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      Environmental EngineeringMiningFly AshStowing
In Belgium, it is planned to dispose of long-lived and high-level waste in an underground facility. After disposal of the waste, the galleries will be back¬filled to provide stability to the galleries and to limit the amount of voids in... more
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      Mining EngineeringMiningMine backfillingStabilization
In Belgium, it is planned to dispose of long-lived and high-level waste in an underground facility. The galleries will be backfilled after the disposal of the waste. The backfill mainly has a mechanical function: providing stability to... more
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      Mining EngineeringMine backfillingRock Mechanics, Underground Coal Mining, Mine BackfillingBackfilling
The priority task in the mineral industry is to increase the efficiency of the exploited and infrastructure, equipment, including the creation of transport systems that have high performance while reducing the cost of transporting mineral... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringGeotechnologiesMinesPipelines
The Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and En-riched Fissile Materials, ONDRAF/NIRAS, proposes to develop a geological disposal facility for the long term management of category B waste and category C waste. Without any preconceived... more
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      Transport LogisticsTransportation StudiesTransport PlanningModeling and Simulation
Backfilling and sealing are integral parts of the multi barrier concept of a geological disposal facility (GDF). General tasks of the backfill are to stabilize openings, to minimize the void volume that can be filled with water or brines,... more
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      Mine backfillingRepositoryBackfillingBackfilling Technologies
The priority task in the mineral industry is to increase the efficiency of the exploited and infrastructure, equipment, including the creation of transport systems that have high performance while reducing the cost of transporting mineral... more
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The Belgian radioactive waste management agency ONDRAF-NIRAS plans to dispose of long-lived and high-level radioactive waste in galleries of an underground repository constructed in clay. For stabilization purposes the disposal concept... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringMine backfillingWaste DisposalRepository
To optimize or restore the barrier function of different host rocks or backfill materials, BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH developed injection materials and grouting techniques to seal any cavities in rocks or backfill materials. In order to... more
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      Permeation GroutingGroutingRock saltGeological Disposal Radioactive Wastes
Sinds 1933 wint AkzoNobel zout uit ondergrondse voorraden in de nabije omgeving van Hengelo en Enschede. Hierdoor zijn ruim 200 ondergrondse holtes (cavernes) ontstaan. Van deze cavernes voldoen er 63 niet aan de huidige regels ter... more
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      GeologyGeotechnical EngineeringSubsidenceEngineering Geology
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      MiningOil ShaleEstoniaAggregates