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Almost two decades ago, along with the increasing frequency of migrant films, 'migrant cinema' as a generic domain entered into the discussions. The optimism brought by extending and deepening union of Europe, growing acceptance of... more
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      European CinemaMigrant and Diasporic LiteratureTransnational Cinema
Contextualização história de Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (F.W. Murnau, 1922).
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      Film StudiesGerman ExpressionismF.W. MurnauHaunting and Spectrality
O presente artigo demonstra como nos escritos cinematograficos de Siegfried Kracauer as criticas aos filmes A Rua (1923) e O ultimo homem (1924), publicadas no Frankfurter Zeitung, apresentam conceitos fundamentais para a consolidacao de... more
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This file contains the table of contents and introduction of my new book Kafkaesque Cinema, which has just been published by Edinburgh University Press. About the Book: For all its familiarity as a widely used term, “Kafkaesque cinema”... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm-PhilosophyFilm and History
In this booklet, the author discusses the ways in which film may be used to extend and enrich the study of literature and explores the rhetoric of film-how it uses visual symbols, similes, and other metaphors to give depth to its content,... more
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      Computer ScienceMathematics EducationFilmsTeaching Methods
Chapter 3 of the book "Anti-Heimat Cinema," focuses on the export of anti-Heimat sentiments from Weimar modernism to Zionist culture.
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      German StudiesFilm StudiesGerman HistoryCinema
For decades, critics have viewed Luchino Visconti's The Damned (1969), the first instalment in his famous German trilogy, simply as a (melo)dramatic depiction of Nazism's rise, conceived in the director's characteristic anthropomorphic... more
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The genre of screenwriting began right from the days of cinematographic history and so is over a hundred years old. Yet many people scoff at the idea of defending the screenplay as a form of literature and serious critics maintain that it... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryBritish HistoryQualitative Research
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A fair and balanced review of the second film in the Kingsman franchise.
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisBritish Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)Cinema
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      Film StudiesMasculinity StudiesFilm AnalysisBritish Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)
In this booklet, the author discusses the ways in which film may be used to extend and enrich the study of literature and explores the rhetoric of film-how it uses visual symbols, similes, and other metaphors to give depth to its content,... more
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      Computer ScienceMathematics EducationFilmsTeaching Methods
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      Cultural StudiesGlobalizationFilm StudiesPolitical Science
In the backstage murder-mystery musical Curtains (2007), set in 1959, the company and creative team behind the show-within-a-show Robbin' Hood not only have to fi nish their new musical and prepare it for Broadway, but must also recast a... more
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      Modern American TheatreBroadway Musical Theatre
Für unsere folgende Erörterung der Frage, worin die Bedeutung und die Rolle des Hadith für die Islamische Theologie als akademisches Fach liegen, ist die klassische Definition der Hadithwissenschaft ( ʿ ilm al-ḥadīṯ) von Šams ad-Dīn al-... more
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      Islamic StudiesHadith StudiesTexts and transmissionIslamic Theology
Angesichts der jüngsten Welle (netz)feministischen Aufbegehrens und der vehement geführten Debatten gegen den sogenannten Genderismus lohnt sich eine neuerliche Sichtung, was Gender Studies aus kultur- und literaturwissenschaftlicher... more
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      Gender StudiesIdentitätGenderism
Das Bild der antiken Stadt Rom ist tiefer in das gemeinschaftliche Gedächtnis der westlichen Welt eingeschrieben als das jeder ande-ren Metropole des Altertums. Die Wirkmächtigkeit dieses Stadt-Bil-des fußt einmal auf der historischen... more
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and M.. tropolis, respectis e 4 Composers of the film music for Ku/ile J3ampt. Grtat Eptctazz ns 1Q46), The Life and Death of Colontl Blimp, The African Quten (1Q51), Porth Sa, The Pi cfofBagdad and Sandtrc of the Riier, respectively.... more
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      HistoryOpen UniversityFilm director
In the rapidly growing study of amateur film, this groundbreaking book addresses the development of British women's amateur visual practice. Drawing upon social and visual anthropology, imperial and postcolonial studies and British,... more
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    • History
This article investigates the filmic construction of two disparate but intertwining cultural practices: those engaging in the life-affirming rituals of romantic love and those performing the potentially self-destructive rituals of hard... more
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The growing scholarly interest in the history of film studies has arisen from and in response to the discourse on the subject's perceived disintegration. In their collection Inventing Film Studies, Lee Grieveson and Haidee Wasson write of... more
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      ArtFilm StudiesFilm HistoryBritish Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)
Patricia Highsmith’s stated reason for writing The Talented Mr. Ripley (1955) was to see if she could elicit empathetic engagement for her immoral protagonist Tom Ripley. Amongst other factors, she achieves her goal by allowing readers to... more
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Review of Michael Winterbottom's Dark Matter, a collection of interviews with leading contemporary British filmmakers on the state of the industry.
