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The objective of the research was to study the biology of insect pollinator Elaeidobius kamerunicus after 33 years introduction in North Sumatera. The research was conducted at Indonesian Oil Palm Resesarch Institute (IOPRI), Marihat from... more
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    • Political Science
The Imperial Cormorant (Phalacrocorax atriceps) is a endemic seabird of Patagonia. Despite being one of the most abundant seabird species of channels and fjords of southern Chile, little is known of its breeding distribution and... more
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This paper includes two Accepted Poster Presentations for the International Society for Contemplative Research Conference, in June, 2024, Padua, Italy: Embracing Apophatic Philosophy: A Path Towards Beneficial Personal and Societal... more
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      PsychologyBuddhist StudiesCross-Cultural StudiesMartin Buber
Anmeldelse af Mathias Egholm, Danni Pedersen og Mikael Samsoe Sorensen. (2014). I-Fysik C. Kobenhavn: Gyldendal
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    • Sociology
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Resumen. La búsqueda de modelos alternativos de capacitación y difusión para productores alrededor del tema de manejo integrado de plagas se encuentra en las agendas de centros de investigación e instituciones de educación superior. Este... more
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      GeographyDecision MakingCitizen JournalismBiological Control
RESUMEN.-A lo largo de la costa de Argentina nidifican cinco especies de cormoranes: el Cormorán Imperial (Phalacrocorax atriceps), el Cormorán Cuello Negro (Phalacrocorax magellanicus), el Cormorán Gris (Phalacrocorax gaimardi), el Biguá... more
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I det naturfaglige udviklingsprojekt QUEST har naturfagslaerere fra 43 skoler i fem kommuner vekslet mellem at deltage i kursusdage og praesentere og afprove ideer med kolleger i fagteam pa egen skole. I artiklen fokuseres saerligt pa... more
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    • Psychology
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Anisakidae nematodes have a wide host and geographic distribution. Species of the genus Contracaecum parasitize aquatic organisms such as piscivorous birds and mammals as their definitive hosts. Several Contracaecum species have been... more
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      ZoologyBiologyRoot-Mean Square ErrorPhylogenetic Tree
Fil: Garbin, Lucas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico la Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitologicos y de Vectores (i); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de... more
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The genus Haemagogus (Diptera: Culicidae) comprises 28 species and four formally undescribed forms, which are broadly distributed throughout the Americas. Several species are considered of medical importance as they are responsible for... more
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The coffee berry borer (CBB), Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), is one of the major insect pests of coffee worldwide. The present study was designed to assess the level of infestation of coffee berries... more
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Acraea terpsicore L. (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae) merupakan salah satu jenis kupu-kupu yang memiliki sebaran terbanyak di Universitas Sriwijaya Indralaya, dan larvanya ditemukan dapat memakan tanaman inang Piriqueta racemosa... more
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Na cultura da mandioca Manihot esculenta as brocas da haste da mandioca Sternocoelus spp. embora sejam consideradas pragas secundárias, se constituem em problema fitossanitário em algumas áreas produtoras. Portanto, o objetivo deste... more
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      BiologyBeauveria bassianaManihot esculenta
Franciscana or La Plata dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei, is distributed in coastal waters and estuaries of the east coast of
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      Pontoporia blainvilleiBioecologyFranciscana
Pengamatan rutin dilakukan untuk mengetahui atau mendeteksi jenis dan kepadatan OPT sehingga dapat menentukan kapan dan bagaimana pengendalian harus dilakukan. Pengamatan rutin merupakan langkah awal sebagai dasar untuk menentukan perlu... more
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    • Physics
This study aimed (1) to determine the diversities and activities of tortoise beetles on fence kale plants (Ipomea carnea) in Madiun and (2) to analyze their ecological effects on the environment. This research was conducted from January... more
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Resumo: O Biguá (Nannopterum brasilianus; Suliformes, Phalacrocoracidae) é uma ave de hábitos aquáticos continentais e litorâneos, utilizando estes ambientes para reprodução e suprir suas necessidades alimentares. É uma espécie de dieta... more
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Lalat buah (Bactrocera carambolae) merupakan hama yang sangat merugikan pada komoditas hortikultura. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jenis essens buah yang ditambahkan pada metil eugenol yang tertinggi dalam menarik lalat buah,... more
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    • Biology
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      ArgentinaCiencias BiológicasEnseñanza - Aprendizaje Ciencias Naturales Y Exactas
Un espécimen de biguá (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) estando bajo condiciones de manejo clínico, luego de ser rescatado en estado de debilidad, experimentó una marcada mejoría general para luego sufrir un cambio abrupto hacia una evolución... more
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    • Humanities
Damage to coffee beans which is stored in storehouse due to insect pests can reduce its quality through a decrease in coffee weight and its quality, consequently causing the price of coffee beans decrease because they have low quality.... more
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      HorticultureToxicologyPEST analysisInsect Pest
Whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) plays an important role as pest in many horticultural plants (fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants). The aim of this research was to study whiteflies diversity in horticultural plants on different... more
