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Assessment of disaster resilience using an index is often a key element of natural hazard management and planning. Many assessments have been undertaken worldwide. Emerging from these are a set of seven common properties that should be... more
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      SociologyFlood Risk ManagementResilienceDisaster risk management
The Aboriginal people of Australia knew how to tame bushfires, but since European colonisation bushfires have become feral. This paper is an investigation into the causes that took them out of human control; the effect this is having on... more
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      ForestryForest Ecology And ManagementForest EcologySustainable forestry management
A B S T R A C T Wildfires impact upon populations where development has occurred within or adjacent to natural vegetation. Even with extensive management interventions in the landscape, wildfires will continue to impact upon some... more
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      ResilienceCost EstimationWildfiresBushfire
This paper documents the spread mechanisms of spot fires and their behaviour during a severe bushfire attack in a hilly forested landscape. The study assesses their association with wind speed and direction, potential firebrand source... more
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      Fire and Emergency ServicesFire EcologyFire HistoryFire Protection
Assessment of disaster resilience using an index is often a key element of natural hazard management and planning. Many assessments have been undertaken worldwide. Emerging from these are a set of seven common properties that should be... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementResilienceDisaster risk managementAustralia
This article examines the gendered dynamics of wildland firefighting through analysis of employment statistics and in-depth interviews with employees of the National Parks and Wildlife Service in New South Wales, Australia. The statistics... more
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      Gender StudiesOrganisational ChangeWildfiresBushfire
A B S T R A C T This paper explores how people in southeast Australia impacted by bushfire make sense of such threatening experiences. It focuses on three post-fire studies of residents affected by bushfire to a point where the fire... more
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      AustraliaEpistemic LuckWildfiresSensemaking
Unexpected events and abrupt changes have profound impacts on individuals, organizations and communities. L'Aquila, Carwoola, Katrina, and Kaikoura have become familiar words in the everyday life of some communities while others remain... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingFire and Emergency ServicesFlood Risk Management
İklim krizi kaynaklı ısınmalar sebebiyle Türkiye’nin de yer aldığı Akdeniz iklim kuşağı bölgesi devasa orman yangınlarına şahitlik etmektedir. Orman yangınlarının devam ettiği tarihlerde ise 7334 sayılı Kanun ile Turizmi Teşvik Kanunu’nda... more
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      Tourism StudiesSustainable forestry managementTURİZMBushfire
This paper aims to raise awareness of vicarious trauma amongst disaster researchers, and suggests ways to prevent vicarious traumatisation from happening and/or reaching incapacitating levels. The paper examines the potential of... more
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      MindfulnessTrauma StudiesSelf CareDisaster Management
One of the expected consequences of climate change is an increase in the frequency and intensity of weather extremes such as heat waves, droughts and large-scale bushfires. The possible escalation in the frequency and magnitude of... more
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      ManagementFire and Emergency ServicesCommunity ResilienceResilience
This Manual documents known bushfire spread and flame height mechanisms in Australian vegetation in a way that transparently shows how to trace scientifically valid fire behaviour back to scientific fundamentals. It will give bushfire... more
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      Fire and Emergency ServicesFire EcologyFire ProtectionFire Behaviour
This paper examines the flood event of June 1998 and its effect on residents of the upper Tambo Valley, in Victoria south east Australia. While the concept of vulnerability has been widely employed to understand disasters, this case study... more
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      Sociology of DisasterFlood Risk ManagementDisaster StudiesRisk and Vulnerability
There have been three significant bushfire behaviour studies in eucalypt forests in Australia – McArthur, Burrows, Vesta. Coincidentally, most of the fire trials have been done in similar West Australian forests. This Paper reinvestigates... more
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      Fire and Emergency ServicesFire HistoryFire ProtectionFire Behaviour
Social networks are significant in helping communities and individuals cope in disasters. Studies of communities hit by a catastrophe such as landslides or heatwaves demonstrate that people with well-connected social networks are more... more
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      Community ResilienceSocial CapitalSocial Network Analysis (SNA)Disaster Management
