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      Fedor DostoevskyMelodramaMichel FoucaultThriller
Introducción, traducción y edición bilingüe de los poemas de Bertolt Brecht musicalizados por Paul Dessau para la comedia Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti (1940-41), estrenada en junio de 1948 en la Schaupielhaus de Zurich. La versión... more
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      German LiteraturePoetryAvant-Garde TheaterBertolt Brecht
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      English LiteratureContemporary DramaEdward BondBertold Brecht
By Tatjana Hofmann, Dennis Ioffe, and Hans Günther, "Russian Literature", Vols 103–105, 2019, pp. 2-40. *** Sergei Tret'iakov appears a unique figure in Russian intercultural scene of the early Soviet epoch. He was actively engaged in a... more
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      Literary TheoryModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Bertold BrechtRussian Avant-Garde
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Third and final essay intended to accompany Roland Barthes by Mireille Ribière (Philosophy Insights, Humanities-Ebooks, Kindle edition, 2010).
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      Critical TheoryFrench LiteratureTheatre StudiesTheatre History
Epik tiyatronun öncülü olarak saydığımız Bertold Brecht tiyatrosu, tiyatro oyununun bir illüzyon olduğunu seyirciye göstermeyi kendine dert bilir. Haldun Taner'in 1965 yılında ilk kez sergilenen oyunu Vatan Kurtaran Şaban ise ülkemizde... more
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      Bertold BrechtHaldun TanerTürk tiyatrosuEpik Tiyatro
Un ensayo critico- histórico acerca de la figura del director de escena en la década de los 70 en Venezuela. Cuatro explosivas teorias que produjeron escuela e hitos esteticos e ideológicos en el quehacer escenico venezolano.
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      Bertold BrechtTeatro ExperimentalDirección EscénicaDirectores Teatrales
Co-written with two art historians, this essay assesses contemporary debate about art, politics and commodity culture. Starting from the 2009 Istanbul Biennial, with its Brechtian curatorial theme, this we consider's the Left's varying... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArtArt Theory
Αντανακλώντας τον κόσμο όπως είναι ή και όπως θα μπορούσε να γίνει; Η σημασία της θεωρίας της αντανάκλασης στη γνωσιολογική λειτουργία της τέχνης του προλεταριάτου στον Μπρεχτ και Λούκατς.
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      Realism (Philosophy)Georg LukácsBertold Brecht
Eine Antikritik auf Bourdieus Kritik am biographischen Schreiben Im Aufsatz wird versucht, grundsätzliche Kritikpunkte Bourdieus am biographischen Schreiben zu entkräften und dazu geeignete theoriebasierte Erwiderungen anzuführen, die... more
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      HistoryBiographyWalter BenjaminHabitus
In Bakhtin's opinion, "the relation to meaning is always dialogic. Even understanding itself is dialogic." Particularly, the art of acting is such a dialogic relationship that fuses character and interpreter (performer) in the same unity... more
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryMimesis
This essay will explore two approaches to acting, namely Bertolt Brecht’s Epic performance and the American Method, and evaluate the ways in which they have been informed by 'implicit theories of the self'. This exploration will make use... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesPerformance EthnographyTheater and film
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      Bertolt BrechtSocialismBertold BrechtBrecht
Étienne Balibar, Nous, citoyens d’Europe ? Les frontières, l’État, le peuple (Paris, La Découverte, 2001)
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      European HistorySociologyEastern European StudiesGender Studies
Tras un breve recorrido por los distintos tipos de intervención textual que se han hecho sobre Fuenteovejuna para su puesta en escena contemporánea, nos detenemos en el análisis del libreto de dos espectáculos recientes. Ambos tienen en... more
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      Lope de VegaBertold BrechtTeatro español contemporáneoFuenteovejuna
Γλυτζουρής, A., Γεωργιάδη, K. (επιμ.), Παράδοση και εκσυγχρονισμός στο Νεοελληνικό Θέατρο. Από τις απαρχές ως τη μεταπολεμική εποχή. Πρακτικά του Γ΄ Πανελλήνιου Θεατρολογικού Συνεδρίου, Πανεπιστημιακές εκδόσεις Κρήτης, Ηράκλειο. 2010... more
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      Bertolt BrechtPolitical theatreModern History of CyprusBertold Brecht
