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Stupa Design Elements of the Borobudur based on  Sutras of the Buddha
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      BuddhismMahayanaMahayana BuddhismBorobudur
Candi Borobudur merupakan artefak yang bisa dirunut silisahnya untuk diketahuinya pengetahuan masa lalu, bukan hanya pengetahuan tentang masa lalu. Metodologi genealogi-arkeologis merupakan salah satu alternatif metodologi sejarah yang... more
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      Theory and Methodology of International RelationsBorobudur temple
BUDDHIST COLUMELLA- Collection of Essays BOOK 11 papers on Borobudur, Angkor and Buddhism for all my fans and readers. CHAPTER I-Mekong river - ‘Mother Ganga’ of Southeast Asia page 4 CHAPTER II-The Mekong Ganga Cooperation initiative... more
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      BuddhismAngkorBorobudurAngkor Wat
Collection of Essays on Temples and Stupa of Angkor and Indonesia and technical glimpses by Dr Uday Dokras & Architect Srishti Dokras
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      AngkorEssaysJavaneseAngkor Wat
Candi Borobudur yang merupakan salah satu destinasi besar di Indonesia serta menjadi salah satu destinasi stategis dalam road map pengembangan pariwisata Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengetahui dampak... more
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      Community Based TourismTourism ImpactsEgyptology - temple & tomb reliefsBorobudur temple
This installment of my tripartite study of Esoteric Buddhism in the Sri Lanka of the late 7th through late 10th centuries focuses on two subjects. The longest section addresses the Abhayagiri's 'Mahanetraprasada' arama and its... more
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      ShingonKukaiEsoteric BuddhismAnuradhapura
The Borobudur as a SRI Chakra YANTRA
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Selected Essays by the eminent hindu Temple expert Dr uday Dokras-on some Celestial Mysteries
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      HinduismJainismHindu PhilosophyHindu temples
The place name Borobudūr seems to be an enigma. The Indian subcontinent by way of Gujarāt, Keraḷa, Tamiḻakam, Āndhradeśa, Kaliṅga and Beṅgāl seems to have had maritime contact with China and the far eastern countries through the seas... more
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      Art HistoryIndonesiaTamilPlace Names
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Scientific  facts and applications in the construction of the Borobudur Comples in java...Borobudur
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      ArchitectureBorobudur templeCandi Borobudur
INTISARI Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji efektivitas minyak atsiri sereh wangi lena batu dalam membasmi lichenes pada batu. Minyak nilam tersebut diperoleh dari proses destilasi uap dan air. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan... more
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      Essential OilEssential Skills for Future GraduatesPengelolaan Cagar BudayaKonservasi
Borubudur Temple in Indonesia is a Mandala. Built as one and worshiped as one
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      MandalaCandiBorobudur, IndonesiaBorobudur temple
After a review of prior attempts to assign a date to the Borobudur stupa, for which no foundation inscription has yet been recovered, I observed that the latest construction stages employed a technique which first came into practice... more
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      Esoteric BuddhismJavanese studiesBorobudur temple
The role of main Stupa of Borobudur as the time marker had been hyphotesized[1]. To verify that, we model the main stupa of Borobudur as gnomon, calculated by the its shadow path made by the Sun, and verified the model by observing the... more
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      Borobudur templeBorobodur
The Spatial Dimensions of the Borobudur Temple- Stupa also known as Mountain of a 1000 statues
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      Borobudur templeCandi BorobudurBorobudur Design
Borobudur-Waiting for the Maitreya This Book is a collection of Essays on Borobudur. 6 of them. CHAPTER I-Is Borobudur waiting for the Maitreya Buddha page 4 CHAPTER II-Spiritual Technologies at Borobudur page 15 CHAPTER III-Borobudur-... more
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      BorobudurMaitreyaBorobudur templeCandi Borobudur
Was Angkor built by Aliens Collection of the Author's Papers in a BOOK
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      AngkorKhmer art and architectureBorobudur temple
