Black Humor
Recent papers in Black Humor
Samuel Beckett in a vast metaphor of the vision of the world after the holocaust seen through the eyes of the cremated Jews or other victims whose ashes have been thrown over the plains of Poland as sung in The Peat Bog Soldiers by Pete... more
El artículo tiene por objetivo atender a una transformación de la sátira política en las redes sociales: su integración con lo cómico negro. Si bien, esa combinación ya estaba presente tempranamente en la imprenta, los grandes medios la... more
Milan Kundera, whose novel The Joke (1967) bears an ironical title, states in The Curtain (2005) that every joke is virtually blasphemous to some extent. He insists that what is particularly fascinating in Flaubert's Bouvard et Pécuchet... more
В статье рассматривается коммуникативная стратегия детской поэзии Даниила Хармса, связанная с явлением черного юмора как нетрадиционной – девиантной – формы комического. Вызывая расщепление катартической реакции и способствуя расслоению... more
The present article tries to study irony and humor (black humor) in Charles Bukowski"s Hollywood and Pulp in the light of Hutcheon"s theoretical framework on the idea of playfulness to see how they could be interpreted in terms of... more
Bachelorpaper for Cultural Sciences/Studies. Written in English (as a speaker of Dutch) in 2004. "The last Monty Python film, the Meaning of Life, came out in 1983. I was three years old then. Thanks to extensive reruns of their movies... more
This work explores dark humor and absurdity in trauma through the works of Beckett’s Waiting for Godott, Melih Cevdet Anday’s Gizli Emir (Secret Command) and José Saramago’s Blindness to understand the function of black humor. Humor... more
The article gives a detailed account of the emergence and relative popularity of black humor jokes that circulated in February and March 1986, shortly after the tragic loss of the NASA shuttle spacecraft Challenger, with the lives of the... more
Cem Yılmaz sinemasını Pek Yakında filmini merkez alarak eleştirmeye çalıştım.
In questo articolo tenterò di mostrare che in Superwoobinda Aldo Nove impiega la comicità surreale e l’umorismo nero per farci guardare alla mercificazione del mondo in un’ottica ambivalente. In particolare, l’autore dà voce all’ideologia... more
This paper examines Renaissance representations of failed masculinity in Ben Jonson’s two plays Epicoene and Volpone. Jonson employs dark comedy to mock society’s most austere and revered gendered subjects. He subverts aspects of the... more
Este estudio explora las implicaciones ideológicas del humor negro en la narrativa de David Toscana. El humor satírico y acérbico, la burla, la parodia y la ironía tienen un papel crucial en la visión crítica que aporta el autor sobre... more
This essay argues that the literary materials grouped together in the early 1960s under the rubric of “black humor” frequently attended thematically to acts of interracial identification. In addition to examining critically the impulses... more
English abstract: Previous scholars have focused thematically on each discipline tackled by Bataille in order to show that all of his works amount to various journeys ending at the moment when the author perceives the impossibility of... more
First used by the theatre critic Irving Wardle in a 1958 article, the expression comedy of menace has become a catch-all phrase systematically applied to Harold Pinter’s plays. Yet Wardle has offered a specific thematic and aesthetic... more
La noticia, los titulares de prensa o la columna periodística son algunos de los precedentes de la minificción contemporánea y con los que esta categoría se ha relacionado intertextualmente. Estos géneros o discursos periodísticos han... more
Notes for Panel 16: Great Refusals: Refusing One Dimensionality Today The Dialectics of Liberation in an Age of Neoliberal Capitalism International Herbert Marcuse Society Seventh Biennial Conference, 26-28 October 2017, York... more
Francesc Betriu ha sempre rifuggito con destrezza le sirene del cronachismo. I suoi affreschi sociali non hanno mai ceduto al becero sensazionalismo dei gazzettieri indignati. Betriu, che per José Luis García Sánchez e Rafael Azcona era... more
Este artículo analiza el uso del humor negro del caricaturista Fontanarrosa en su serie Semblanzas Deportivas, definiendo, a la vez que deslindando, lo humorístico y lo cómico. Se aborda también el lugar que ocupa la obra de... more
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran tutkija Ulla Lipposen (1941–2015) tallettaman digitaalisen folkloreaineiston kuvaa 2000-luvun hulluudesta osana kansanhuumoria. Artikkelissa pohditaan, millaista kuvaa... more
This paper focuses on postmodern concepts of the narrator unreliability, intertextuality and humor. It describes the postmodern unreliable narrator according to postmodern views of theory in general, and more specifically according to... more
Hםw an untold story from the Holocaust got itself told to a Goy looking for a suitcase, and why Jewish mothers are sometimes helpful in this regard.
… somn, naturã moartã cu naturã. O treime din viaþã dormim. Sfîntã bucatã! ªi apoi, mai tot timpul cînd nu sîntem treji, dormim inconºtient. ªi nu ºtim sã vorbim despre somn, ºi somnul nu intrã în calendare. Dar pînã cînd ignorarea asta... more
If Lincoln had not been assassinated in the third act of this play, would it have been able to survive the 19th century? It is pathetic how an invader from America imposes his own elitist vision that saves the local British aristocracy... more
This paper focuses on postmodern concepts of the narrator unreliability, intertextuality and humor. It describes the postmodern unreliable narrator according to postmodern views of theory in general, and more specifically according to... more
В статье рассматривается вопрос, в какой мере шутки про COVID-2019 соотносятся с черным юмором. Проводится сравнение семантического поля понятия черного юмора в англоязычной и русскоязычной научной литературе. В русскоязычной литературе... more
Once upon a time a girl named Snow White was born. She grew up without her mother because her father, the king, had killed her and married a younger, hotter chick.
Este trabajo aborda el humor en la obra temprana de aime cesaire. Si bien el humor es un tema recurrente en articulos y poemas publicados en la revista cultural, literaria y filosofica Tropiques (1 ...
This chapter makes the claim that 21st century Holocaust humor on TV, which is much more significant in terms of quantity than in the 1990s, follows in the footsteps of themes introduced in The Chamber Quintet’s skits, but also addresses... more