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This review was inspired by this 300-page book that tells the story of the medical project to unravel the mystery of the vital P53 gene that manages the constant process of cell division, looking for mistakes which if not corrected may... more
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      CancerP53P53 , Stem Cells and Colon CancerBiochemistry and molecular biology
Ubiquitin-like proteins (Ubls) confer diverse functions on their target proteins. The modified proteins are involved in various biological processes, including DNA replication, signal transduction, cell cycle control, embryogenesis,... more
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      Immune responseCancerAutophagyApoptosis
Background and Aim: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common form of carcinoma in cattle. Histopathological grading systems have been utilized over several decades for estimating the malignancy of cattle SCCs. This study aimed to... more
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      PathologyOncologyVeterinary PathologyCancer
Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) inhibitors can reduce replication of many viruses with certain characteristics similar to those of coronaviruses, while the p53 protein is another important factor in the down-regulation of viral growth. Tenovin is a... more
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      P53Tumor suppressor,P53Tenovin-1
The immunohistochemical expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and p53 was investigated in 9 cases of epithelial dysplasia and 38 cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. The intensity of immunoreactivity for... more
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      MetastasisP53Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC)PCNA
Endometriosis associated ovarian carcinoma (EAOC) is currently receiving attention due to the controversy about its biological behavior. It is not clear whether tumors with demonstrable transition of benign to malignant lining of ovarian... more
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      ObstetricsImmunohistochemistryP53P53 , Stem Cells and Colon Cancer
The p53 tumor suppressor gene and gene product are among the most diverse and complex molecules involved in cellular functions. Genetic alterations within the p53 gene have been shown to have a direct correlation with cancer development... more
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      P53Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer
TET1 protein is to suppress cancer invasion and metastasis in prostate and breast cancer while EZH2, a polycomb group protein, has been identified as an oncogene in many types of cancers including gastric cancer. Here we report that there... more
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      Molecular BiologyCancerCancer Cell BiologyCancer Biology
The small ribosomal protein RPS27a is known to play a role in the activation of cellular checkpoints via p53 which links ribosome biogenesis to cell cycle progression. Here, we show that RPS27a gene is a direct transcriptional target of... more
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      P53Tumor suppressor,P53DNA damage, chromatin organisation, post-translational modificationsRibosomal proteins
Background: Differentiation of urothelial hyperplasia, dysplasia and carcinoma in situ (CIS) may pose diagnostic difficulties. We aim to evaluate the role of CK20, p53 and p63 in differentiation of such lesions. Methods: we evaluate these... more
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This review addresses the significance of the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), p53 and some heat shock proteins (Hsps) in prostate carcinoma (PC). In fact, PCNA and p53 are two widely discussed tools in PC... more
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      BiochemistryOncologyUrologyCellular Biology
p53 Tumor suppressor gene encodes for a critical cellular protein that regulate the integrity of the cell and can induce cell cycle arrest and/or apoptosis upon cellular stresses of several origins, including chemotherapeutics. Loss of... more
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      Gene TherapyP53Mdm2Small Molecules
p53 has a determinant role in cancer prevention and is among the most studied proteins in the world. The majority of studies devoted to this protein are carried out in cell lines because they are easy to use and have naturally emerged as... more
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      Stress Responses (Cellular Biology)Stress Response BiologyP53Cell line
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most frequent type of primary liver cancer and one of the prominent causes of cancer mortality, leading to approximately 780,000 deaths per year worldwide. Down-regulation of microRNA-125b (miR-125b)... more
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      MicroRNACancer ResearchmiRNAP53
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      Transcription RegulationOxidative StressTranscription FactorsStress Responses (Cellular Biology)
Scan to discover online Background & Objective: Urothelial carcinoma is the seventh most common cancer in the world. The histological classification of papillary carcinoma is one of the most important determinants for its prognosis.... more
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      P53Urothelial cell carcinomaImmunohistochemicalGRADE
Abstract Cellular senescence is an in vivo and in vitro phenomenon, accompanied by physiological changes including cessation of division and disturbances of organelle structure and function. Review of the literature was undertaken to... more
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      Fat StudiesTelomeresMitochondriaAgeing and Health
Silibinin is known for its hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic effects. We found that silibinin exhibited a protective effect against chemotherapeutic reagent mitomycin C-induced cell death in A375-S2 cells in a... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyMolecular BiologyCancer
Senolytics inhibiting the accumulation of senescent cells in the tissues of the elderly, certainly help to counteract the development of age-related pathology. However senolytics should not be used as monotherapy, but in combination with... more
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      SenescenceAgingP53Skin Rejuvenation
Genomic regulation and functional significance of PVT‐1 gene locus, in the MYC‐driven cancers, has remained enigmatic ever since its discovery. With the present study, an attempt is made to establish that cellular AATF genome encoded... more
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      BioinformaticsMolecular BiologyComputational BiologyCancer
A B S T R A C T Although chemicals are usually present in the environment in complex mixtures, ecotoxicological risk assessments often rely on data from single exposures to contaminants. The present study aimed at examining the effects of... more