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A participatory project was conducted with small-scale coffee growers from Quindío Department, Colombia. In 34 coffee lots in three municipalities, growers implemented an integrated management programme against the coffee berry borer... more
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      ZoologyBiologyIntegrated Pest ManagementCurculionidae
Lalat buah merupakan salah satu  hama utama yang merugikan bagi petani sekaligus mengancam sentra produksi buah yang dapat menyerang tanaman salah satunya mangga. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui waktu aktivitas lalat buah terhadap... more
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      PhysicsTraditional Medicine
The Role of parasitoid in controlling the population of fruit flies (Bactrocera dorsalis Complex.) (Diptera: Tephritidae) who attacked mangoes (Mangifera indica L) in Buleleng Regency. Thisresearch was conducted with the aim of knowing... more
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      HorticultureBiologyMangifera indicaTephritidae
Salah satu permasalahan pada produksi kakao di Indonesia adalah rusaknya buah akibat serangan hama Helopeltis sp. Serangan Helopeltis sp. dapat menurunkan produksi kakao hingga 50%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas... more
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Diversity and abundance of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephtritidae) in a range of land use systems in Sumberjaya, West Lampung. Fruit fly inventory from seven land use systems in Sumberjaya area, West Lampung, using fruit incubation and lure... more
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      HorticultureBiologyLand UseTephritidae
Previous studies showed that the anophelines, vectors of human malaria, had densities especially high on the banks of the large rivers flowing through the rain forest in the South of Cameroon. In order to establish if these mosquitoes... more
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      GeographyMedical MicrobiologyBiologyMalaria
Previous studies showed that the anophelines, vectors of human malaria, had densities especially high on the banks of the large rivers flowing through the rain forest in the South of Cameroon. In order to establish if these mosquitoes... more
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      GeographyMedical MicrobiologyBiologyMalaria
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      Lutra LutraBioecologyKizilirmak deltaKırıkkale
This research aims to determine species of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) the attacking orange plantion Rambah Samo District Rokan Hulu Regency. Study was conducted in March to May 2018, using a survey method with technique sampling... more
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This research aims to determine species of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) the attacking orange plantion Rambah Samo District Rokan Hulu Regency. Study was conducted in March to May 2018, using a survey method with technique sampling... more
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Previous studies showed that the anophelines, vectors of human malaria, had densities especially high on the banks of the large rivers flowing through the rain forest in the South of Cameroon. In order to establish if these mosquitoes... more
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      GeographyMedical MicrobiologyBiologyMalaria
Previous studies showed that the anophelines, vectors of human malaria, had densities especially high on the banks of the large rivers flowing through the rain forest in the South of Cameroon. In order to establish if these mosquitoes... more
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      GeographyMedical MicrobiologyBiologyMalaria
Artiklen praesenterer udviklede designprincipper for praksisopgaver i matematik, der potentielt kan bidrage til optimal laering og til mulige vedvarende aendringer i praksis samt understøtte laerernes aktive konstruktionsproces og deres... more
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Hypoteser om samarbejde Hypoteser om kompetencer Empiri Samarbejde og undervisningens kvalitet Samarbejde og laererens udvikling Konflikter i samarbejdet Laerernes samarbejde med skoleledelsen Perspektiver Kapitel 3: Skolen er for... more
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The crop coefficient (K c) values of rice paddy are important for estimating accurate rice crop evapotranspiration (ET c), water transfers planning, efficient irrigation management, and hydrological studies. In this study, ET c was... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceAgronomyEnergy Balance
Subterranean termite Coptotermes sp. is one of the important pests that pose a threat to agriculture. Coconut shell liquid smoke is the result of a pyrolysis distillation process. The content of compounds in liquid smoke includes phenolic... more
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Definition/Description The term “ecology” (bioecology; bionomics; environmental biology; economy of nature) is derived from ancient Greek; oikos means “household, house, or place to live” (Smith and Pimm 2007) and logos “speech, word,... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesEnvironmental ProblemsEnvironmental BiologyBioecology
Franciscana or La Plata dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei, is distributed in coastal waters and estuaries of the east coast of
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      Pontoporia blainvilleiBioecologyFranciscana
The sugarbeet root maggot, Tetanops myopaeformis Röder (Diptera: Ulidiidae), is native to North America. However, its primary crop host, sugarbeet, Beta vulgaris L., was introduced to the continent from Europe in the late 19th century.... more
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Foraging strategies o f the Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) in the Ebro River (N Spain).-During four consecutive winters (1991-95) individual and social foraging bouts of cormorants were studied in the main feeding areas of the... more
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    • Geography
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Phenology and Population Dynamics of the Coffee Berry Borer Hypothenemus hampei (Ferr.) in Relation to the Phenological Stages of the Berry ABSTRACT-The population dynamics of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) was... more
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