In Australia, governing the integration of Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) into Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is becoming a pressing field of action. This governance is shaped by normative elements such as strategies, policies, and plans... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationClimate change policyUrban Planning
Many historians have noticed the coincidence of the 1851 Black Thursday fires in the Port Phillip District of New South Wales (Victoria) with the beginning of the Victorian gold rush but a possible relationship between these events has... more
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      Environmental StudiesAustralian Gold RushVictorian Gold RushesBushfire
Assessment of disaster resilience using an index is often a key element of natural hazard management and planning. Many assessments have been undertaken worldwide. Emerging from these are a set of seven common properties that should be... more
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      SociologyFlood Risk ManagementResilienceDisaster risk management
Die Corona Chronik arbeitet das Verhältnis von Corona Lockdowns, Social Media, Klimawandel, Internetsucht, Künstliche Intelligenz, Digitalisierung und Bewegungsmangel auf. Dr. Pawlik folgt in seiner Analyse McLuhan, Heinz von Foerster... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsDigital Media & LearningSocial MediaPublic Health
This paper documents observations of bushfire spread and flame height during a severe bushfire attack in a hilly forested landscape. The author observed forest and grass fire behaviour at first hand during one of the most severe weather... more
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      Fire and Emergency ServicesFire EcologyFire HistoryFire Protection
This final project report describes a method for generating carbon and heat emission estimates from active bushfires and scheduled prescribed burns. This work forms part of a larger project seeking to build a smoke forecasting system for... more
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      Modeling and SimulationBushfire
This research describes the preparedness and the actual, or anticipated, evacuation behaviours of a sample of 352 pet owners in Australian who experienced a range of natural disasters or emergencies. Three quarters experienced a bushfire... more
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The study of gender and associated questions about inequality and the social construction of masculinity and femininity are important elements of social science research. While gender has often been a focus in disciplines such as... more
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      Gender StudiesWildfiresBushfire
""Many historians have noted that the 1851 Black Thursday fires in the Port Phillip District of New South Wales (Victoria) ‘coincided with the Victorian gold rush’ — but most investigate the coincidence no further, and some saw the Black... more
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      Environmental HistoryAustralian HistoryBushfire
Models for the thermal degradation (or pyrolysis) of solid fuel are fundamental to the physics-based simulation of grassfires. The pyrolysis process affects the combustion process and therefore the simulated flame, which defines the fire... more
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      BiomassCombustionModeling and SimulationPyrolysis
Bushfires have been a key concern for countries such as Australia for a long time. These must be mitigated to eradicate the associated harmful effects on the climate and to have a sustainable and healthy environment for wildlife. The... more
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      Spatio Temporal AnalysisBushfireUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
As fires continue in some parts of the country, the massive clean-up effort has begun, losses counted and people pulling their lives back together. In this reaction, experts comment on the aftermath of fire and the short and longer term... more
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Bushfire survival plans are a valuable tool for residents living in fire-prone landscapes. Plans include assigning trigger points for action, roles for all household members, and alternate approaches should the original plan fail. Fire... more
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      Risk ManagementDisaster ManagementWildfiresBushfire
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringModel-Driven DevelopmentSimulation (Computer Science)
This research describes the preparedness and the actual, or anticipated, evacuation behaviours of a sample of 352 pet owners in Australian who experienced a range of natural disasters or emergencies. Three quarters experienced a bushfire... more
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Wildfires are an integral part of the Australian continent, and to estimate the rate of spread of wildfires using computational models, it is important to know the kinetic parameters of the materials that constitute the fuel load in... more
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      Materials ScienceBiomassPyrolysisWildfires
