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By Harold Linton, Farsi translation by Tarlan Sedigh & Torkan Sedigh (first ed.: 2020) (Tehran: YAZDA Publication)
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchaeologyUrban PlanningUrbanism
In the sociology of the city, housing, urban planning and architecture, the question of whether residents with differing income and property levels should be separated is one of the central and debatable issues. Since both strategies are... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban SociologySustainable ArchitectureArchitectural Sociology
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      ArchitectureUrban StudiesMobilities StudiesArchitectural Sociology
Chapter 13: Emotions in Sports Stadia1 Mike S. Schäfer and Jochen Roose The ball changed possession, moving fast from one end of the field to the other. The tension mounted; it became almost unbearable. People forgot where they were... more
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      EmotionSociology of EmotionMichel FoucaultFandom
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryModern ArchitectureArchitectural Sociology
Archaeology, as the discipline that searches to explain the development of society by means of material remains, has been avoiding the big issues involved with its research agenda. The topic of social evolution is concealed by anxiety... more
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      Social TheoryGeographyHuman GeographyHistorical Geography
"Archaeology, as the discipline that searches to explain the development of society by means of material remains, has been avoiding the big issues involved with its research agenda. The topic of social evolution is concealed by anxiety... more
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      Social TheoryHuman GeographyHistorical GeographyArchaeology
The Dissertation is a theoretical research into the architects' understanding of what the basic social phenomena are in Russian and foreign architectural texts and projects. The main role of the concepts of 'man' is shown. Depending on... more
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      Architectural TheoryArchitectural SociologyDoctoral thesisHousing and Residential Architecture
The complexity of the relationship and interplay of social and architectural spaces raises question about the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. Sociology of architecture allows to trace the social representation within... more
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      Gender StudiesArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Sociology
In the context of ongoing economic and environmental crises, “social architecture” has gained traction as a description of those practices that seek to challenge the dominant professional model of capital-intensive, client-dependent... more
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      Conversation AnalysisActor Network TheoryUrban SociologyArchitectural Sociology
The CCA presents a curatorial project by Francesco Garutti based on the controversial story of the planning and politics of the bridges that span the parkways of Long Island, New York.
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      Landscape ArchitectureUrban StudiesNational ParksHistory of Environmental design and Science in Architecture
In the Tisza region, at the northern periphery of the tell cultures, large settlements characterised by combinations of tells, flat settlements, and enclosures emerged between 5300–4450 BCE. Here, the development of one such site, Borđoš... more
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      Settlement PatternsNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologySocial Archaeology
Der Beitrag untersucht das Überschneidungsfeld zwischen Architektursoziologie und Prähistorischer Archäologie und plädiert für eine programmatische Zusammenarbeit zwischen diesen Disziplinen. So sehr sich die Erkenntnisziele und Theorien... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryArchitectural SociologySettlement archaeology
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      SociologyAnthropologyArchitectureVernacular Typology Studies
Architects are reemphasizing their social mission and creating new forms of ‘social architecture,’ which has elsewhere been categorized as ‘activist,’ ‘humanitarian,’ ‘progressive,’ and ‘public interest.’ This present form of social... more
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      ArchitectureActor Network TheorySlavoj ŽižekArchitectural Sociology
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      Heritage ConservationVernacular ArchitectureArchitectural TheoryArchitectural Conservation
The article highlights the architectural and design developments in the residential architecture of the late XIX – 1st half of XX centuries, that reflect the sociallyconstructed identity of woman. Examples of gender-oriented theoretical... more
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      Gender StudiesArchitectureArchitectural HistoryFeminism
This volume aims at shedding light on the city of Delhi and its surroundings by looking closely at the different architectures of the city. Architecture here is broadly understood. It includes places of worship and street bazaars; slums,... more
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      AnthropologyArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Sociology
Problem sosial di perkotaan seperti di kota-kota terutama, konflik sosial, kekerasan, kerusuhan sosial, vandalisme, alienasi, anomie, apatisme (ketidakpedulian) sosial, dan kriminalitas, merupakan realitas yang semakin tampak sebagai... more
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      Architectural SociologySociology of Architecture
In this article, Michael Guggenheim analyzes architectural writing on the change of use of buildings published since the early 1970s. He shows that, in its sum, this literature fails its object because the process of change of use cannot... more
