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Considering the producers and consumers, one of the fastest-growing industries in the world today is the video game industry. Video games have become an important marketing product with the combined use of art, design, architecture,... more
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      EducationVideo Games and LearningVideo GamesArchitectural Education
Günümüzde diğer her alanda olduğu gibi mimarlıkta da yaşanan hızlı değişim ve dönüşüm süreci mimarlık düşüncesi ve pratiğini zorlu koşullarla karşı karşıya getirmektedir. Kentsel mimari peyzaj i çevre, imar, şehircilik, kentsel tasarım,... more
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      Architectural EducationArchitectural Design Studio
Mekândan söz etmek, mekânın üretiminde rol oynayan tüm aktörleri ve süreçleri bütünsel değerlendirmeyi gerektirir. Mekânın üretiminde rol oynayan aktörler ise sadece insanlar değil. Son yıllarda yaşanan salgınlar ve küresel iklim... more
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      NatureMardinSokak hayvanlarıArchitectural Design Studio
Architectural knowledge has a dynamic character and can be discovered collectively during architectural education. The place of this discovery and production process can be considered as the "studio" and this studio doesn't have to be... more
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      EngineeringArchitectural EducationAtmosphereArchitectural Design Pedagogy
Mimarlık eğitiminin en önemli parçası olan mimari tasarım stüdyosu, 1960’lı yıllardan bu yana hem toplumsal hem de mekânsal sorunlara eğilmeye çalışıyor. Özgürleştirici bir mekân olarak kurgulanmaya çalışılan mimari tasarım stüdyosu,... more
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      Architectural EducationDesign pedagogyFeminist PedagogiesFeminist Pedagogy (Women s Studies)
HOW SHALL WE TEACH ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN? ISSUES RELATED TO FORM ARTICULATIONS Prof. Dr. Şengül Öymen Gür T.C. Beykent Üniversitesi Every fifty years or so, the design professors face a conundrum of teaching design in the studios.... more
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      Reflective TeachingArchitectural DesignArchitectural Design Studio
This paper aims to briefly assess the potentials and limits of online learning environment for studio education by focusing on the case of 2019-20 spring semester studio of Introduction to Architectural Design course at Middle East... more
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      ArchitectureArchitecture EducationArchitectural Design StudioEmergency Distance Education
İzmit (Kocaeli) is " transit " city at the intersection of routes opening to Anatolia; a " heavy industry " city, due to its highway-railway-seaway infrastructure and proximity to Istanbul; and a " historical " city with a 3000-year... more
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      IzmitRevitalizationArchitectural Studio Designİzmit Tarihi
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      ArchitectureArchitectural EducationArchitectural DesignArchitectural Education- Issues In Teaching Architectural Design
This paper takes on a long been used design education approach, learning from the precedents, to tackle the earlier uncertainty of Covid19 lockdowns. Architecture Making Trivia is a four-session online workshop with first-year design... more
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      Design educationArchitectural PrecedentsArchitectural Design Studioonline design studio
Architecture is a profession that requires collaboration among professionals from various fields. Despite the important nature of these interdisciplinary collaborations, architecture students rarely obtain the opportunity to learn about... more
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      Building Information Modeling (BIM) (Architecture)BIM EducationArchitectural Studio DesignInterdisciplinary Collaboration
Architectural knowledge has a dynamic character and can be discovered collectively during architectural education. The place of this discovery and production process can be considered as the “studio” and this studio doesn’t have to be... more
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      Architectural EducationAtmosphereArchitectural Design PedagogyIstanbul
Using computational design methods, this study aims to analyze the effects of an integrated design process model on the ecological awareness of architectural students, and on their ability to incorporate ecological issues in their design... more
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      Computer ScienceEcological DesignComputer Aided DesignArchitectural Education
The case study will examine online and face-to-face learning experiences of the two different groups of students who have never been enrolled in an interior design studio, where they see their classmates and encounter an "interior... more
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      Interior DesignVirtual Design StudioDesign StudioDesign Studio Teaching
This paper is presented in EAAE Annual Conference entitled ‘The Hidden School’ took place in Zagreb from August 28th to August 31st 2019. ISBN: 978-94-6366-196-6
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      ArchitectureDesign educationPedagogyDesign Studio
Forum of the Scientific Society of Italian professors of Architectural Design
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      Teaching Methods in Architectural DesignArchitectural Design Studio
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to discover the efficiency of cooperative learning approach in architectural design education. The study was conducted with 23 architecture students from the first and third year students in... more
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      Qualitative Research MethodsCooperative LearningArchitectural Design Studio