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The stochastic or random nature of commodity prices plays a central role in models for valuing financial contingent claims on commodities. In this paper, by enhancing a multi factor framework which is consistent not only with the market... more
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      SeasonalityMarkov Chain Monte CarloCommodity pricesEnergy Markets
We investigate the use of the Riemannianoptimization method over the flag manifold in subspace ICA problems such as in-dependent subspace analysis (ISA) and complex ICA. In the ISA experiment, we use the Riemannian approach over the flag... more
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      NeuroscienceMathematicsComputer ScienceSignal Processing
1] One challenge that faces hydrologists in water resources planning is to predict the catchment's response to a given rainfall. Estimation of parameter uncertainty (and model uncertainty) allows assessment of the risk in likely... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWater resourcesApplied Economics
In this paper we present a robust vision-based system for vehicle tracking and classification devised for traffic flow surveillance. The system performs in real time achieving good results even in challenging situations, such as with... more
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      Civil EngineeringComputer VisionImage AnalysisImage segmentation
En este documento se presenta la versión inicial 1.0, aún en desarrollo, de un sistema abierto escrito en TOL1 para la simulación e inferencia bayesianas de tipo MonteCarlo-Markov Chain (MCMC) mediante el algoritmo de Gibbs, sobre modelos... more
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      StatisticsBayesian statistics & modellingBayesian Methods (MCMC)
We describe a sequential importance sampling (SIS) procedure for analyzing two-way zero-one or contingency tables with fixed marginal sums. An essential feature of the new method is that it samples the columns of the table progressively... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsStatistical AnalysisMonte Carlo
The stochastic or random nature of commodity prices plays a central role in models for valuing financial contingent claims on commodities. In this paper, by enhancing a multifactor framework which is consistent not only with the market... more
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      EconomicsSeasonalityMarkov Chain Monte CarloCommodity prices
A novel semiparametric regression model for censored data is proposed as an alternative to the widely used proportional hazards survival model. The proposed regression model for censored data turns out to be flexible and practically... more
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      Survival AnalysisParameter estimationStatistical InferenceMarkov Chain Monte Carlo
Multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM) is gaining popularity in the social sciences as a framework for estimating latent variable models in the presence of hierarchical data. In addition, we believe that MSEMs are quite helpful to... more
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      StatisticsBayesianMultilevel Modeling of Educational DataMonte Carlo Simulation
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      BayesianBayesian Methods (MCMC)
1er Chapitre Statistique Bayésienne à l'ESSAi destiné aux étudiants de la 3ième année.
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      Bayesian InferenceBayesian Methods (MCMC)
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnthropologyMythologyGreek Literature
This paper introduces the Global Multi-country (GM) model, an estimated multi-country Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model of the world economy. We present the model in 3-region configurations for Euro area (EA) countries... more
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      DSGE ModelingBusiness CyclesBayesian Methods (MCMC)
This work presents the current state-of-the-art in techniques for tracking a number of objects moving in a coordinated and interacting fashion. Groups are structured objects characterized with particular motion patterns. The group can be... more
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      BayesianMCMCMonte Carlo SimulationProbabilistic Markov Modeling
This paper describes the implementation and performance of PBPI, a parallel implementation of Bayesian phylogenetic inference method for DNA sequence data. By combining the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method with likelihood-based... more
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      Parallel ProcessingMarkov Chain Monte CarloPerformance ImprovementPhylogenetic analysis
This paper outlines a new methodological framework for combining indicators of corruption. The state-space framework extends the methodology of the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) to fully make use of the time-structure present in... more
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      CorruptionIndexationBayesian Methods (MCMC)
In this thesis, we address several problems related to modelling complex systems. The difficulty of modelling complex systems lies partly in their topology and how they form rather complex networks. From this perspective, our interest in... more
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      StatisticsBayesianApplied StatisticsMCMC
One of the most popular copulas for modeling dependence structures is t-copula.
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      Applied MathematicsStatisticsBayesian InferenceMarkov Chain Monte Carlo
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      Stochastic ProcessEconometricsData AnalysisTime Series
Water scarcity due to climate change as well as inappropriate water governance is one of the important topics in the world, particularly in developing countries. Most people who live close to the water resource are not always... more
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      Climate ChangeSocial InteractionPublic sectorDeveloping Country
The reaction kinetics of neopentyl glycol esterification with propionic acid is studied in a batch reactor at different temperatures. The reaction is catalyzed by a heterogeneous resin (DOWEX 50 WX 2). The parameters of the kinetic model... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMarkov Chain Monte CarloPropionic Acid
Previous work (Bell and Jones 2013a, c; Luo and Hodges 2013) has shown that, when there are trends in either the period or cohort residuals of Yang and Land’s Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort (APC) model (Yang and Land 2006; Yang and Land... more
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      Age-period-cohort modelsBayesian Methods (MCMC)Informative PriorsCollinearity
This paper demonstrates Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques that are particularly well-suited to complex models with item response theory (IRT) assumptions. MCMC may be thought of as a successor to the standard practice of rst... more
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      PsychologyStatisticsResearch MethodologyItem Response Theory
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      ANOVABayesian statisticsFixed Effect ModelBayesian Methods (MCMC)
In this paper we propose a sequential Monte Carlo algorithm to estimate a stochastic volatility model with leverage eect, non constant conditional mean and jumps. Our idea relies on the auxiliary particle lter algorithm together with the... more
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      Sequential Monte CarloMarkov Chain Monte CarloStochastic VolatilityIndexation
Let P(E) be the space of probability measures on a measurable space (E, E). In this paper we introduce a class of non-linear Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for simulating from a probability measure π ∈ P(E). Non-linear Markov... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsSequential Monte CarloMarkov Chain Monte Carlo
