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This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 11481 “[email protected]”. Research on [email protected] seeks to extend the applicability of models and abstractions to the runtime environment, with the goal of... more
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A smartphone and a strong Internet connection are what every tech-savvy customer's need to meet the full spectrum of his / her everyday needs. The on-demand taxi service is a phenomenon that has changed the habit of a huge proportion of... more
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Safety-Critical Systems”, was originally published in
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      TrustSafetySoftwareSafety Critical Systems
In order to achieve their mission, the vision of all hotels is delivering quality services to satisfy their customers who are consuming the services of the hotels. The main objective of this study is to analyze the effect of service... more
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Requirements for initiating, planning, controlling, and executing the Software Quality Assurance processes of a software development or maintenance project are established in this standard. This standard is harmonized with the software... more
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      ManagementSoftware EngineeringQualityContract
Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the supply and demand side of sustainability assurance in Bangladesh. Design/methodology/approach – Drawing on signalling theory, a logistic regression model is used for a sample of 100 of the... more
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      BangladeshAssuranceSignalling TheorySustainability disclosure
Fulfilling customers' expectations is important to prove their loyalty in the market. Therefore, this study is conducted to examine the effect of service quality on customer loyalty at selected Hotels in Hawassa, Ethiopia. The study... more
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_______________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT— The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the affect of service quality dimensions on the customers' satisfaction in Telecommunication companies... more
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      Service QualityPerformanceCustomer SatisfactionYemen
Abstract Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the supply and demand side of sustainability assurance in Bangladesh. Design/methodology/approach – Drawing on signalling theory, a logistic regression model is used for a sample of 100 of... more
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      BiodiversityIntegrated ReportingAssuranceCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Performance measurement provides an objective basis for evaluating how efficiently public resources are being used and how effectively public service outcomes are being achieved. It is a process used to support government selfanalysis and... more
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      Performance ManagementGovernancePerformance MeasurementRisk Management
Managing risks are crucial in all fields. Information technology risks pose more threats to organisations in three categories: 1) technical and operational risk; 2) data and information security risk; and 3) organisation, project and... more
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      Performance ManagementGovernanceBankingPerformance Measurement
Recently, advances in IT have exposed the IT departments, infrastructures, functions and services to more threats from internal and external risks. These threats can be detrimental to not only technical aspects but also the data and... more
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      Performance ManagementGovernancePerformance MeasurementRisk Management
Étude comparative
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    • Assurance
Please spread the word about OpenTuition, so that all ACCA students can benefit.
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étude de la création de la catégorie des contrats aléatoires à travers l'analyse du contrat de jeu
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      ConditionContrats AléatoiresAssuranceCause
The research reported in this thesis was on "Impact of Service Quality on CS in an Airline Industry". The purpose of research was to study the service quality impact of Pakistani Airlines on the customer satisfaction and to suggest... more
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      Customer SatisfactionEmpathyResponsivenessReliability
This study examines the antecedents of customer switching behaviour in Nigerian banking industry. Customer switching behavior in deposit money banks has become an important issue for discussion among the researchers, policy makers and... more
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      MarketingMarketing ResearchNigeriaWord of Mouth
In order to achieve their mission, the vision of all hotels is delivering quality services to satisfy their customers who are consuming the services of the hotels. The main objective of this study is to analyze the effect of service... more
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The activities of the construction industry are vital to the achievement of national socioeconomic development goals of providing shelter, infrastructure, and employment. The sector accounts for five percent of the gross domestic product... more
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      QualityProject ManagementPublicContractors
The customer always expects a potentially great service from any business deal. The evaluation of service quality becomes quintessential in understanding the effectiveness of the service provided by the trader. Keeping this aspect in... more
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      Service QualityEmpathyResponsivenessReliability
Le contexte de changement global dans les rapports entre acteurs de la consommation caractérisé par l'eff acement des frontières entre l'écono-mique et le social préfi gure une transformation du lien social et pose la question de la... more
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      Lien SocialReconnaissanceAssuranceDON
In today’s generation service quality in both private as well as public banks are treated as most important factor and asset for satisfying customer which indeed increases the customer loyalty and retention rate of customers. The aim of... more
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      Service QualityCustomer SatisfactionBanking SectorAssurance
In tandem with the evolution of reporting, this paper highlights the extent to which the content of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability assurance reports in Malaysia addressed the key elements of the requirements of... more
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      BusinessCorporate Social ResponsibilityMalaysiaStandard
Financial scandals have highlighted the need for greater corporate transparency. Thus, corporate governance has emerged as an instrument for corporations to fulfil their social responsibility by offering more reliable information to their... more
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      Corporate GovernanceAssurance
As adversaries develop Information Warfare capabilities, the threat of information system subversion presents a significant risk. System subversion will be defined and characterized as a warfare tool. Through recent security incidents, it... more
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      Information SystemsComputer NetworksInformation WarfareSubversion
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      Organizational BehaviorMarketingBusiness EthicsServices
Across the world, regulators and government agencies are increasingly implementing XBRL for regulatory filings. At the same time, the increasing global adoption of XBRL and its potential to replace traditional formats for business... more
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      Key wordsAssurance
The subject of the thesis for the doctor’s degree “Contribution to perfecting control performance within the insurance system” is meant to turn to account the experience provided by the life in the insurance controlled activity and the... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceInsurance LawAssuranceAsigurari
We extend the separation kernel abstraction to represent the enforcement of the principle of least privilege. In addition to the inter-block flow control policy prescribed by the traditional separation kernel paradigm, we describe an... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer SecurityFlow ControlCryptography and Network Security
Abstract: The market of organic products in Europe is generally expanding. The organic food production has been strictly regulated in the European Union. Particular competence requirements need to be developed not only to achieve economic... more
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Directors and boards can be supported by a network of internal functions such as internal audit, risk and compliance, particularly in relation to assurance. There are various factors they should consider, questions they could ask and... more
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      ManagementProfessionalismAccountabilityCorporate Governance
In the United States, a movement toward project-based freshman engineering curricula began in ngineering Education Coalitions. This movement continues at Universities across the country. At Louisiana Tech University, we began our own... more
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    • Assurance
Depending on the abstraction level, IT governance can be viewed as a framework, methodology, or technique. As a framework, IT governance enables a “system of controls” assisting in assuring organizational goals and objectives are achieved... more
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      Performance ManagementGovernancePerformance MeasurementRisk Management
Persistent teacher shortages have led states to promulgate policies to support alternative pathways into teaching and hence supplement supply. Such alternatives may differ from traditional preparation in many ways, but each tends to tap... more
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      Special EducationSpecial Education Teacher EducationTeacher PreparationAssurance
A smartphone and a strong Internet connection are what every tech-savvy customer's need to meet the full spectrum of his / her everyday needs. The on-demand taxi service is a phenomenon that has changed the habit of a huge proportion of... more
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    • Assurance