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      ArchitectureHeritage StudiesHeritage ConservationVernacular Architecture
Since the dawn of the oil era, cities in Saudi Arabia have witnessed rapid growth and profound societal changes. As a response to foreign architectural solutions and the increasing popularity of Western lifestyles, a distinct style of... more
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      Gender StudiesMiddle East StudiesGulf StudiesPrivacy
Social problems in urban areas such as social conflicts, violence, vandalism, social intolerance, negative prejudice, alienation, criminality, and more relationships based on cost-benefit transaction, are some symptoms that emerge as the... more
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      Architectural SociologySociology of Architecture
In der Hochhaus-Studie wird ein endloser Zopf geflochten aus episodischen Beobachtungen, vorwiegend aus Frankreich stammen Theorieanleihen und ersten Ansätzen einer Soziologie der Kritik. Dieses Geflecht sollte auch in der Zukunft ein... more
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      Urban StudiesEthnographic fieldwork- High-rise building (Architecture)Urban Design (Urban Studies)
Jede Gesellschaft ist in ihrer politischen Verfasstheit auf eine je spezifische Architektur angewiesen, auf bestimmte Bautypen und die von ihr gebildeten Räume . Mehr noch: das Politische einer Gesellschaft ist vielleicht -adäquat,... more
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      Social TheoryArchitectural Sociology
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      SociologyFunctional ProgrammingAnthropologyArchitecture
The diversity of Delhi is one of a kind. A panoply of collectives inhabits it, sometimes consolidating physically in specific all-inclusive quarters throughout the city with a village-like character to them. As a matter of fact, the city... more
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      AnthropologyArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Sociology
Zusammenfassung In der Theiß-Region an der nördlichen Peripherie der südosteuropäischen Tellkulturen beobachten wir zwischen 5300 und 4450 v. u. Z. das Auftreten großer bevölkerungsreicher Siedlungen, die durch die Kombinationen... more
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      ArchaeologySettlement PatternsNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
Zusammenfassung In der Theiß-Region an der nördlichen Peripherie der südosteuropäischen Tellkulturen beobachten wir zwischen 5300 und 4450 v. u. Z. das Auftreten großer bevölkerungsreicher Siedlungen, die durch die Kombinationen... more
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      GeographyArchaeologySettlement PatternsNeolithic Archaeology
This is an introductory text to the study of relations between society, architecture and residential urban environment. Society is considered from two connected perspectives. First, as a dweller and an architect's client. Second, as a... more
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      Architectural EducationArchitectural TheoryArchitectural SociologySocial and Psychological Dimensions of Architecture
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      SociologyArchitectureActor Network TheorySlavoj Žižek
In the Tisza region, at the northern periphery of the tell cultures, large settlements characterised by combinations of tells, flat settlements, and enclosures emerged between 5300–4450 BCE. Here, the development of one such site, Borđoš... more
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      ArchaeologySettlement PatternsNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
The complexity of the relationship and interplay of social and architectural spaces raises question about the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. Sociology of architecture allows to trace the social representation within... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesArchitectureArchitectural History
Which transformations does collective life experience, when nomadic people are systematically territorialized, settled for instance on the urban periphery of Ulan-Bator in Mongolia? Or which alterations does society undergo in the case... more
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      SociologyArchitectureComparative StudyArchitectural Sociology
This volume aims at shedding light on the city of Delhi and its surroundings by looking closely at the different architectures of the city. Architecture here is broadly understood. It includes places of worship and street bazaars; slums,... more
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      AnthropologyArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Sociology
In organization studies, office architecture is mostly seen as an instrument for control and productivity. By taking into account the temporality of architecture within labour relations, an imagined dimension of the organization’s built... more
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      Economic SociologyFuture StudiesSociology of OrganizationsCapitalism
The contribution addresses architects’ business strategies in different contexts of financialized capitalism. Specifically it asks what scope of action architects have to accomplish what their profession demands according to new... more
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      Economic SociologyArchitectural SociologyBusiness Management
Die vor wenigen Jahren etablierte Disziplin der Architektursoziologie richtete ihren Blick bislang hauptsächlich auf moderne und postmoderne Gesellschaften. Das Ziel des vorliegenden Bandes besteht darin, eine Brücke zu vormodernen, so... more
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      Space and PlaceAnthropology of spaceArchitectural Sociology
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      Actor Network TheoryComputer NetworksLuhmannSocial Systems Theory