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      Cultural StudiesGerman LiteratureWalter BenjaminFranz Kafka
Die 1920er-Jahre stehen wie kein anderes Jahrzehnt für Aufbrüche und Rückfälle. Wohl in keiner anderen Periode des 20. Jahrhunderts war die Sehnsucht der Menschen nach Neuerungen so gross wie zu jener Zeit. Urbanistische Visionen wurden... more
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      AmericanizationCinemaWeimar RepublicBabylon
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      RancierePost-MarxismContemporary French PhilosophyLouis Althusser
Na contramão das obras capitalistas espetaculares, coletivos de teatro de grupo paulistano fazem do pensamento crítico, do teatro político e da atuação periférica um modo de vida. Um coletivo de companhias de teatro, quase duas dezenas,... more
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      TeatroTeatro LatinoamericanoBertold BrechtTeatro De Grupo
Resumo: “O círculo de giz caucasiano”, peça do dramaturgo alemão Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956), é aqui analisada sob a ótica do conflito entre ética e política no que diz respeito à justiça. Trabalha-se a ambiguidade conceitual e objetiva da... more
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      EthicsMarxismPhilosophy Of LawLaw and Literature
Some of Berthold Brecht theatre plays show aspects that could be related to some concepts proposed by Carl Marx. One play of that is "A Man is a Man" in which the story tells the dilemmas and identity conflicts that a person could face... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryMarxismApplied Theatre
Durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, en el marco de la evolución cientificista, surgen diferentes pensadores que pondrán en tela de juicio las estructuras sociales tanto del sistema de productores de discurso como de las técnicas... more
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      Michel FoucaultBertold Brecht
Nella poesia italiana scorre questo fiume sotterraneo: è un palinsesto continuo, un Cantico delle creature continuamente riscritto. Senza lode, senza creatore, che tutto affida al canto, alla pura e attonita nominazione
degli elementi.
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      Samuel BeckettT.S. EliotBertolt BrechtT. S. Eliot
ERMINIA PASSANNANTI Il ladro di ciliegie ed altre versioni di poesia Essay on Franco Fortini’s Poetry Translation This essay is a chapter from Erminia Passannanti’s doctoral thesis Essay Writing, Lyric Diction and Poetic... more
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      PhilosophyTranslation StudiesPoetryContemporary Poetry
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      Languages and LinguisticsHolocaust StudiesPrisoners of WarFirst World War
The paper compares two works by Robert Louis Stevenson: the essay ‘François Villon: Student, Poet, Housebreaker’ and the short story ‘A Lodging for the Night’, both written in 1877, at a very early stage of Stevenson’s career. Both works... more
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      Robert Louis StevensonBertold BrechtFrançois Villon
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      HistoryEuropean StudiesComparative LiteratureGerman Literature
The antifascist exile beginning in 1933 led to a cooling among the émigrés of the artistic and literary modernist experiments of the Weimar Republic and to a return to realism and the traditional novel form. Epic and Exile examines the... more
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      The Historical NovelWalter BenjaminModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Georg Lukacs
RESUMO: O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a intertextualidade entre a poesia de Bertold Brecht e Carlos Drummond de Andrade, sob a perspectiva da Segunda Guerra Mundial. A poesia alemã de Bertold Brecht ainda é pouco traduzida no Brasil.... more
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      German StudiesPoetryBrazilian StudiesSecond World War
Der deus ex machina Der lateinische Begriff deus ex machina (apò mēkhanês theós im klassischen Griechischen) bezieht sich auf das plötzliche und häufig unerwartete Erscheinen einer göttlichen Figur auf der Theaterbühne, wo er eine für den... more
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      ReligionPerforming ArtsTheatre StudiesTheatre History
Salabert, Pere. "El espectador discreto y la complejidad de la visión. Unas reflexiones sobre la estética brechtiana" Karpa 1.2 (2008): n. pag.
