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In Belgium, it is planned to dispose of long-lived and high-level waste in an underground facility. After disposal of the waste, the galleries will be back¬filled to provide stability to the galleries and to limit the amount of voids in... more
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      Mining EngineeringMiningMine backfillingStabilization
The Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and En-riched Fissile Materials, ONDRAF/NIRAS, proposes to develop a geological disposal facility for the long term management of category B waste and category C waste. Without any preconceived... more
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      Transport LogisticsTransportation StudiesTransport PlanningModeling and Simulation
Backfilling and sealing are integral parts of the multi barrier concept of a geological disposal facility (GDF). General tasks of the backfill are to stabilize openings, to minimize the void volume that can be filled with water or brines,... more
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      Mine backfillingRepositoryBackfillingBackfilling Technologies
The Belgian radioactive waste management agency ONDRAF-NIRAS plans to dispose of long-lived and high-level radioactive waste in galleries of an underground repository constructed in clay. For stabilization purposes the disposal concept... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringMine backfillingWaste DisposalRepository