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en colaboración con Javier Ortega, Beatriz Rodriguez-Antolin y Nicolas Zambrana Este libro está dirigido a todos los juristas de habla española sensibilizados con el actual proceso de globalización, que tan directamente afecta al... more
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean Studies
N&N Publication 2016
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
En 1509, Íñigo López de Mendoza, II conde de Tendilla, explicaba que la inclusión del cimborrio en la Capilla Real de Granada era una cosa que da[ba] mucha vista y ahermosea[ba] en gran manera la Capilla y [hacía] el edificio real y... more
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      DesignArtArchitectureCultural Heritage
This paper discusses the position of the pagan 'Other' in medieval thought, arguing that although Paganism was alien to the Christian, churchmen wanted above all to bring the pagans into the Christian fold: they were part of God's... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
El presente trabajo recoge y ordena toda una serie de tipos iconográficos relacionados con el desnudo femenino bajomedieval, describe la situación de la mujer en la Baja Edad Media de la península Ibérica y reflexiona acerca de ello desde... more
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      IconographyFeminismEstudios de GéneroCuerpo
"Houve um tempo em que a história política era considerada um campo de estudos em declínio. Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, na Europa Ocidental, nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, os trabalhos sobre a história política da Idade Média... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of ReligionPortuguese Studies
From the eleventh century onward, Justinian’s Roman law permeated all European legal systems to different degrees and at different times. The development of Roman law in Europe was not uniform. It followed different courses, had different... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
The Liber Iudiciorum, the renowned law-code of the seventh-century Visigothic Kingdom, has provided a foundation for legal books, historical narratives, nationalist rhetoric and religious fervor in and beyond Greater Iberia repeatedly... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryLaw
First part of Networks and Neighbours volume 3 (2015), dedicated to the topics of 'migration' and 'return'.
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      PhilologyChristianityHistoryAncient History
No serious scholar believes that migration of various kinds did not play a significant role in events of the first millennium AD, but the extent and importance of any large-group migration is particularly controversial. This paper seeks... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
El acercamiento cultual y antropológico a las imágenes bajomedievales constituye una interesante, y activa, corriente metodológica en la que se encuadra este artículo. Empezamos la argumentación con una sucinta pero clarificadora... more
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      Cultural StudiesLate Middle AgesAlfonso X el SabioAntropología Social
La lógica de la Edad Media se presenta a los lógicos contemporáneos, filósofos medievalistas, historiadores y filósofos de la lógica, como un campo tan fascinante como de difícil acceso. Parece difícil para casi cualquier investigador... more
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      LogicMedieval logicPhilosophy of LogicEdad Media
Análisis sobre los problemas sociales que acarreaba la delincuencia en la ciudad medieval de Toledo en el siglo XV. El estudio presenta un doble planteamiento. Por una parte uno puramente social, cuyo fin es sacar a la luz toda la masa de... more
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      Urban HistoryMedieval urban historyCultura y Mentalidades Baja Edad MediaHistoria medieval de España
La clerecía regular desempeñó un papel de primer orden en los conflictos de la Castilla bajomedieval. Este artículo analiza el papel de las comunidades religiosas en los conflictos internos y guerras exteriores de la Corona, tanto su... more
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      Franciscan StudiesKingship (Medieval History)Religious congregations and monastic ordersBenedictine Monasticism
In a volume dedicated to exposing and critically exploring the reception of Isidore of Seville and the complicated historiography about him, this essay brings the reader back to the very origins of the historical memory of Isidore. The... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryComparative Literature
Roger Collins, Review of Ian Wood, The Modern Origins of the Early Middle Ages, Networks and Neighbours 3.1 (2015), 48-50
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisChristianityHistory
Strategies of Skaldic Poets for Producing, Protecting, and Profiting from Capitals of Cognition and Recognition, N&N 2.2 (2014), 178-201.
