine complementarity and collaboration.
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      Cultural StudiesDesignEducational TechnologyAnimation
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      Hyperbolic GeometryComputer Human InteractionCHI
We present a new popup widget, called CoR2Ds (Context-Rooted Rotatable Draggables), designed for multi-user direct-touch tabletop environments. CoR2Ds are interactive callout popup objects that are visually connected (rooted) at the... more
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      Human FactorsUser InterfaceComputer Supported Cooperative WorkComputer Human Interaction
We present data from detailed observation of 24 information workers that shows that they experience work fragmentation as common practice. We consider that work fragmentation has two components: length of time spent in an activity, and... more
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      Information OverloadEmpirical StudyComputer Human InteractionMulti Tasking
Participatory Design is a common practice in HCI and user based evaluations are also highly recommended. This paper looks at the practice of carrying out design and evaluation sessions with school aged children by describing a general... more
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      Participatory ResearchParticipatory DesignEvaluationGroup work
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      Ambient IntelligenceComputer ApplicationComputer Human InteractionCHI
In this paper we argue that "persuasive technologies," developed to motivate behaviour change in users, have so far failed to exploit the established body of empirical research within behavioural science. We propose that persuasive... more
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      Computer VisionEthnomethodologyHCIMaterial Culture
Despite the abundance of research on social networking sites, relatively little research has studied those who choose not to use such sites. This paper presents results from a questionnaire of over 400 Internet users, focusing... more
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We present data from detailed observation of 24 information workers that shows that they experience work fragmentation as common practice. We consider that work fragmentation has two components: length of time spent in an activity, and... more
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      Information OverloadEmpirical StudyComputer Human InteractionMulti Tasking