A Funny Fairytale

Once upon a time a girl named Snow White was born. She grew up without her mother because her father, the king, had killed her and married a younger, hotter chick.

A Funny Fairytale Once upon a time a girl named Snow White was born. She grew up without her mother because her father, the king, had killed her and married a younger, hotter chick. Being motherless and partying with shady royalty from her early days made Snow White a very special woman. One day, out of sheer boredom, she decided to take over the kingdom by eliminating her father. However, the hot stepmother had a brain and a network of squirrel spies so she found out about the plan. She hired a hunky hunter Hank to take Snow White to the tavern and then, when she gets drunk as usual, take her to the woods and kill her. Instead, Snow White ditched Hank and left with seven dwarves to their place. The next day, when she woke up on the floor and saw all these little people around her, a brilliant idea struck her mind. She woke them all up and said, “From now on you are my slaves because I'm bigger than you and I could crush you if I wanted to.” They didn't object because she was hot and they were glad to have a woman in the house after 200 years. Then she came up with a new plan – taking over the world by scorching a few major cities with a laser called Death Ray. Luckily, for the world, the stepmom found out again and sent her poisoned vodka, and Snow White, being a drunk, drank the whole thing and died a horrible death. The End