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryAnthropology
El reinado de Alfonso XI representa una gran laguna en el estudio de la Baja Edad Media. A pesar de las ya clásicas publicaciones de Moxó, y del creciente número de publicaciones actuales, seguimos echando en falta una obra que englobe... more
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      Edad MediaAlfonso XI of CastileBaja Edad MediaAlfonso Xi
This essay firstly presents the Bierzo region as a geographical unit: a large basin surrounded by mountains on almost all its sides. It consequently can be described as a dual region, consisting both of fertile and relatively low areas... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryGeographyArchaeology
This paper reviews some of the most important contributions that have been made over the last forty years in the field of social conflict in the Iberian Peninsula during the Late Middle Ages (14 th-15 th centuries). It only addresses... more
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      HistoryHistoriographyEarly Middle Ages (History)Historia
The first part of Networks and Neighbours 2 is centred around the theme ‘Comparisons and Correlations’, as an idea, a philosophy and a method of early medieval History. Reading beyond borders is, in theory, a methodology admired by early... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
El próximo año 2018 se cumplirán dos décadas desde la publicación de Guerre et concurrence entre les États européens du xiv siècle au xviiie siècle, un trabajo colectivo coordinado por Philippe Contamine y editado por Presses... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesWar StudiesColonialism
This essay explores how writers on monasticism from the Visigothic period in Iberia (mainly the seventh century) conceived of the relationship between ascetic formation and the spatial organization of their communities. It suggests that,... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryEducationMedieval Literature
Versión escrita de la conferencia de Carlos Barros en la XXIX Semana de Estudios Medievales sobre "La violencia en la sociedad medieval", organizada por Amigos de la Historia Najerillense. Nájera, La Rioja, 24 de julio de 2018... more
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      Medieval HistoryConflictos SocialesEstudios sobre Violencia y ConflictoHistoria medieval de España
La mujer medieval ha tenido un papel fundamental en las relaciones internacionales, tanto de forma directa, como en el caso de María de Molina, como de forma indirecta a través de matrimonios concertados. En este contexto podemos destacar... more
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      Edad MediaCastillaAlfonso XI of CastileBaja Edad Media
Le Liber Iudiciorum, ce code réformé dans le royaume wisigothique du VII e siècle, a pendant les siècles qui ont suivi sa réalisation servi fréquemment de fondement à des écrits juridiques et historiques ainsi qu'à la rhétorique... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryLaw
This article analyses the way that the thirteenth-century Egils saga Skallagrímssonar presents the migration to Iceland of Egill’s father Grímr and grandfather Úlfr, and the creation of a settlement in the area of Borgarfjǫrðr in Western... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryComparative Literature
Espejo del alma e instrumento de comunicación y de acción política, la carta es un objeto de análisis que viene suscitando un interés creciente. Situada en el cruce de la historia y de la literatura, ofrece en efecto un campo de... more
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      Italian (European History)PortugalCorrespondenciaDiplomacia
Castros, a term used in Iberia to describe presumably defensive settlements, a.k.a. hillforts, are most commonly associated with Bronze and Iron Age material cultures. However, since the 1970s, there has been a growing recognition of the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryGeography
The traditional image of Vandal North Africa as a place of oppression, persecution, et al., has largely been shattered under the weight of modern scholarly investigation. In recent years, scholars from various fields have come together to... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesClassics
The paper is a comparative study on the aristocrats of eastern England, eastern Normandy, western Flanders and central Norway. This comparison will specifically investigate the aristocratic understanding of territory between the mid-tenth... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
Jamie Wood, Review of Peter Darby, Bede and the End of Time, Studies in Early Medieval Britain and Ireland (Farnham: Ashgate, 2012), 276 PP. ISBN: 978-1409430483. -Networks and Neighbours 3.1 (2015): 80-82.