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      Film StudiesBritish Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)Film IndustriesCinema
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      ArtFilm and Video Art
Wanted Cultured Ladies Only! maps out the early culture of cinema stardom in India from its emergence in the silent era to the decade after Indian independence in the mid-twentieth century. Neepa Majumdar combines read- ings of specific... more
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      Gender StudiesFilm and HistoryGossipIndian Cinema, Bollywood, Film Studies, South Asia, Media
"Film and the Historian: The British Experience." complements the author's "The British Working Class in Postwar Film" (MUP, 2003) and "Forgotten British Film: Value and the Ephemeral in Postwar Cinema" (CSP, 2017). A range of British... more
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      Film HistoryBritish Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)
This is Farsi version of the brilliant and invaluable book has been edited by Paul Cronin. From Amazon page: "An invaluable analysis of the director's art and craft, from one of the most revered of all film school directors. Alexander... more
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      Film StudiesBritish Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)Acting and DirectingBritish Cinema (Film Studies)
Abstract Directed by Stephen Frears, Dirty Pretty Things (2002) focuses on the lives of asylum seekers and immigrants (from different backgrounds) working at a London hotel and reveals the challenges and the discrimination... more
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      Media StudiesBritish HistoryBritish EmpireBritish Cinema (Film Studies)
Die durchaus berechtigte Frage „Was wären die USA ohne Mitteleuropa?“ suggeriert einen beachtlichen Wissenschafts- und Kulturtransfer von der Alten in die Neue Welt. Vielfach wird für diese vor allem in den 1930er Jahren erfolgte... more
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      Film HistoryEmigration ResearchClassical HollywoodNationalsozialismus
Examination of one of the best productions of the British Documentary Movement
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      Benjamin BrittenBritish Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)British DocumentaryW. H. Auden
Esta dissertação propõe-se a interpretar e comparar as narrativas construídas em uma amostra de filmes de ficção alemães e britânicos feitos entre 1919 e 1933 que tratam direta ou indiretamente do trauma da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Por... more
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      Gender StudiesCultural SociologyFilm StudiesBritish Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)
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      Film StudiesThe Abject BodyDrugs and drug cultureAbjection
Depot – Raum für Kunst und Diskussion (Wien 7, Breite Gasse 3) Samstag, 21. April 2018, 15.30 Eintitt frei – – – – Veranstaltungskonzept von Drehli Robnik für für "PolitikProjektionen–>Viel*im*Film" und das Wiener Wiesenthal... more
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      African StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryPolitical Theory
Gartenbaukino, Wien 14. Oktober 2017 – Vortrag im Rahmen der 70mm-Analog-Screenings von "Dunkirk" (und am Vorabend der österreichischen Parlamentswahlen) – ABSTRACT: Dunkirk ist ein – manchmal prätentiöser – Film über... more
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      HistoryFilm StudiesFilm TheoryPolitical Theory
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisFilm AdaptationBritish Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)
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      Film StudiesScreen ComedyComedyFilm Analysis
Passionate Adventure, The (1924) Show analysis Synopsis Warning: screenonline full synopses contain 'spoilers' which give away key plot points. Don't read on if you don't want to know the ending!
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisNational CinemasFilm History
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      Film StudiesFilm HistoryGerman CinemaBritish Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)
Kirchenräume – sind sie von Bedeutung für einen Ort, für Menschen? Auf-schlussreich für die Erstbegegnung mit dieser Frage ist die spontane ¾ußerung eines protestantischen Professors für Ökonomie, der von kommunaler Raum-ordnung einiges... more
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      Political PhilosophyFilm StudiesFilm TheoryPolitical Theory
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 Cinematography refers to the use of the camera  Cinematography is the recording of a moving image.
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About Ben Rivers' Two Years at Sea.
Images de la Culture/CNC, n°30, mars 2017, p. 48-49.
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      British Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)CinemaCinema Studies
Film International 15.3 (2017): 101-06. Print.
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      Creative WritingFilm StudiesFilm Music And SoundLiterature and cinema
Artist, filmmaker and founder-member of Exploding Cinema, Jennet Thomas, in conversation with Kyran Joughin, London, January 2016. A discussion of Thomas' method, back catalogue and Grundy Gallery Commission, The Unspeakable Freedom... more
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      British Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)MicrocinemaFilm and video art, Artist's film and videoArtists Film and Video
1. INTRODUCCIÓN Las derivadas en economía son una herramienta muy útil puesto que por su misma naturaleza permiten realizar cálculos marginales, es decir hallar la razón de cambio cuando se agrega una unidad adicional al total, sea cual... more
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      AestheticsFilm StudiesFascismFascism and Aesthetics
The British ‘B’ movie had its heyday from the post-war period up until the early 1960s. ‘B’ movies were cheap feature films of around one-hour long which were shown along with ‘first’ features as part of cinema double-bill programmes. But... more
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      Film StudiesBritish HistoryFilm HistoryBritish Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)