Borobudur and the concept of path in Buddhism Paths have been pervasive in human civilization. The idea of path is an important concept in Buddhism, and is essential in understanding the meaning and purpose of one of the most remarkable... more
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      BuddhismHistoryArchitectureMahayana Buddhism
di Desa Borobudur, Kabupaten Magelang (kira-kira 40 kilometer dari Yogyakarta). Candi Borobudur dibangun pada sekitar tahun 800 Masehi dalam masa pemerintahan raja dari tiga Wangsa Syailendra, yakni dumulai pada masa kekuasaan Raja... more
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      BorobudurBorobudur, IndonesiaBorobudur temple
The striking similarity of the Bakong in Cambodiaand Borobudur in Java
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      BorobudurBakongBorobudur temple
Ce volume 5 est consacré aux grands temples bouddhiques de Java centre depuis le trio Borobudur, Pawon, Mendut, à l'ouest de Jogjakarta, jusqu'à la série de temples majeurs autour de Prambanan. Les révélations qui ressortent de cette... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesIndonesian HistoryMandalasBuddhist art and architecture
Sacred Buddhist Architecture and typology of BOROBUDUR
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      ArchitectureTypologySouth Indian Temple ArchitectureBorobudur temple
Chapter 1-The Destiny of Borobudur(How a Hindu Shiva Temple ended up becoming the Worlds biggest Buddhist Stupa) page 7 Chapter 2 The Hindu temple of Borobudur? Page 25 Chapter 3-Hinduism and Buddhism as Design components of Borobudur... more
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      ShivaHindu temple architecture, history, symbologyBorobudur temple
Topology of STUPA Borobudur, Indian and Sri Lankan
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      ArchitectureStupasBuddhist StupasBorobudur temple
All you wanted to know about the architect of Borobudur Gunavarma was an Indian monk from Jibin (ancient Gandhara). He traveled to Java from Sri Lanka around the beginning of the 5th century A.D. Not long after his arrival, the Javanese... more
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      Borobudur, IndonesiaBorobudur templeCandi BorobudurBorobudur Design
Indonesia is a land of temples. Indonesian historical monuments basically located in Java island. one of them is Borobudur. Borobudur is well-known all over the world. And this temple the largest Buddhist temple in the world. It was build... more
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      BuddhismEducational ResearchIndonesiaHindu temples
How many know that the Stupa started off as a HINDU temple???
The Hindu Temple of Borobudur BOOK tees you all the secrets
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    • Borobudur temple
Driving Time 1 hours, 4 minutes What is the difference between Borobudur and Prambanan temple? While Borobudur is a Buddhist temple, Prambanan is a Hindu temple. Furthermore, the temple of Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the... more
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      Borobudur, IndonesiaPrambananBorobudur templeCANDI PRAMBANAN
Enter Mysterious Borobudur Containing 11 essays on Borubudur- my latest original thought CHAPTER I- The Cosmic Order of Mandalas in S.E. Asia page 4 CHAPTER II-The STRUCTURE of the Borobudur as a large base Stupa page 26 CHAPTER... more
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      BorobudurBorobudur templeCandi BorobudurBorobudur Buddhism
Ce sixième volume de cette série consacrée à la datation précise et détaillée des temples de Java se concentre sur les grands sites hindouistes autour de Prambanan. This is the sixth article I made about the javanese temples (candi). A... more
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      HinduismArt HistorySoutheast Asian StudiesArchitecture
Looking out of the Stone grill- The Design and Architectural Site Analysis of Borobudur
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      Borobudur templeCandi BorobudurBorobudur Design
Deservedly so, when one visits Europe we marvel at the building they built in the 1600s and 1700s. What impressive feats they accomplish.But then Borobudur was built in the 800s. Material Science and engineering; With a base which is is... more
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      Borobudur templeCandi BorobudurBorobudur Design
Buddhist cosmology can be divided into two related kinds: spatial cosmology, which describes the arrangement of the various worlds within the universe; and temporal cosmology, which describes how those worlds come into existence, and how... more
