Attributional Style
Recent papers in Attributional Style
This study was conducted in order to determine if members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) make attributions consistent with the idea that wealth and righteousness are related. Results indicated that Church... more
Se aborda el estudio y edición crítica de una extensa Salve Regina a cuatro voces conservada en la Catedral de Puebla, que ha sido atribuida a Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611), pero que no coincide con ninguna de las versiones... more
The present study attempts to investigate various psychological correlates of happiness in a group of non clinical population. Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, Attributional Style Questionnaire, Presumptive stressful life events scale, Neo... more
We examined the distinctiveness of three ‘‘positive thinking’’ variables (self-esteem, trait hope, and positive attributional style) in predicting future high school grades, teacher-rated adjustment, and students’ reports of their... more
The existing findings on the relationship between optimism and academic performance are rather contradictory. Two studies were undertaken to investigate the relationship between attributional style, well-being and academic performance. A... more
Growing evidence has demonstrated cultural differences in cognitive processes. Whereas individuals living in interdependent social worlds, as illustrated by East Asian cultures, have been shown to have a more holistic cognitive style,... more
The present study explored the relationship between Machiavellianism and counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) through the lens of the social exchange theory. The present research further aimed at exploring the relationship between the... more
Introduction. Nowadays, self-regulated learning has become an important focus in research and a large number of studies have been undergone about self-regulation, school achievement and motivation of learning, but few researches has been... more
The focus of this research is on investigating EFL learners' attributions on success and failure with respect to the socioeconomic status of the participants. Attributions of 204 EFL students having different socioeconomic status (SES)... more
Internal attribution for bad events, along with stable and global attributions, has been regarded as a component of pessimism, a precursor of negative work outcomes. Most evidence in support of this conceptualization has come from... more
often reveal a poor meta-cognitive system, with low levels of attribution to internal factors like diligence and personal skills, and high levels of attribution to external factors like ease of task, luck or help from others.
The purpose of the present study was to examine further the cognitive correlates that reflect the suspicious and antagonistic nature of cognitive hostility in a non-clinical sample. The pattern of results suggests that cognitive hostility... more
This paper examines the relationships between self-identified crowd membership, attributional char- acteristics, and perceptions of parental style among students in their first year of high school (N 1⁄4 893). The aim was to assess the... more
Este artigo integra a dissertação de mestrado: Estilos Parentais, Estilos Atribucionais e Bem-Estar Psicológico em Adultos Jovens. Mariana Boeckel. Apoio da agência financiadora CAPES.
В статье исследуется графико-орфографическая система одного из ранних русских списков XV в. Метафрастова жития св. Николая Мирликийского. В данном списке последовательно отражены явления, возникшие под влиянием южнославянского протографа... more
Цел: Целта на този доклад е да представи предварителни резултати от адаптацията на Въпросник за атрибутивен стил (ВАС; Attributional Style Questionnaire, Peterson et al., 1982) на български език и да предостави информация относно неговите... more
Christie & Gies (1970) defined Machiavellian as a person who has a cynical worldview, amoral orientation, and uses manipulative tactics to get work done in their favour. Later, Dahling, Whitaker, and Levy (2009) added new dimensions to... more
We investigated the effects of long-term exposure to literary and popular fiction on attribu-tional complexity, egocentric bias and accuracy. Results of a pre-registered study showed that exposure to literary fiction is positively... more
"A type of dagger with crescent shape guards is known from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron Age II, mainly in Iran. The guard of these daggers changed from a functional attribute in the Late Bronze Age to a decorative one in the Iron Age... more
Background: An NIMH workshop has identified 5 key domains of social cognition that are at a deficit in people with schizophrenia (Green et al., 2008). These include emotion processing, theory of mind, attributional style, social... more
We investigated the effects of long-term exposure to literary and popular fiction on attribu-tional complexity, egocentric bias and accuracy. Results of a pre-registered study showed that exposure to literary fiction is positively... more
often reveal a poor meta-cognitive system, with low levels of attribution to internal factors like diligence and personal skills, and high levels of attribution to external factors like ease of task, luck or help from others.
We investigated the effects of long-term exposure to literary and popular fiction on attributional complexity, egocentric bias and accuracy. Results of a pre-registered study showed that exposure to literary fiction is positively... more
We investigated the effects of long-term exposure to literary and popular fiction on attribu-tional complexity, egocentric bias and accuracy. Results of a pre-registered study showed that exposure to literary fiction is positively... more
Partindo da premissa de que a família possui tarefas essenciais para a formação e o desenvolvimento dos seus membros, o presente estudo buscou identificar as correlações existentes entre as estratégias educacionais, estilos atribucionais... more
Este artigo integra a dissertação de mestrado: Estilos Parentais, Estilos Atribucionais e Bem-Estar Psicológico em Adultos Jovens. Mariana Boeckel. Apoio da agência financiadora CAPES.
На основе изучения атрибутивного стиля коренного и некоренного населения Республики Коми и Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа выдвигается предположение, что показываемые ненецкими под- ростками низкие стабильность и глобальность оценок... more
Presents shyness research in a framework that is organized in terms of the shy person's self-concept; structural model of dimensions of self-esteem; examines the dynamics of shyness as revealed in self-concept processes, such as... more
Episodes of failure provide an interesting arena for the observation of alternative interpretations of organizational events. The social psychology literature suggests that individuals tend to attribute failure to external forces and that... more