Attitudes Towards Homosexuality
Recent papers in Attitudes Towards Homosexuality
This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more
This paper looks at the most significant OT an NT references connected with the issue of homosexuality. Each text is analyzed taking into account the progress of revelation and authorial intent.
De ophef over het boek dat islamitische basisscholen gebruiken voor lessen over seksuele voorlichting, laat de spanning zien tussen tolerantie voor religie en voor homoseksualiteit, schrijft Jan Waszink.
Recent sociaalpsychologisch onderzoek naar de relatie tussen opvattingen over aard en oorsprong van homoseksualiteit en attitudes ten aanzien van homoseksuelen en homoseksualiteit, heeft enkele niet altijd gemakkelijk te interpreteren... more
"Few people would disagree with Cicero's graceful insight that: 'They seem to take the sun out of the world who take friendship out of life; for we have nothing better from the immortal gods, nothing more pleasant than friendship'. And... more
En février 1873, les journaux parisiens crient haut et fort les crimes commis par la Bande des casquettes noires dont le chef, Gaston Gélinier, nʼa que quatorze ans. Parmi les membres de la bande, on trouve Auguste Touzard, un employé... more
Matthew Bell defends Jean-Paul Sartre against Terri Murray. Murray’s rebuttal of Sartre is undermined by a failure to distinguish two senses of “cowardice” and “homosexuality.” This leads Murray to misinterpret Sartre. When the terms are... more
This field research conducted in the fall of 2011 presents an organizational study of how the principles and practice of democracy work at the local level within a major progressive religious organization during a time of turmoil and... more
G. Burgio, Adolescenza e violenza. Il bullismo omofobico come formazione alla maschilità, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2012, pp. 250
Como uma certa psicanálise fala das homossexualidades? Como psicanalistas consideram a diversidade sexual? Podemos, enquanto psicanalistas inseridos na historicidade da nossa clínica, continuar usando categorias pretensamente universais... more
We cannot expect to get into the way of continuous development while we are following a system of education which depends on the borrowing of an alien physiology, psychology and sociology, a system of education which is based on eschewing... more
Presentación de la ponencia realizada el 19 de mayo de 2021.
Der Skandal um Fürst Eulenburg, den besten Freund und zeitweise wichtigsten Berater Kaiser Wilhelms II., erschütterte seit 1906 die Monarchie. Anhand zahlreicher Quellen, darunter rund 5000 Presseartikel, geht Norman Domeier dem Skandal... more
Il testo vuole incarnare una possibile mediazione tra universi culturali lontani ed essere una lettura propedeutica per chi intenda addentrarsi nella tematica, lasciando che la fede cristiana s’interroghi liberamente sul ‘gender’. Un... more
This study is an attempt to identify the factors which affect consumers in purchasing toiletries products in Khulna City, Bangladesh. Data were collected from Consumers of the city using structured questionnaire. More or less a random... more
5 Mert víz re vá gyik mind, ki tik kadt ked vét hogy meg ned ve sít se: for rás ra lel, le ül egy kõ re -az tán ki tud ja, mi lesz be lõ le, ha már ivott! Kö szö net nyil vá ní tás Ez a könyv 2002-ben meg vé dett dok to ri dis szer tá ci... more
This paper examines how homosexuality is represented in the Ghanaian media. More specifically, it focuses on newspaper articles from GhanaWeb for the years 2008-2011. The Ghana Web is an online news portal, which serves as repository... more
Commentators have suggested that Nella Larsen’s Passing rejects the view that there is some sort of black essence. I want to challenge this reading. Since Irene is the most vocal advocate of an essence in respect to which all blacks are... more
Widely accepted scholarship and public discourse has argued the black church is the driving force behind blacks’ conservative Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered (LGBT) attitudes. Utilizing the General Social Survey from 2004-2010, we... more
Se ha discutido bastante el índole del "buen amor" juanruizano, sin llegar a una conclusión aceptada. Este trabajo propone por primera vez que el amor que condena es el dirigido a muchachos (donceles, garçones). En su lugar recomiende a... more
“Really, when it comes to gay rights, there's two wars going on. The first war is political. But the cultural war is over.” Dan Savage Yes, the culture war is, theoretically, over. In the public sphere, except for the abandon of... more
Presentación de la ponencia realizada del 26 al 29 de mayo de 2021.
This paper aims to present the subordination of indigenous homosexuality in Brazil as an inherent part of the settlement, making use of the contributions of two-spirit authors. It brings the literature on the Brazilian indigenous peoples,... more
WHAT JESUS WOULD SAY TO SAME-SEX COUPLES by Aaron Milavec I am angry. First and foremost, I am angry at the cowardice that kept me silent for over twenty-five years while I was being honored as one of the best and brightest... more
Koncepcja paniki moralnej w jej "klasycznym" wydaniu, zaproponowanym przez Stanleya Cohena w 1972 roku, jest niewystarczająca do opisu nowego typu panik moralnych, takich jak sprzeciw wobec jawnej obecności gejów i lesbijek w przestrzeni... more
A discussion of morality as relative and socially constructed, using homosexuality in the UK as an example of changing conceptions of ‘deviant’ behaviour from both psychiatry and law.
This research critically examines the homophobic reactions and discourses of a group of young men protesting against the first public admitted case of a male homosexuality in Albania. The aim of this study is to show how Albanian... more
L’ouvrage est à présent vendu par GayKitschCamp : This new critical and complete edition of the Novel of an invert, includes the previously censored... more
Los trabajos que componen el presente libro son el resultado de más de un año de estudio y reflexión realizado por diversas iglesias de la Iglesia Evangélica Española (en adelante IEE), pertenecientes a los presbiterios de Cataluña,... more
En ningún otro país occidental la homosexualidad (actos sexuales entre varones) ha contribuido a la formación del concepto de la nación.
Has the term "camp" become synonymous with "gay" in recent British sitcoms?
Se comparan dos libros que tratan la homosexualidad de Federico. El libro de Sahuquillo es mucho más recomendable que el de Binding.
Nowadays, Malaysian was curious about the issues of homosexuality, but many of them do not really understand homosexuality and making them become disrespect and intolerance toward homosexual people. Hence, this study was aimed to examine... more
The list of forbidden unions in Leviticus 18 reflects comprehensive revision that obscures its original character. The motive for reworking this passage was to reverse the original text's implicit sanctioning of male same-sex intercourse.... more
Après l’adoption du mariage pour tous, les mouvements réactionnaires ont orchestré une vaste campagne contre la théorie du genre, dangereuse propagande venue tout droit des campus américains ! Bruno Perreau démontre que cette... more
Am Fear Aona-Ghnèithach air Iomall na Dearbh-Aithne Gàidhealaiche agus Dàintean Roghnaichte le Crìsdean MacIlle-Bhàin
The Homosexual Man on the Periphery of Gaelic Identity and Selected Poems by Christopher Whyte
The Homosexual Man on the Periphery of Gaelic Identity and Selected Poems by Christopher Whyte
Stressing that the pronoun "I" picks out one and only one person in the world (i.e., me), I argue against Hunt (and other like-minded Rand commentators) that the supposed "hard case" of destructive people who do not care for their own... more