Berber Lexicography
Recent papers in Berber Lexicography
المعجم الأمازيغي المخطوط :"كتاب الأسماء" لابن تونارت أنموذجا In : Colloque : « Les dictionnaires amazighes entre hier et aujourd’hui » (Nador, Maroc) Le 20 septembre 2019 Faculté Pluridisciplinaire Nador Maroc « Les dictionnaires... more
[Paper in Italian] English summary: Latin Borrowings in Berber: an overview This paper deals with some issues concerning the Latin loanwords in Berber. In particular, the extent of the Latin element in the Berber lexicon is considered.... more
Two lexical notes: 1) The word UDAY "Jew" in Berber, which probably comes from Latin IUDAEUS; 2) The interpretation given by Augustine to the word ISRAEL and the question of the languages spoken by Augustine and by the African dwellers... more
Ancient names of "God" in Berber, from Ibadite sources. Besides the already known "Yuš", also "Bab-enneɣ" (= "our father/master") and "Babay" (meaning "(a) god, divinity", not as a proper name and with a plural: "Ibabayen").
Paper presented to the "9. Bayreuth-Frankfurt-Leidener Kolloquium zur Berberologie University of Frankfurt/M – Germany (20-23 july 2016)". This paper (in French) presents the corrected spelling and meaning of some items of a 18th century... more
Il y a plus d’un siècle et demi que les premiers dictionnaires de tamazight sont publiés, des choses sont faites et beaucoup d’autres restent à faire. Un état des lieux s’impose pour savoir où l’on est : Qu’est-ce qui a été fait et que... more
Nous nous proposons d’aborder ici le problème d’équivalence interlinguistique, kabyle-français en particulier, du point de vue de l’établissement des équivalences elles-mêmes et de leur classement macro- et microstructurel. Nous... more
[Paper in Italian]
Some linguistic and anthropological remarks about beliefs and lexicon on evil-eye in North Africa starting from a short text in Kabyle Berber.
Some linguistic and anthropological remarks about beliefs and lexicon on evil-eye in North Africa starting from a short text in Kabyle Berber.
Brugnatelli, V. (2010). Il nome di Dio presso i Berberi ibaditi. In G. Iannaccaro, M. Vai, & V. Dell'Aquila (a cura di), «Féch, cun la o cume fuguus». Per Romano Broggini in occasione del suo 85° compleanno, gli amici e allievi... more