Book of Tobit
Recent papers in Book of Tobit
In this paper, I discuss twelve instances in the Book of Tobit (henceforth Tobit) in which the motifs of food, eating, death and burial are combined. More specifically, I examine the function of this motif combination, and argue that the... more
Paper being prepared for 2025 journal publication
This is the first study to compare the allusions to scribal culture found in the Aramaic Story of Ahiqar and the Hebrew Tale of Jeremiah and Baruch’s Scroll in Jeremiah 36. It is shown that disguised in the royal propagandistic message of... more
I The presence of the dog is a puzzling narrative detail in the Book of Tobit. This study examines the canine presence in the story in light of divine providence and argues that the presence of the dog playing its assigned function in the... more
This is simply a work in progress, at the moment in skeletal form. It serves as the basis for a much longer work that will take into account not only the Second Temple Jewish context of the book but also its reception history, extending... more
This is a Handbook about the Pentateuch and the historical/narrative books of the Old Testament, that belongs to the Series of Handbooks for the study of Theology, of the Institute of Religious Sciences of the Eclesiastical University of... more
It is widely accepted that Gen 16 and 21 belong to the wider Genesis narratives of the Patriarch Abraham. Thus, these two accounts also display Abraham's centrality: his covenant with God and his ordeal when the covenant is put to... more
This article examines the dual tenet generally upheld by scholars of Second Temple Judaism that a single concept of impurity existed in that period, and that purity and impurity formed a coherent, unified system of meaning. Herein I will... more
Judaism has never recognized Tobit as a canonical book, perhaps because of its roots in the northern Israel. Its reflections in the New Testament are scarce. Ancient Christian witnesses are usually favorable to the canonicity of the book... more
Readers have long wondered what is the meaning of the dog that briefly appears in the Jewish fairy tale known as the Book of Tobit. This article considers common answers such as influence from Ahikar, the Odyssey, influence of Persian... more
During my work on Qumran magical texts I often consulted Sándor on various questions raised by the texts. Our favourite topic was demonology, especially the question of demons as obstacle to a marriage. He referred to me cases known by... more
Abstract The Bridegrooms’ Diadem Meir Bar-Ilan This book is dedicated to the study of Jewish wedding of in antiquity from Biblical times till the end of the Talmud era with emphasize on the Rabbinic sources (ca. 1st-6th centuries C.E.).... more
The 'as is' version of my master's thesis submitted for the Master of Theological Studies course at Malyon Theological College. This paper challenges the validity of Zoroastrian Influence Theory, which claims that Zoroastrianism... more
In this study I examine the special multifunctionality of Raphael’s character. The author of Tobit 12 collects together various aspects occurring within the angelology of Palestinian Judaism of the last centuries BC, and relates these... more
The book of Tobit, which is dated to the Hellenistic period, is often compared with the model of the pious and innocent sufferer in the book of Job which is assumed to be the product of a late Persian or early Hellenistic scribal idea. It... more
A survey of the medieval witnesses to Tobit. The uploaded paper is a pre-proof draft.
Les juifs en Iran sont aujourd'hui peu influents, mais leur histoire est millénaire. Cette diaspora est maintes fois mentionnée dans la Bible et ses principaux personnages sont souvent réutilisés aujourd'hui pour communiquer une image de... more
For the affluent merchant class of fifteenth-century Florence, the education of future generations was a fundamental matter. Together with texts, images played an important role in the development of the young into adult citizens. In this... more
This paper examines the eschatology of the book of Tobit from a Jungian perspective according to Hicks-Keaton’s model of the already/not yet fulfilment of prophetic eschatological promises regarding God’s kingdom in Tobit’s time. The... more
The book of Tobit offers a theology of resistance with apocalyptic elements. It starts on the basis of a family history that then becomes a tribal and popular history expanded into a world perspective. Apocalyptic elements emerge through... more
Concerning the topic of conversion and circumcision, one finds only few traces in the book of Tobit, but numerous markers of Jewish identity are mentioned and lead to the conclusion that the book of Tobit was written in what was for Jews... more
The Book of Tobit is replete with various instances of ‘othering’ that hold the potential for alienation and a variety of strong emotions. For example, Tobit ‘others’ Anna by insisting that she had stolen a goat, whereas she had not.... more
This paper takes a fresh approach in identifying the presence of multiple authors in the Book of Tobit. Rather than relying upon narrative discontinuity or by creating a hypothetical scheme, the paper tracks 1) patterns of substitution... more
The ambiguity over the canonicity of the book of Tobit within Jewish and Christian circles leads to a threefold understanding of the genre of Tobit; folktale/fairy-tale, legend and novella. Folktale is a more adequate description of the... more
This essay on the Syriac versions of Tobit appears in Volume 2 of the Textual History of the Bible, edited by Armin Lange, concerning the Deuterocanonical Scriptures of the Old Testament, in particular in Vol.2C, in which the Book of... more
Οι ψευδομάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά όπως και όλοι οι Προτεστάντες γενικώς δεν δέχονται το κανονικό βιβλίο του Τωβίτ ως βιβλίο της Αγίας Γραφής ! Το αρνούνται και το συκοφαντούν ως δήθεν απόκρυφο ! Παραθέτω απόσπασμα προπαγάνδας ενάντια στο... more
The Book of Tobit includes episodes of fiduciary duties and references to wages. I argue that the financial transactions form part of the narrative discourse that addresses in an immediate way the misfortunes of the characters. The... more
The instances where daughters are mentioned in the Greek books of the Old Testament are not numerous. They are interesting, however, and deserving of exegesis and interpretation. In Tobit and Ben Sira their relationship to fathers are... more
Pre-proof draft. Investigates the so-called "Third Greek" version of Tobit, and argues that it is an independent revision, of text-critical value in its own right.
Teaching Syllabus taught at Leo Baeck College, London
Meaning "YHWH is my good," Tobiah/Tobiayahu/Tobias refers to a number of historical and literary figures. These include (1) a Levite sent by Jehoshaphat to teach Torah (2 Chr 17:5-9); (2) the ʿebd (, "servant") and zrʿ (, "offspring") of... more
STARSZE KOBIETY I ICH DUCHOWOŚĆ W KSIĘDZE TOBIASZA W społeczeństwie patriarchalnym Imperium Asyrii i Medii ok. IV w. przed Chr. kobiety diaspory żydowskiej są ukazywane w kontekście rodziny, w domu, w rolach podporządkowanych córek,... more
This article argues that charitable acts in the book of Tobit are religious acts of remembrance. On the one hand, the narrative emphasizes the practice of righteousness, the doing of what is true, and the performance of charitable deeds.... more
Tobit offers a ‘theology of resistance with apocalyptic elements’. It starts off as a family story and then extends to a tribal and people’s history. We find apocalyptic elements in the fictive framework of Nineveh. Assyria was the symbol... more