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      HistoryMedieval LiteratureTheologyMedieval History
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      European HistoryMedieval HistoryLegal HistorySpanish History
Isabel Velázquez, Response to Visigothic Symposium I, Panel 1: Theology - Theology and Laws in Visigothic Hispania: A Diversity of Perspectives on the Analysis of the Textual Sources, Visigothic Symposia 1 (2017), pp. 252-60
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyHistoryEuropean History
[ES] Este trabajo analiza la organización defensiva que establecieron los Benavides en el sector occidental del Alto Guadalquivir durante la Baja Edad Media y, más específicamente, el territorio que formó parte de la rama iniciada con... more
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      SeñoríosNoblezaCastillos MedievalesAlto Guadalquivir
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    • Baja Edad Media
The council of Cordoba, like all other late Middle Ages Castilian councils, had to face many ordinary as well as extra ordinary expenses at the end of middle Ages. In this project, it is offered an analysis of the different payments that... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval History
La Guerra de los Cien Años arroja luz sobre distintos modelos de organización militar, estrategias, tácticas y prácticas militares, que indican que la guerra no dejó de ser un medio para la obtención de victorias políticas. Al contrario,... more
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      Medieval EnglandMedieval FranceEnglandMedieval Warfare
The aim of this article is to identify the political, social, and economic anxieties that prompted East-Anglian secular elites —at the dawn of the fourteenth century— in the commission of private devotional books whose marginalia... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval LiteratureLate Middle AgesHistory of Religion
This work is dedicated to tackles social border studies from a different perspective. The space, used as a measure of architecture, can also be applied to non-material historical objects , such as Castilian - Nazari limit. Using... more
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      Al-AndalusFrontier StudiesAl-Andalus HistoryCultura y Mentalidades Baja Edad Media
A lo largo del siglo XIV, la Corona de Castilla padeció una crisis que agudizó la inestabilidad social, originando una acumulación de tensiones que explotó en 1391, fecha considerada como el fin de la tolerancia religiosa por la violencia... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMedieval LiteratureLate Middle Ages
We tend to view Eugenius II of Toledo as the great Catholic Visigothic poet: born to an aristocratic family in Toledo, trained as a cleric there and in Zaragoza, recalled to the bishopric of his home city by the Visigothic king himself,... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryClassicsLatin Literature
Este trabajo se centra en el reino de Navarra, conquistado por Fernando el Católico en 1512. Se subraya la relación del monarca con este territorio, por ser hijo de Juan II, rey del mismo. El estudio analiza uno de los linajes que... more
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      OnomasticsFronteraPatrimonio InmaterialMedieval Defensive Structures
In this paper, I respond to the other four essays in my section 'Law' of the first Visigothic Symposium.
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
Throughout the seventh century, as Visigothic kings struggled to forge political consensus within their realms, Nicene Christianity became a critical means of conceptualizing, organizing, and integrating the Visigothic kingdom. In this... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean Studies
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      Late Middle AgesViolenceViolenciaCastilla
En los alfares turolenses activos entre los siglos XIII y XV se elaboraron una gran variedad de recipientes, tanto en formas y tipos como en el tratamiento recibido en superficie, incluyendo un elevado número de piezas con cubierta... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)Ceramica MedievaleCeramica
RESUMEN: Aunque las revueltas acaecidas desde el siglo xiii sirvieron sobre todo para instruir a las organizaciones estatales del Occidente europeo en la defensa del status quo sociopolítico, nunca se logró acallar la voz del común. Lo... more
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      Cultura y Mentalidades Baja Edad MediaMedieval RevoltsRevueltas MedievalesViolencia En La Edad Media
Claudia Rogers, "The Devil in Gregory of Tours: Spirit Intercession and the Human Body," Networks and Neighbours 2.2 (2014), 295-317.
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryFrench HistoryTheology
Medieval castles were built as basic defensive elements, reassured people's lives and protected the lands in their surroundings. But it was not always like that, and the noblemen that inhabited them -putting aside their duties and taking... more
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      Medieval HistoryGalician StudiesMedieval StudiesMedieval Iberian History