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      TeatroBertold Brecht
Theater, in Brecht’s view, should offer no escape from the hazards of worldly life, but should call attention to them. Zhao is also interested in alienation, but her approach is more intently focused on disrupting cinematic conventions,... more
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      Contemporary ArtDocumentary FilmBertold Brecht
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      Hugo BallAlbert CamusCountercultureAnti-War
Theatre is a way of expressing and telling stories, interact and share: A process for individual growth, communication, democratic training and to take part in society. Mauritius has a good potential to grow as a theatre nation and we... more
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      EducationImprovisationSocial SciencesTeacher Education
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      Chinese Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Contemporary MusicExperimental FilmBertold Brecht
Langue: Français GOUVARD (Jean-Michel), « Rimbaud, Brecht, Benjamin. Une "histoire splendide" » RÉSUMÉ-Cette étude s'appuie sur les conversations que W. Benjamin eut avec B. Brecht à propos de Rimbaud et du Bateau ivre. Elle vise à... more
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      French LiteratureWalter Benjamin20th Century French LiteratureModern French Poetry
Dette er innledningsforedraget til doktorgradsdisputasen Distancing at Close Range, Vasa, 2009. Avhandlingens hovedperspektiver presenteres og fenomenet distansering forklares og eksemplifiseres.
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      Drama/Theatre in EducationViktor ShklovskyBertold BrechtDorothy Heathcote
El artículo esboza un acercamiento a la influencia de Bertold Brecht y de Walter Benjamin en el teatro del argentino Paco Urondo y del salvadoreño Roque Dalton.
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      Walter BenjaminMemoria HistóricaTeatro LatinoamericanoBertold Brecht
Brecht opõe o seu teatro épico ao teatro, dramático no sentido estreito do termo, a partir do qual Aristóteles formulou a sua teoria. É por isso que Brecht apresenta a dramaturgia correspondente como não-aristotélica, tal como Riemann... more
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      Walter BenjaminTeatroBertold Brecht
¿No es incluso anti darwiniano que sobreviva precisamente el menos capacitado para llegar? El cielo de Gravity (Alfonso Cuarón) no es una odisea de la razón, es un retorno a la fe.
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      PostmodernismStanley KubrickMexican CinemaGravity
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyReception StudiesHeiner Müller
Brecht nació el 10 de febrero de 1898 en el seno de una familia burguesa de Augsburgo, ciudad de Baviera. Su padre, católico, era un acomodado gerente de una pequeña fábrica de papel, y su madre, protestante, era hija de un funcionario.
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    • Bertold Brecht
Selon Stephane Lojkine, d'une oeuvre demeurent non pas la trame narrative mais des impacts visuels, unites scopiques. Des artefacts tels que la « scene » et « l'ecran » ont pour objet de capter le regard rendant accessible par... more
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      English LiteratureArtContemporary DramaLiterary studies
The Last Days of Jack Sheppard is the latest film by Anja Kirschner and David Panos, based on the inferred prison encounters between the 18th Century criminal Jack Sheppard and Daniel Defoe, the ghostwriter of Sheppard’s ‘autobiography’.... more
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      Film GenreHistory from BelowArt Theory and PoliticsCinema Studies
Libro de Educación por el Arte enfocado particularmente en el lenguaje teatral. El texto contiene una serie de ensayos alrededor de la pieza "Galileo, sobre la mesa" de Horacio Tignanelli (incluida) quien a su vez fue el compilador. Los... more
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      Science EducationGalileo GalileiArts Education and PedagogyBertold Brecht