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      BuddhismCosmology (Anthropology)Vedic Cosmology and CosmographyBuddhist Cosmology
The Borobudur has a well-defined didactic purpose; their terraces with their bas-reliefs depict a series of episodes in the life of the Buddha which the Anand Temple’s reliefs do not show- they glorify the King of Siam. The Borobudur... more
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      Connection of Science and Buddhism, holistic education, intercultural learningBorobudurBorobudur, IndonesiaBorobudur temple
Kurang lebih sudah 4 tahun berlalu semenjak saya mendapatkan penugasan untuk menjalankan praktek kerja lapangan di Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Tepatnya yakni Candi Borobudur yang menjadi lapangan tempat saya bermain dan belajar bersama... more
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      Pengelolaan Cagar BudayaBorobudur templeKomodifikasi budayaBangunan Cagar Budaya
The inscription of Borobudur restoration in 1973 by the former Indonesian president Soeharto During the Buddha's life great veneration was shown to him. A mythology developed concerning the physical characteristics of universal Buddhas.... more
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      BuddhaBorobudur temple
Dans ce volume 4, je me suis penché sur les datations de 25 candi situés entre Magelang et Jogjakarta et autour de Jogja comme les candi Retno, Ngawen, Gunung Wukir, Losari, Gebang, etc. Et je date aussi les célèbres statues du candi... more
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      HinduismSoutheast Asian StudiesArchitectureIndonesian Studies
‘Boeroeboedoer der bourgeoisie’ was een frase die in Leiden meer dan eens ironisch geciteerd of zelfs als geuzennaam werd toegeëigend – eerst door Karel van het Reve, die met vrienden om tien flessen sterke drank had gewed dat hij de... more
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      History of UniversitiesDutch LiteratureUniversity HistoryLeiden University
Javanese descended from seafarers of China. 6th century BC Birth of Gautama Buddha. 400 AD Java becomes sea link between India and China Javanese began carving stone statues and inscriptions. 768-814 Charlemagne rules from northeastern... more
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      BorobudurBorobudur temple
Hetroclite Monument Borobodur Full of Uniqueness and quintessential characteristics-- it is...High on a mountain in Central Java, Borobudur Temple rises up towards the sky built in 750 AD. The world's largest Buddhist temple is made up of... more
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      BorobudurBorobudur templeCandi BorobudurBorobudur Design
In "Borobudur. Appearance of a Universe" (Hamburg 2016, 119 pp., many illustrations) Peter Cirtek presents in German and English the Buddhist temple area of Borobudur on the isle of Java (today: Indonesia). He explains in a detailed... more
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      BuddhismSymbolismIndonesiaHindu temples
Monika Zin先生の英語論文の和訳版です。
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      Buddhist StudiesBuddhist IconographyBuddhist ArtCentral Asian wall paintings on the Silk Road
Spiritual Tech at Borobudur FINAL
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      Borobudur templeCandi Borobudur
The temples built during in the ancient times were beautifully constructed. Many large temples were constructed by the kings. Many a times, temple communicate the importance of a king. By building a temple, the ruler tried to assert his... more
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      Borobudur templeBorobudur Design
About this extraordinary monument, finally one will really never know what it would have of the being, and one does not know yet exactly what it is. The various adventures which marked out his history and its construction made it... more
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      Spatial ModelingBorobudurBorobudur, IndonesiaBorobudur temple
The list of Books written by Dr Uday Dokras on BOROBUDUR temple, Yogakarta
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      Borobudur templeCandi Borobudur
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      Borobudur templeCandi Borobudur
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      Borobudur templeBorobudur Design
While UNESCO’s world heritage list numbers almost 1000 properties, ethnographic research shows an uncomfortable paradox. On the one hand, the world heritage ‘brand label’ is stimulating standardization, predominantly in the fields of... more
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      BuddhismHinduismAnthropologySocial Anthropology