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      P53MixturesEmbryonic DevelopmentNER
ABSTRACT: Background. The purpose of this study was to determine whether pretreatment 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) volume-based parameters, such as metabolic tumor volume and total lesion... more
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      Positron Emission TomographyP5318F FDG Pet imagingHPV
The tumor suppressor p53 is a key player in the control of genomic integrity and homeostasis in connection with p63 and p73, the two other members of the p53 family. Loss of functional p53 leads to the proliferation and survival of mature... more
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      GeneticsStem CellsCancer stem cellsHepatology
Chronic lung diseases in older people due to age-related changes are more severe and often cause death. Currently available drugs are not enough to successfully treat these age-related diseases. Additional tissue rejuvenation measures are... more
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      P53Interstitial Lung DiseaseRejuvenationLungs
The BRAF(V600E) mutation is found in approximately 40% of papillary thyroid cancers (PTC). Mice with thyroid-specific expression of Braf(V600E) (TPO-Braf(V600E)) develop PTC rapidly with high levels of serum thyroid-stimulating hormone... more
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      Cancer BiologyThyroid CancerP53BRAF
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      Drosophila melanogasterP53Tumor suppressor,P53
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      P53P63Cancer Tissues Tumor Markers
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      AgingCancer BiologyP53Fatty acids
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      P53Mutant P53
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      CancerCancer BiologyAnticancer Drug DeliveryP53
Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) and antioxidants opened the way for many effective therapeutic experiments against damaged organs like kidneys. Nephrotoxicity is the main complication of chemotherapeutic drugs.... more
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Background: Tumor progression and tumor response to anticancer therapies may be affected by activation of oncogenic pathways such as the antioxidant one induced by NRF2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2) transcription factor... more
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      CancerCell BiologyOxidative StressAutophagy
Graphical Abstract Highlights d CEP-1 cooperates with HIM-5 to ensure meiotic crossover formation d CEP-1 and HIM-5 promote induction of programmed double-strand breaks d CEP-1 and HIM-5 ensure DSB repair fidelity by antagonizing NHEJ... more
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      P53MeiosisTumor suppressor,P53DNA damage and repair
Introduction: Human hematopoietic stem cells (hHSCs) have been used for transplantation in hematologic failures. Because the number of hHSCs per cord blood unit is limited, the expansion of these cells is important for clinical... more
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      P53AdiposeHematopoietic Stem Cell
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) represents 95% of all forms of head and neck cancer, and over the last decade its incidence has increased by 50%. Oral carcinogenesis is a multistage process, which simultaneously involves precancerous... more
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      P53Oral CancersTumor suppressor,P53Oral Cancer
In oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OCSCC and OPSCC) exist an association between clinical and histopathological parameters with cell proliferation, basal lamina, connective tissue degradation and surrounding stroma... more
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      P53Hox GenesSquamous Cell CarcinomaHead and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Geldanamycin (GA) is a specific inhibitor of the 90 kDs heat shock protein (Hsp90) in the cytoplasm of mammalian cells, which binds directly to Hsp90 and promotes proteolytic degradation of its client proteins. As an antitumor drug, GA... more
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Locus-specific databases (LSDBs) are curated compilations of sequence variants in genes associated with disease and have been invaluable tools for both basic and clinical research. These databases contain extensive information provided by... more
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      CancerCancer BiologyP53Biocuration
p53 is a master transcription factor that prevents neoplasia and genomic instability. It is an important target for anticancer drug design. Understanding the molecular mechanisms behind its transcriptional activities in normal cells is a... more
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      Transcription RegulationTranscription FactorsStress Responses (Cellular Biology)Stress Response Biology
Ovarian cancer happens as the result of change in gene and molecular metabolites. Because of chemotherapy side effects in cancer treatment such as drug resistance, using of complementary therapy with herbal and their derivatives is... more
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      Ovarian CancerP53Vitexin
Elephants are large-brained, social mammals with a long lifespan. Studies of elephants can provide insight into the aging process, which may be relevant to understanding diseases that affect elderly humans because of their shared... more
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      Alzheimer's DiseaseAgingNeurodegenerative DiseasesP53
Chemotherapy is central to current treatment modality especially for advanced and metastatic colorectal and breast cancers. Targeting the key molecular events of the neoplastic cells may open a possibility to treat cancer. Although some... more
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      ApoptosisP53GlutathionePhase II detoxifying enzymes
Purpose: Tumor suppressor genes participate in a variety of critical and highly conserved cell functions, including regulation of the cell cycle and apoptosis, differentiation, surveillance of genomic integrity and repair of DNA errors,... more
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von Gruenigen VE, O'Boyle JD, Coleman RL, Wilson D, Miller DS, Mathis JM. Efficacy of intraperitoneal adenovirus-mediated p53 gene therapy in ovarian cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer 1999; 9: 365–372. The purpose of this study was to... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyMolecular BiologyCancer
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      Medical SciencesSimulation (Computer Science)CancerProteomics
Caenorhabditis elegans CEP-1 and its mammalian homolog p53 are critical for responding to diverse stress signals. In this study, we found that cep-1 inactivation suppressed the prolonged lifespan of electron transport chain (ETC) mutants,... more
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      P53Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain