Book of Qoheleth
Recent papers in Book of Qoheleth
A volume in the Story of God Bible Commentary series (Zondervan). This work offers a new interpretation of both Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs, places them on the trajectory of theological development, and offers thoughts on reading these... more
Bibliografia (1989-2020 aggiornata al 30 settembre)
Bibliography (1989-2020)
Bibliography (1989-2020)
The stucture of the Book of Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes) has aptly been characterized as "The Riddle of the Sphinx" because of its unfathomable architecture. The quantitative structural analysis of the book has now brought to light that it is... more
This English rendering of the full text of Ecclesiastes is mainly an updating of the version published in 1917 by the Jewish Publication Society. My main purpose has been to modernize the English. Sometimes, however, I have preferred an... more
This paper has seeks to combine facts about the book of Ecclesiastes and its epilogue to show that there are solid reasons for reading this book as an undivided whole written by a single author. Likewise, because this author in the... more
Attending to ongoing debates about the "meaning of life" in Ecclesiastes, this article determines how Qoheleth addressed meaningfulness by drawing on a threefold scheme of definitions for life's meaning. These definitions are derived from... more
One’s approach to the book of Ecclesiastes often reveals more about the interpreter than it does this Bible book. Furthermore, this book, as any other section of Scripture, must be approached from the platform of faith (faith seeking... more
The Days of Old Age and Death: Rabbinic and Patristic Interpretations of Qohelet 12:1 – 7. A careful study of Jerome’s Commentary on Ecclesiastes reveals that the text both contains specifically Christian exegesis and also quotes what... more
"Se il libro che stiamo leggendo non ci sveglia come un pugno che ci martelli sul cranio, perché dunque lo leggiamo? Buon Dio, saremmo felici anche se non avessimo dei libri, e quei libri che ci rendono felici potremmo, a rigore,... more
Artigo Teológico | Qohélet 3.1-15 e a Tensão entre o Determinismo e o Livre-Arbítrio ARTIGO TEOLÓGICO 1 Qöheº let öheº let öheº let öheº let 3.1-15 e a Tensão entre o Determinismo e o Livre-Arbítrio por Carlos Augusto Vailatti
The last decade has witnessed a lively scholarly debate regarding the diachrony of biblical Hebrew and the validity of the differentiation between CBH and LBH. Lately, two of the prominent challengers of the traditional views have... more
All of the popular English Bible translations lead the reader to approach the book of Ecclesiastes from the pessimistic philosophical reading approach even though a number of Bible scholars argue for an optimistic approach while other... more
1. Qohelet, le cinque megillot e la festa si Sukkot. Il libro di Qohelet, attribuito in modo quasi unanime dalla tradizione rabbinica a Salomone, fa parte del canone della Bibbia ebraica nella terza sezione chiamata Scritti/ Ketuvìm,... more
The enigmatic anecdote of the old and foolish king in Ecclesiastes 4,13-16 is a key text for identifying the specific context of Qohelet. This article argues that the anecdote is not merely proverbial and abstract, but reflects actual... more
The historical-critical method that characterizes academic biblical studies remains often separate from approaches that stress the history of interpretation, which are employed most frequently in the area of Second Temple or Dead Sea... more
In his commentary on Ecclesiastes, Ibn Ezra uses astronomical and astrological concepts for establishing the meaning of some verses. These concepts reflect the influence of Ptolemy's systems, which were in use in the Middle Ages, and they... more
The article explores the image of God that appears in Qoheleth's final poem (11:7–12:8). The wise writer, being elsewhere so reluctant to talk about God, in his final poem mentions God three times (11:9; 12:1,7), each one of them showing... more
Possiamo imparare molto dai saggi proverbi della Bibbia e da alcune delle preziose gemme che contengono: 1) “Il meglio” secondo i proverbi della Bibbia. 2) I paragoni nei proverbi della Bibbia. 3) I proverbi della Bibbia: Il valore del... more
Il piccolo libretto di Qohelet, “scandaloso” gioiello biblico, sembra scardinare tutte le nostre certezze e consegnarci a un pessimismo disperante. Che legame ci può essere tra questo libro della Bibbia e Gesù? A tale interrogativo vuole... more
Faith of Ecclesiastes is put to a severe trial - as the faith of Abraham, Moses and Job. Koheleth has nothing to support his faith: he has no experience of God's love and God's closeness, he has no evidence for God acting for the benefit... more
Penggunaan nama Pengkhotbah dalam terjemahan Indonesia juga perihal masuknya Qohelet dalam kanon masih menimbulkan simpang siur. Kitab Pengkhotbah ini dalam bahasa Ibraninya Qohelet, dalam bahasa Latin (Vulgata) disebut Ecclesiastes,... more
Capacitar o aluno a investigar temas predominantes da literatura hínica, poética e profética e a formular, de forma independente, suas convicções pessoais quanto a temas debatidos da teologia bíblica do Antigo Testamento.