El gobierno del primer ministro australiano ha sido criticado ampliamente como “ausente” en medio de una catástrofe que, de acuerdo a figuras oficiales, fue responsable de la muerte de 34 personas, mil millones de animales y la quema de... more
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      AustraliaEspañolBushfireGobiernos Locales
Successive bushfire inquiries in Australia have called for authorities to more effectively harness and disseminate bushfire information. Recommendations from these inquiries suggest a new approach to bushfires involving greater... more
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      Fire and Emergency ServicesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationWildfiresBushfire
This research describes the preparedness and the actual, or anticipated, evacuation behaviours of a sample of 352 pet owners in Australian who experienced a range of natural disasters or emergencies. Three quarters experienced a bushfire... more
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Book chapter/essay published in a New Zealand anthology about the climate crisis. Explores the lived experience of parenting during Australia's Black Summer bushfires from a trans-Tasman perspective, and discusses the broader social and... more
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      Human GeographyClimate ChangeEnvironmental PsychologyPlace Attachment
Following the 2016 break-out of illegally settled populations in Mont Péko national Park due to the political-military crises of 2002 to 2011, the phenomenon of uncontrolled wildfires reached alarming proportions. The purpose of this... more
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      ForestryNational ParksBushfire
The bushfire manager invites the bushfire researcher to adopt the ”back to basics” approach. The invitation derives from the Finney et al (2013) plea to focus on the how and why of bushfire theory to explain bushfire behaviour rather than... more
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      Fire and Emergency ServicesFire BehaviourForest fireWildfires
This paper examines landscape preferences of residents in amenity-rich bushfire-prone landscapes in New South Wales, Australia. Insights are provided into vegetation preferences in areas where properties neighbor large areas of native... more
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      LandscapeBushfireAmenity Migration
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      EngineeringPsychologyAustraliaNatural Hazards
Wildfires in Greece in 2007 resulted in 76 fatalities and approximately 850 buildings destroyed [4]. In 2009, more than 2000 houses and 173 lives were lost during the Black Saturday fires in Victoria, Australia [5,6]. While fire... more
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      Risk and VulnerabilityRisk ManagementDisaster PreparednessWildfires
This paper presents the results of a summative evaluation of the training component of the Australian Government Mental Health Response to the 2009 bushfires in Victoria, Australia. With very little evidence available to date on... more
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      PsychologyMental HealthTrainingDisaster Mental Health
Models for the thermal degradation (or pyrolysis) of solid fuel are fundamental to the physics-based simulation of grassfires. The pyrolysis process affects the combustion process and therefore the simulated flame, which defines the fire... more
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      BiomassCombustionModeling and SimulationPyrolysis
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      Fire and Emergency ServicesFire EcologyWildland FireFire Management
Animal ownership has been shown to be a risk factor for the survival of humans during emergencies and natural disasters largely due to evacuation failures. For livestock producers, it is often impossible to evacuate their animals given... more
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      ManagementCommunicationClimate ChangeResilience
The consequences of wildfires are felt in susceptible communities around the globe on an annual basis. Climate change predictions in places like the south-east of Australia and western United States suggest that wildfires may become more... more
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      GeographyCommunity ResilienceResilienceRisk and Vulnerability
Extensive damage to 392 ha and the loss of 56 homes occurred during a bushfire in Parkerville, Western Australia, which started on 12 January 2014 when a jarrah pole supporting an electrical cable fell towards the ground and caused... more
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      Insurance LawElectricityLaw of TortsBushfire
Bushfire is an increasing threat in Australia, with population movement and mobility, shifts in climate patterns and the unevenness in preventive measures across the country. It raises specific questions for populations living in... more
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      CommunicationDisaster ManagementEmergency ManagementBushfire
The research saw the Big Stories, Small Towns transmedia documentary project take place Strathewen as part of bushfire recovery committee activities. Strathewen is a town in Victoria, Australia that was devastated by the Black Saturday... more
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      Participatory MediaDigital StorytellingDocumentaryTransmedia