Dynamic survival models are a useful extension of the popular Cox model as the effects of explanatory variables are allowed to change over time. In this paper a new auxiliary mixture sampler for Bayesian estimation of the model parameters... more
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      StatisticsVariable SelectionPrey Choice ModelStochastic Model
This paper studies a fully Bayesian algorithm for endmember extraction and abundance estimation for hyperspectral imagery. Each pixel of the hyperspectral image is decomposed as a linear combination of pure endmember spectra following the... more
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      Signal ProcessingMultidisciplinaryBayesian InferenceHyperspectral Imagery
Quantitative individual human diet reconstruction using isotopic data and a Bayesian approach typically requires the inclusion of several model parameters, such as individual isotopic data, isotopic and macronutrient composition of food... more
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      Stable isotope ecologyStable Isotope AnalysisRadiocarbon Dating (Earth Sciences)Bayesian Models
A Bayesian Hierarchical Model is presented to estimate route choice preferences between OD pairs. The methodology adopted utilizes both Origin-Destination (OD) information and traffic counts observed on some of the links in the... more
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      Bayesian ModelsBayesian InferenceBayesian statisticsBayesian Methods (MCMC)
The book about the eventology ~ a science about events and its applications to problems of management of sets of events ~ a new direction in philosophy, mathematics and event management (see English version of the book:... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryQuantum ComputingArtificial Intelligence
In some clinical trials and epidemiologic studies, investigators are interested in knowing whether the variability of a biomarker is independently predictive of clinical outcomes. This question is often addressed via a naïve approach... more
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      StatisticsClinical TrialStandard DeviationMarkov Chain Monte Carlo
El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la hipótesis causal de que el estatus socioeconómico de los estudiantes y la actitud de los estudiantes hacia la matemática son factores que determinan en gran medida los resultados académicos de los... more
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      Structural Equation ModelingBayesian ModelsBayesian statistics & modellingBayesian Inference
We apply a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo method to sample the Bayesian pos- terior model probability density function of 2-D seafloor resistivity as constrained by marine controlled source electromagnetic data. This density... more
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      Exploration GeophysicsInverse ProblemsCSEMVoronoi Diagrams
Recent arguments connecting Na-Dene languages of North America with Yeniseian languages of Siberia have been used to assert proof for the origin of Native Americans in central or western Asia. We apply phylogenetic methods to test support... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsEvolutionary AnthropologyNa-Dene languages
In MCMC methods, such as the Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm, the Gibbs sampler, or recent adaptive methods, many different strategies can be proposed, often asso-ciated in practice to unknown rates of convergence. In this paper we... more
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      Bayesian modelMarkov chainBoolean SatisfiabilityBayesian Methods (MCMC)
We backtest 59 instruments and investigate the predictability of daily returns using Bayesian variable selection methods. Through these models we show the importance of variable selection and reduction of over tting. We also visualize how... more
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      Variable SelectionFinancial End Economic Time SeriesLASSOPredictability of asset returns
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      ZoologyStatisticsMonte Carlo SimulationMonte Carlo
In this paper, we discuss the analysis of complex health survey data by using multivariate modeling techniques. Our main interests are in design-based and model-based methods that aim at accounting for clustering, stratification and... more
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      StratificationMarkov Chain Monte CarloCase StudySurvey design
A Bayesian semi-parametric dynamic model combination is proposed in order to deal with a large set of predictive densities. It extends the mixture of experts and the smoothly mixing regression models by allowing * We thank
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    • Bayesian Methods (MCMC)
An effective approach for forecasting return volatility via threshold nonlinear heteroskedastic models of the daily asset price range is provided. The return is defined as the difference between the highest and lowest log intra-day asset... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsVolatility ForecastingSimulation experiment
Previous studies have drawn attention to substantial hydrological changes taking place in mountainous watersheds where hydrology is dominated by cryospheric processes. Modelling is an important tool for understanding these changes but is... more
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      Climate ChangeHydrologyHimalayan GlaciologyHIMALAYAN WATERSHEDS
Homo naledi is a recently discovered species of fossil hominin from South Africa. A considerable amount is already known about H. naledi but some important questions remain unanswered. Here we report a study that addressed two of them:... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyAnthropology
Significant progress has been made towards the generalization of some well-known lifetime models, which have been successfully applied to problems arising in several areas of research. In this paper, some properties of the new Kumaraswamy... more
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      Applied MathematicsBayesian AnalysisBayesian InferenceDistribution Theory
Chapter written for the Handbook of Research Methods and Applications on Empirical Macroeconomics, edited by Nigar Hashimzade and Michael Thornton, forthcoming in 2012 (Edward Elgar Publishing). This chapter presents an introductory... more
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      Bayesian InferenceResearch MethodRegression ModelBayesian Methods (MCMC)
Polaris SLBM: range and reliability estimation.
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      Nuclear WeaponsBayesian Methods (MCMC)SLBM
This work deals with the development of new theoretical and experimental techniques for the efficient estimation of thermophysical properties and source-term in micro and macro-scale. Two kinds of source term were studied: a constant and... more
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      Inverse ProblemsExperimental ResearchKalman FilterInfrared Cameras
The phenomenon of sponsored search advertising - where advertisers pay a fee to Internet search engines to be displayed alongside organic (non-sponsored) web search results - is gaining ground as the largest source of revenues for search... more
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      MarketingInformation RetrievalSocial SciencesCreativity
Practitioners and construction management researchers lack believable and practical methods to assess the value proposition of emerging methods such as Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) including understanding how different levels of... more
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      ManagementCivil EngineeringMathematical StatisticsProbability Theory