Bronze Age Interconnections (Egyptology)
Recent papers in Bronze Age Interconnections (Egyptology)
This chapter links extant archaeological objects with items in gift lists exchanged between Egypt, Babylonia, Mitanni, the kingdom of Ugarit, and Hatti in the Late Bronze Age, as transliterated and translated by Z. Cochavi-Rainey from... more
"Ex oriente nigri: "Captain of the Blacks" and the Fabrication of the Minoan Culture The fabrication of the Minoan culture is the specifically modern phenomenon, closely linked to the imperial and colonial conquest and appropriation of... more
This research analize the proportions and architectural features of Osireion Hypogeum in order to determine the level of knowledge of the geometric rules achieved by Egyptian Priests and Harpedonaptae before the birth of Euclidean Geometry.
The Viceroy of Kush (King's son of Kush) was a high official in the structure of the Egyptian imperial administration during the New Kingdom. The textual and archaeological evidence of the Ramesside Period indicate that some Ramesside... more
Charioteers were very significant in the Ramesside Period, evidenced for example by the frequent mention of them in texts dated to the reign of king Ramesses II. Charioteers also played an important role in diplomacy as many Ramesside... more
Until very recently, there were only the most indirect iconographical hints that the Egyptian demon Bes had ever come to Bronze Age Crete. Now, Bes-like images have appeared on two engraved gems from eastern Crete, at least one of which... more
The Egyptian military activity in Canaan and Nubia was very significant during the reign of Merenptah (1213–1203 BC) and was an important part of the historical developments during the New Kingdom of Egypt as well as in the contemporary... more
This article considers formal diplomatic relations between the Mycenaeans and Hittites through analysis of the Hittite Tawagalawa Letter. Consensus attributes that tablet's authorship to Ḫattušili III (ca. 1267–1237 B.C.), who complained... more
Connections between Egypt and the Mycenaean world have often been understood in terms of indirect exchange, via middlemen on Cyprus and in the Levant. This view is mainly informed by the relative paucity of Mycenaean pottery found in... more
This contribution reassesses the date and origin of a particular group of cornelian and red jasper scarabs, displaying line designs such as crosses and stars on their bases. The numbers that surfaced in the southern Levant and the Aegean... more
Six earliest 18th Dynasty high chronology (18DHC) Sothic-dated royal accessions from Amenhotep I through Amenhotep II fall on exact full moon days when their summer solstice Sothic New Year's Days are set to Sirius' day 2 (rarely 3)... more
VORWORT DER HERAUSGEBER Die Reihe "Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie" soll einem in der jüngeren Vergangenheit entstandenen Bedürfnis Rechnung tragen, nämlich Examensarbeiten und andere Forschungsleistungen... more
In this paper we treat changes in weaponry and armament, which occurred in the Aegean and Levantine regions between the late 14th and the early 12th century BC. We aim at reconstructing these changes in a sequence as fine-phased as... more
SUMMARY This thesis shall identify the date origin of the composite bow within Mesopotamia and Elam. and both identify and quantify the design factors which lead to increased performance possible with composite construction. To accomplish... more
The various Ramesside war scenes and texts of the Karnak temple are main historical sources for all the scholars who are interested in the study of imperial policy of Egypt in its territories in Syria and Canaan during the New Kingdom, in... more
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The excavations at the site of Sidon College Site in southern Lebanon have yielded a large funerary and cultic complex dated to the Middle (MBA) and Late Bronze Ages (LBA). As of 2019, more than 172 tombs were found associated with a... more
Revealing the possible re discovery of a geometrical, spherical measuring instrument in the Pyramid of Khufu known as the Dixon Relics, held in the British Museum and Aberdeen By Crichton E M Miller FCILT This advanced protractor, similar... more
In the early 2nd millennium BCE, Near Eastern groups of diverse origin penetrated the Nile Delta, via sea and land. The Wadi Tumilat was one of the two principal overland routes in and out of Egypt for Asiatics arriving from the East.... more
Since its discovery by Battiscombe Gunn, it is believed that Saqqara's Ostrakon is able to improve our understanding of how Egyptians designed curved elements, but the geometric significance of the hieratic values is still uncertain.... more
The Sherden were a part of Sea Peoples who attacked Egypt during the Ramesside period. The Sherden raiders were enemies of Egypt at the beginning of the reign of Ramesses II, who proclaimed its victory on them. After their defeat, many of... more
Lay-out & cover design: Sidestone Press Photograph cover: Detail of Fragment F00001 from Tell el-Dab c a (by Johannes Becker) ISBN 978-90-8890-687-9 (softcover) ISBN 978-90-8890-688-6 (hardcover) ISBN 978-90-8890-689-3 (PDF e-book)
This article is re-investigating the Egyptian and Egyptianizing material found in the Royal Tombs I, II and III of Byblos. Based on these objects and the local MB pottery coming from these tombs a date change into the MB IIB period for... more
The never-ending stream of new publications means that some important ones get unnoticed. This slender and elegant volume brings together the most complete published data on the iron artefacts from the burial equipment of King Tutankhamun... more
Since its discovery by Battiscombe Gunn, it is believed that Saqqara's Ostrakon is able to improve our understanding of how Egyptians designed curved elements, but the geometric significance of the hieratic values is still uncertain.... more
An almost complete box decorated with engraved bone plaques was found in the destruction debris of the Canaanite ceremonial palace at Hazor. Twenty-two additional, similarly engraved bone plaques were found scattered in the building and... more
"A doctoral research project pertaining to the presence, evolution and distribution of Egyptian scarabs in the northern Levant was conducted by Vanessa Boschloos at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Royal Museums of Art and History... more
‘Minoans’ have been recognised as pre-Hellenic race or closed ethnic group in Egyptian representations of Aegean figures from Eighteenth Dynasty Theban tombs. Modern construct of ‘Minoans’ thus merged with an ancient Egyptian construct of... more
"The main point is that when one takes into account what we know about ancient Egyptian mathematics (based primarily on the Rhind Papyrus) and what we know about the system of measuring lengths in terms of "cubits," "palms," and "fingers"... more
There is a growing body of seal impressions from various sites on Bahrain and Failaka. The available evidence from the City IIb-c period indicates that sealing practices were not limited to a small, privileged section of Dilmun society.... more
The Battle of Kadesh was the most famous military clash in the ancient history and the first major conflict in the ancient world, before Alexander, to be described in detail. Ramesses II clearly regarded the Battle of Kadesh as the peak... more
"The second half of the second millennium BC is a poorly understood period in the history of Mesopotamia, the Persian/Arabian Gulf and adjacent areas. Soon after unifying southern Mesopotamia, by conquering the Sealand, the Kassite rulers... more