The Book of Qohelet presents the most elaborate discussion of the topic of time in the Hebrew Bible. Humans experience time as past, present and future. The more distant a period of time is from the present, the less people know about it.... more
Possiamo imparare molto dai saggi proverbi della Bibbia, alcuni contengono preziosi paragoni.
This article takes further the work begun in a previous article2 by investigating the notion of the fear of God in the HB in the light of Rudolf Otto’s Das Heilige. The focus of this article is on the usefulness of Otto’s views for... more
Possiamo imparare molto dai saggi proverbi della Bibbia, non i numerosissimi versetti sulla qualità delle parole, ma solo quelli circa la loro quantità.
PEDRO RAÚL ANA y A LUENGO, El hombre, destinatario de los dones de Dios en el Qohélet, Publicaciones Universidad Pontifícia -Salamanca -2007, 331 pp. La obra es el fruto de un trabajo de tesis sobre Qohélet, abordado desde la categoría... more
In this article, the author seeks to provide the first comprehensive typology of philosophical approaches to the book of Qohelet (Ecclesiastes). Six overlapping, yet functionally distinct, meta-philosophical categories are identified,... more
Il piccolo libretto di Qohelet, “scandaloso” gioiello biblico, sembra scardinare tutte le nostre certezze e consegnarci a un pessimismo disperante. Che legame ci può essere tra questo libro della Bibbia e Gesù? A tale interrogativo vuole... more
Penulis "Laurenzo Orretifano Yehezkiel Rottie" Pendahuluan Pengetahuan sangat dibutuhkan saat ini, seiring berjalannya waktu pengetahuan manusia dipaksa untuk terus bertumbuh guna dapat bertahan hidup di zaman revolusi industri.... more
A cura di Sara Natale. Questa prima edizione critica dei quattro volgarizzamenti italiani dell’«Ecclesiaste» latino, oltre alla classificazione genealogica dei quattordici testimoni manoscritti, offre un tentativo di identificazione... more
L'inizio del libro di eohelet (1,1-1g) è un vero e proprio <<porrale». che pre_ senta: l'autore (v. 1), -lo scopo dell'opera (vv. 2-3), l'ambito dell'indagine (vv. 4_11), una prima sintesi della ricerca (w. 12_1g). Queste quattro sezioni,... more
This paper analyses the passages in Qoheleth that deals with the issue of oppression and violence against the poor from the following three passages 3:16-17, 4:1-12 and 5:7-8 [Eng 5:8-9] and explores the faith crisis that results from the... more
This essay takes aim at the view that the Israelite wisdom tradition has certain necessary and sufficient conventions, what one would call core elements. Determining what belongs to this category is subjective, but this cannot be avoided.... more
"Se il libro che stiamo leggendo non ci sveglia come un pugno che ci martelli sul cranio, perché dunque lo leggiamo? Buon Dio, saremmo felici anche se non avessimo dei libri, e quei libri che ci rendono felici potremmo, a rigore,... more
Perkembangan sejarah dan peristiwa peralihan sejarah bangsa Israel dari jajahan Babel ke Persia kemudian ke Yunani memberi pengaruh besar dalam perjalanan hikmat dalam bangsa Israel. Abad ke 5 -2 s.M yang diperkirakan sebagai waktu di... more
1. QOHELET E LA MINUT. Abbiamo visto nella lezione precedente che uno dei motivi che avevano spinto alcuni maestri a non considerare il libro di Qohelet testo sacro è il fatto che conterrebbe parole che inducono alla minut (eresia?): T.1.... more